

浙江大学学报(工学版) 2016年1期

李鸿坤,陈坚红,盛德仁,李 蔚

(浙江大学 热工与动力系统研究所,浙江 杭州 310027)


李鸿坤,陈坚红,盛德仁,李 蔚

(浙江大学 热工与动力系统研究所,浙江 杭州 310027)



1 H&S理论


图1 高压透平的E&S模型与H&S模型Fig.1 E&S model and H&S model of high pressure turbine









2 热经济学成本模型的构建


2.1 物理及生产结构图


根据燃料-产品的定义,可以将物理结构图转化为生产结构图.图3中,矩形表示生产或者耗散性组件,菱形(J)、圆形(B)表示汇集组件和分支组件.这2类组件为虚拟组件,在汇集组件中,2个或者多个组件的产品汇合形成其他组件的燃料,该燃料通过分支组件分发给其他组件.各物理组件的箭头 FBi和PBi分别表示该单元所消耗的焓能燃料和焓能产品(包含热能、机械能及电能),箭头 FSi和PSi分别表示该组件所产生的负熵燃料和负熵产品.在汇集和分支组件中,入口和出口的焓或负熵保持守恒.图3的生产结构图中只考虑了内部的能量流动,组件的投资和维护成本可以认为是一种外部资源,由系统的外部环境直接输入到对应的组件中.

图2 燃气-蒸汽联合循环物理结构图Fig.2 Physical structure of gas-stream CCPP

图3 燃气-蒸汽联合循环生产结构图Fig.3 Productive structure of gas-stream CCPP

2.2 非能量费用计算

热经济学成本不仅包含上述的能量成本,还需计算组件的投资、运行和维护成本,即非能量费用.很多学者通常采用成本计算方程(costing equations)来完成设备投资成本的估算,本文所使用的成本计算方程参考文献[15]和[16].对于在以往的文献中没有涉及到的烟囱和燃料加热器的成本估算,采用下式[17]进行估算:











2.3 热经济学成本方程




2.4 热经济学成本组成


cPB,i=kFBicFB,i+kFSicFS,i+kZi= cFB,i+kDicFB,i+kFSicFS,i+kZi,








3 结果分析及性能评价

3.1 模型验证


表1 100%设计大气环境基本负荷工况每股能量流的基本热力参数

表2 燃气-蒸汽联合循环各组件生产效率

3.2 热经济学成本分析

表3 燃气-蒸汽联合循环各组件热经济学成本


图4 燃气-蒸汽联合循环单位热经济学成本组成Fig.4 Composition of unit thermoeconomic cost in gas-stream CCPP

3.3 联合循环系统性能评价



图5 各个组件的相对成本差Fig.5 Improved relative cost difference of each component

图6 各个组件的经济系数Fig.6 Exergoeconomic coefficient of each component

4 结 论




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Thermoeconomic analysis and performance evaluation of gas-steam combined cycle power plant based on H&S model

LI Hong-kun, CHEN Jian-hong, SHENG De-ren, LI Wei


Traditional E&S model could not define the fuel and product of dissipative components conceivably in thermodynamics viewpoint. The productive components were overcharged. A new model was established for gas-steam combined cycle power plant based on structure theory of thermoeconomics and H&S theory in order to conduct the cost calculation and performance analysis of energy systems more reasonably and effectively. The composition of each component’s thermoeconomic cost was analyzed and the concept of dissipative cost was proposed. The traditional evaluation indexes of relative cost difference and exergyeconomic coefficient were improved based on the H&S model. The typical 9FA single shaft gas-steam combined cycle generating unit was used to verify the effectiveness and accuracy of the model. Results show that the structure theory of thermoeconomics based on H&S model can reasonably deal with dissipative components’ definition of fuel and product. The productive components can be fairly evaluated. For the condensate pump and the combustion chamber, it is necessary to reduce negentropy cost caused by irreversibility. For the air compressor and the steam turbine, the direction of improvement is to reduce non-energy cost.

combined cycle power plant; H&S model; thermoeconomic cost; dissipative component; evaluation index

2015-08-21. 浙江大学学报(工学版)网址:

李鸿坤(1991-),男,硕士生,从事电厂故障诊断和热力系统优化的研究. ORCID: 0000-0001-7094-4793. 通信联系人:陈坚红,男,副教授. ORCID: 0000-0003-0957-6914.


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