赵海燕,方小明,王 军,巨浩羽,张月敬,陈兴付,张 茜,刘嫣红,高振江,肖红伟※
(1. 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083;2. 中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所100093;3. 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,石河子 832000)
赵海燕1,方小明2,王 军1,巨浩羽1,张月敬1,陈兴付1,张 茜3,刘嫣红1,高振江1,肖红伟1※
(1. 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083;2. 中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所100093;3. 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,石河子 832000)
为了提高切片茄子的干制品质、缩短干燥时间,对热风干燥前的切片茄子进行了乙醇浸渍处理。以不同干燥温度(45、55、65℃)、预处理乙醇体积分数(0、5%、15%)和茄子切片厚度(1.0、1.5、2.0 cm)为试验因素,以干燥时间及干燥后产品的干燥速率、色泽、复水比和微观结构为评价指标进行正交试验。试验结果表明:干燥温度、乙醇体积分数和切片厚度对干燥时间均有显著影响(P<0.05);综合评价的影响顺序由大到小依次为:切片厚度>干燥温度>乙醇体积分数;切片茄子的干燥过程属于降速干燥,通过费克第二定律得到切片茄子的水分有效扩散系数在2.74×10-9~7.75×10-9m2/s;切片厚度对干燥后茄子片的复水比有显著影响(P<0.05),复水比随着切片厚度的增加而减少;乙醇体积分数对干燥后茄子片的色泽具有显著影响(P<0.05),而且可以改变干燥后茄子的微观结构改善物料外观品质。当乙醇体积分数为15%、干燥温度为65℃、切片厚度为1.0 cm时,干燥时间为225 min,复水比为4.93,明亮度为88.24,既有较快的干燥速率又能够得到比较好的色泽。研究表明适宜体积分数的乙醇浸渍预处理能够提高切片茄子的干燥速率、改善色泽,为高品质切片茄子快速干燥提供了理论依据。
0 引言
干燥脱水是茄子加工的主要方式之一[3]。然而,干燥时间长、干燥后产品色泽差是切片茄子干燥中存在的主要问题。茄子中含有大量的过氧化物酶[4],切片茄子在空气中极易发生酶促褐变,导致干制品色泽差,影响其感官品质。同时,目前茄子干燥大多采用自然晾晒方式,干燥时间长,一般需要3~4 d,干燥过程中易受天气、灰尘、虫鸟、微生物等因素的影响,干燥品质差。Zhang 等[5]和Ertekin等[6]对茄子干燥特性和品质进行了相关研究,然而均未得到干燥速率快且品质较优的干燥茄子片。因此,提高切片茄子的干燥速率、改善干燥品质尤其是色泽势在必行。
因此,为解决茄子干燥过程中存在的干燥时间长、色泽劣变等突出问题,本研究将乙醇浸渍处理应用于切片茄子的促干和护色。在前期单因素研究的基础上,结合热风干燥技术,研究了不同干燥温度(45、55、65℃)、乙醇预处理体积分数(0、5%、15%)和切片厚度(1.0、1.5、2.0 cm)对切片茄子干燥特性、色泽和复水比的影响,以期为茄子干燥加工新技术的研究开发提供理论依据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验装置及工作原理
图1 温湿度控制内循环热风干燥机总体结构示意图Fig.1 Schematic diagram of hot air internal recycle dryer based on being controlled temperature and humidity
其他仪器设备:YP型电子天平(上海精科天平,0.1 g),FZQ-400/2D型真空包装机(北京市天月缘包装机械有限公司),DHG-9140A型电热恒温鼓风干燥箱(上海一恒科技有限公司);SMY-2000SF型色差仪;干燥器、培养皿、烧杯若干。
1.2 试验原料
试验所用原料是新鲜的紫色长茄子(品种:朗高),购于北京当地农贸市场,平均长度(20±1)cm,直径(4.5±0.5)cm,平均质量(190±5)g/个,平均湿基含水率94%(含水率用105℃、24 h烘干法测定)。试验前将紫色长茄放入聚乙烯袋内并置于(5±1)℃下保存。
1.3 试验方法
根据前期试验及相关文献[23-24]报道,选择干燥温度(45、55、65℃)、乙醇浸渍体积分数(0、5%、15%)、切片厚度(1.0、1.5、2.5 cm)3个因素,进行正交试验设计。浸渍过程中切片茄子完全没入乙醇溶液中,且浸渍时间均为5 min。将物料切成所需厚度的片状物料,按照试验方案,对茄子片定时称量,直至茄子片湿基含水率降低到6%时结束试验,取出冷却后装袋并密封保存。每组试验重复3次,取平均值作为结果。选择L9(33)正交表,各因素水平及试验设计见表1所示。
表1 正交试验因素水平设计Table 1 Factors and levels of orthogonal test L9(33)
1.4 试验参数的获取方法
茄子片热风干燥过程中的干燥曲线采用水分比MR (moisture ratio)随干燥时间的变化曲线。不同干燥时间茄子片的水分比[25-26](MR)计算方式如公式(1)所示
干燥速率(drying rate)[29]的计算采用如下公式:
干基含水率[30]Mt(moisture content on dry basis)计算采用下式
1.5 复水比的测定方法
茄子干后的复水特性采用复水比RR(rehydration ratio)作为评价指标。复水试验的方法是:将5 g干燥后的茄子片置入200 mL温度为90℃的热水中,30 min后捞出用吸水纸吸干其表面水分并称量[34]。复水比RR采用公式(5)计算
1.6 色泽的测定方法
1.7 微观结构的观测方法
茄子片干燥后,将干燥茄子片处理成3 mm×3 mm× 3 mm的小立方体样品,然后,样品首先被安装在磁控溅射仪(英国Quorum科技有限公司,SC7640)上,进行5 min喷金处理以固定组织结构,并在10 kV加速电压下对其表面组织微观结构用扫描电子显微镜(日本东京日立集团,S3400)进行观察[35-36]。重复观看不同区域的组织结构,并选择具有代表性图片进行保存与进一步分析。
1.8 综合评价方法
2 结果与分析
2.1 不同干燥条件对茄子片干燥特性的影响
茄子片在不同干燥条件下的干燥曲线以及正交试验结果极差分析表见图2和表2所示。由图2可知,茄子片的水分比随着干燥时间的增加而减少。这与南瓜片[37]、李子[38]干燥以及杏子[39]和胡萝卜丁[40]的干燥研究结果相一致。茄子片的湿基含水率从94%降低到6%的各干燥条件下的干燥时间如表2所示。从图2可以看出当干燥温度为45℃、预处理乙醇体积分数为5%、切片厚度为2.0 cm时所用的干燥时间最长,为660 min;而当切片厚度为1.0 cm,干燥温度为65℃、预处理乙醇体积分数为15%或干燥温度为55℃、预处理乙醇体积分数为5%时,所用的干燥时间最短,为225 min。
图2 茄子片不同干燥条件下的干燥动力学曲线Fig.2 Drying kinetic curves of eggplant slices under different drying conditions
试验5和试验9的处理切片厚度一致,试验9的温度和乙醇浓度均比试验5高,但2个试验组干燥时间一致,这可能是因为高温促进了茄子内部的水分迁移,提高干燥速率[25],而高体积分数15%的乙醇又阻碍了水分的迁移,降低了干燥速率,造成2个试验组呈现出一致的干燥时间。在只考虑干燥时间的情况下,试验5和试验9的试验条件下干燥时间最短,为225 min。
表2 试验数据的正交分析Table 2 Experiment were analyzed by orthogonal design method
2.2 不同干燥条件对茄子片干燥后复水特性的影响
2.3 不同干燥条件对茄子片色泽变化的影响
2.4 不同干燥条件下对茄子片综合评分的影响
由表2极差分析可知,3个因素对干燥后茄子片的综合评分的影响顺序为:切片厚度>干燥温度>预处理乙醇体积分数。最佳干燥工艺为切片厚度为1.0 cm,干燥温度为65 ℃,预处理乙醇浓度为15%,验证试验表明此条件下,干燥时间t为225 min,复水比RR为4.93,明亮度L*为88.24。
2.5 茄子片在不同干燥条件下的有效扩散系数
图3 茄子片在不同干燥条件下的干燥速率曲线Fig.3 Drying rate curves of eggplant slices under different drying conditions
表3 线性回归拟合公式和水分有效扩散系数Table 3 Linear regression formulas and effective moisture diffusion coefficients of eggplant slices
2.6 茄子片在不同干燥条件下的微观结构
图4 不同干燥条件下茄子的微观结构Fig.4 Microstructure of eggplant under different drying conditions
3 结论
2)综合考虑各指标因素,温度为65℃,预处理乙醇体积分数为15%时,切片厚度为1.0 cm时,干燥茄子片的干燥时间为225 min,复水比RR为4.93,明亮度为88.24,其干燥速率较高、品质较好。
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Effect of ethanol dipping pretreatment on drying characteristics and quality of eggplant slices
Zhao Haiyan1, Fang Xiaoming2, Wang Jun1, Ju Haoyu1, Zhang Yuejing1, Chen Xingfu1, Zhang Qian3, Liu Yanhong1, Gao Zhenjiang1, Xiao Hongwei1※
(1. College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China; 2. Bee Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100093, China; 3. College of Mechanical and Electric Engineering, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000, China)
Because the eggplant is widely planted all over the country, but the moisture content of fresh eggplant is high and the shelf life is short, so harvested eggplants should be dried and dehydrated in time. How to achieve high-quality dried products is one of the important directions in drying research. Chemical impregnation process is a novel pretreatment technology, and ethanol is chosen as a chemical, which has many advantages, such as fast penetration, easy to evaporate, no chemical residues and harmless to human body, and has been applied to the pretreatment of fruit and vegetable. In order to improve the drying quality of eggplant slices and shorten the drying time, the eggplant slices were dipped in ethanol before hot air drying. The effects of different drying temperature (45, 55 and 65℃), ethanol concentration (0, 5% and 15%) in pretreatment and slice thickness (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 cm) on drying rate, color, rehydration ratio and microscopic structure were investigated through the orthogonal experiments in this paper. Results showed that drying temperature, ethanol concentration in pretreatment and sample thickness had significant (P<0.05) effects on the drying processing. In addition, the sample thickness was most significant, followed by drying temperature and ethanol concentration in pretreatment. The drying time decreased with the increase of temperature, increased with the increase of slice thickness of the eggplant, and decreased first and then increased with the increase of alcohol concentration in pretreatment. The whole drying process was a kind of falling-rate drying. According to Fick’s Second Law, the water effective diffusion coefficient was determined, which ranged from 2.74×10-9to 7.75×10-9m2/s. The sample thickness had greater impact (P<0.05) on the rehydration ratio compared with the drying temperature and ethanol concentration, and the rehydration ratio decreased as the sample thickness increased. The ethanol concentration in pretreatment had important influence (P<0.05) on color parameters of dried eggplant slices, but the effects of eggplant thickness and drying temperature on the color and lustre were not significant, which were far less than that of ethanol concentration in pretreatment on the color and lustre. And the pretreatment with ethanol also could change the microstructure and appearance quality of the dried samples. After eggplant was dipped in ethanol with low concentration, its moisture would be faster evaporated and the internal free water would be sent out in the drying process, and the drying rate was improved. And after eggplant was impregnated with high-concentration ethanol, ethanol made eggplant’s internal nutrient composition change, which resulted in its structure more compact, and prevented moisture migration in the process of drying. Taking account of the drying rate and quality attributes, drying at 55℃, with ethanol concentration of 15% and sample thickness of 1.5 cm were recommended as the most favorable conditions for eggplant slice drying. In this drying condition, drying time, rehydration ratio and lightness was 225 min, 4.93 and 88.24, respectively. The present findings indicate that ethanol dipping pretreatment can not only enhance drying rate but also improve color attributes of dried products. The results provide a theoretical reference for the rapid drying of high-quality eggplant slices.
drying; optimization; quality control; eggplant slice; ethanol dipping pretreatment; rehydration ratio; color parameters; microstructure
TS255.36; TS255.52
赵海燕,方小明,王 军,巨浩羽,张月敬,陈兴付,张 茜,刘嫣红,高振江,肖红伟. 乙醇浸渍对切片茄子干燥特性和品质的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(9):233-240.
10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.033 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhao Haiyan, Fang Xiaoming, Wang Jun, Ju Haoyu, Zhang Yuejing, Chen Xingfu, Zhang Qian, Liu Yanhong, Gao Zhenjiang, Xiao Hongwei. Effect of ethanol dipping pretreatment on drying characteristics and quality of eggplant slices[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(9): 233-240. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.033 http://www.tcsae.org
赵海燕,女(汉),河南洛阳人,主要从事农产品加工及贮藏的研究。北京 中国农业大学工学院,100083。Email:zzhaohaiyann@163.com
※通信作者:肖红伟,男(汉),河南商丘人,副教授,博士,博士生导师,主要从事农产品加工技术和装备的研究。北京 中国农业大学工学院,100083。Email:xhwcaugxy@163.com