中国买家连续第四年蝉联美国楼市最大海外买家Wealthy Chinese Purchased Over $27 Billion Worth of Property in the U.S. Last Year
The National Association of Realtors reported recently that Chinese buyers were the largest foreign purchasers of U.S. real estate for the fourth consecutive year. From March 2015 to March 2016, 29,195 Chinese buyers purchased a total of $27.3 billion worth of property in the United States. The average purchase was about $542,084, which is higher than the current median U.S. home price ($223,058). The purchases are mainly done by Chinese elite in order to increase their own wealth.
德法荷瑞四国签证南京受理中心开业Nanjing Visa Center for 4 European Nations Officially Opens
德国、法国、荷兰、瑞士签证南京受理中心在南京举行开业典礼,这意味着南京市民在家门口就可以申请法国、德国、荷兰、瑞士签证。民众不必再赴上海申请办理,南京受理中心可提供四国签证申请的一站式服务,短期签证申请的最快审理时间为 24-48 小时。
Residents of Jiangsu province can now apply for visas to France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland in Nanjing. The city’s new visa application center for the four European nations opened. Nanjing residents and residents of neighboring cities no longer have to trek to Shanghai for a visa for the four countries represented. The fastest processing offered by the center is 24-48 hours.
优步将在中国提供“专船”和热气球服务Air and Sea: Uber China to Launch Hot Air Balloon and Boat Services
据英国《独立报》报道,除了已有的出租车业务,优步又新添两项服务:“优步+旅行和优生活”,均将于2016年在全中国推广。优生活意在加强用户黏性、提升出行体验。这款新服务旨在将出行乘客与其所需各种服务连接起来。用户们将可以用优步气球服务叫到热气球,而乘船出行的用户可以使用“一键叫船”服务。这项服务将专供中国市场。优步公司一直面临来自中国竞争对手滴滴出行(曾用名“滴滴快的”)的激烈竞争。优步公司首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克今年2月在一次活动上说:“我们在美国能赚钱,但在中国每年亏损超过10亿美元。”优步公司业务目前遍及中国60个城市,该公司是仅于两年前进入中国市场的,而滴滴已在中国运营4年。(来源: http://www.echinacities.com/)
UK’s Independent reported that the initiative is part of the company’s new Uber + Travel project which will be launched in 2016. Uber + Travel was created to enhance customer’s travel experiences by providing all transportation needs when traveling internationally. The company also hopes to attract new users with the new initiative. UberBalloon and UberBoat will only be available in China. Uber faces stiff competition from Chinese rival Didi Chuxing, and is clearly looking to step its game up in China. Uber CEO Travis Kalanick said at an event this past February that the company “can make money in the U.S., but loses more than 1 billion USD every year in China.”Uber currently operates in 60 cities in China and has been in the country for two years. Didi Chuxing has been in operation for four years. (Source:http://www.echinacities.com/ )