美剧里的“中国风”Asian Stardom
美剧里的“中国风”Asian Stardom
In many ways, AMC’s latest drama Into the Badlands borrows some of American TV’s greatest clichés. It’s set against a bleak, post-apocalyptic setting, and its main character is a bad guy searching for redemption. And of course, it features high-octane action sequences.
But in one respect, Into the Badlands breaks the Hollywood mold. It casts an Asian-American as its romantic lead.
“This is crazy – I can’t remember seeing a billboard of an Asian dude on an American show, like, ever.” Daniel Wu, the show’s 41-year-old lead actor and executive producer, told The New York Times.
Into the Badlands envisions a world centuries from now. A feudal society known as The Badlands emerges, and Sunny, played by Wu, is the most lethal assassin in the land. When he rescues a teenage boy named M.K. (Aramis Knight), Sunny is reminded of the man he once was. M.K. and Sunny go together on a journey in search of enlightenment in their chaotic world.
In the past, Wu’s role might have gone to a Caucasian actor. But in this series, white actors play mostly supporting characters, roles
usually relegated to the “token minority”.
Badlands also features Chinese martial arts, a rarity on American TV. It is one of the few series in four decades to do so. The last major show to explore Chinese martial arts was the 1970s series Kung Fu, starring American actor David Carradine as a Shaolin monk.
“Biographers of the martial arts legend Bruce Lee claim that he lost out on the lead role in that earlier series because network execs didn’t think American audiences would watch a TV show starring a Chinese-American martial artist, even a show ostensibly about a Chinese-American martial artist.” The New York Times reported.
“It was a great feeling to be able to do this show, knowing the history of Kung Fu... It felt really great to be able to right that wrong.” Wu said to Collider, a movie and TV news website.
In its martial arts scenes, Badlands pays tribute to well-known Hong Kong action movies such as Bruce Lee’s Fist of Fury. Its fighting skills are also shot in a Hong Kong way.
“In Hollywood action movies, directors mask their actors’subpar fighting skills with shaky camera moves and extreme close-ups. In Badlands, the camera pulls way back, so that viewers can see 10 combatants (or 20, or 30) in a single shot.”said The New York Times.
Wu, having starred in Hong Kong films for 18 years, is a veteran of this style.
“Wu has the charisma and the action chops... Wu brings soulful presence and watchful energy to Sunny.” Variety commented.