Aclass of extended ishikawa iterative processes in Banachspaces for nonexpansive mappings
(School of Mathematics and Systems Science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, 110034, China)
Aclass of extended ishikawa iterative processes in Banachspaces for nonexpansive mappings
(School of Mathematics and Systems Science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, 110034, China)
The problem whether a iterative process of nonexpansive mappingTin real Banach Spaces converges to its fixed point(IPNMCFP)has be extensively studied. Particularly, in 2004, Xu H K constructed a kind of extended Mann iterative process for nonexpansive mapping T, and by the so called viscosity approximation methods, he proved that the iterative process converges strongly to a fixed point of Tunder the uniformly smooth Banach Spaces. In 2007, Zhang S S developed the work of Xu H K. This paper further studies the problem IPNMCFP. By replacing constants with operators, the Ishikawa iterative process is generalized as a class of extended Ishikowa iterative process. Under some conditions, the strong convergence of the iterative process is proved in the viscosity approximation methods, using the theory of duality mapping and variational inequality. And in a special case the iterative process converges strongly to a fixed point ofTis also proved. For the introduced iterative process involves many kinds of Mann and Ishikawa iterative processes, the main conclusion of the present work extends and generalizes some recent results of this research area.
nonexpansive mapping; fixed point; sequence; Mann iterative process; Ishikawa iterative process
0 Introduction and preliminaries
Throughout the present work, we always assume thatEis a real Banach space,E*is the duality space of E, 〈·,·〉 is the dual pair betweenEandE*, andJ:E→2E*is the normalized duality mapping defined by
We also assume thatDis a nonempty closed convex subset ofE,T:D→Dis a mapping, andF(T) denotes the set of all the fixed points ofT. In addition, we useΠDrepresenting all the contractions onD, i.e.ΠD={f|f:D→D, and there existsα∈(0,1) such that ‖f(x)-f(y)‖≤α‖x-y‖ for allx,y∈D}.
The following result is well known (see Goebel and Reich[1]).
Proposition Let E be uniformly smooth. Then the duality mappingJdefined by (1) is single valued, and it is uniformly continuous on the bounded subset ofEwith the norm topologies ofEandE*.
Recall that the sequences
are respectively called Mann iterative process, Ishikawa iterative process, modified Mann iterative process with error and modified Ishikawa iterative process with error ofT, wherex0,u∈Dandn≥0. The problem for these iterative sequences converging to the fixed point ofTwas studied by lots of authors, e.g., Halpern[2], Reich[3], Zhang and Tian[4], Chidume[5], Liu[6], Liu Q H and Liu Y[7], Zhao and Zhang[8]. In particular, Xu[9]generalized (2) to the iterative process
Under a certain conditions, he proved that {xn} converges strongly to a fixed point ofTand other related results. In 2007, Zhang[10]extended and improved the work of Xu.
Motivated and inspired by the contributions above, the present work addresses the following iterative process.
Lemma 1[9]LetXbe a uniformly smooth Banach space,Cbe a closed convex subset ofX,T:C→Cbe a nonexpansive withF(T)≠φ, andf∈ΠC. Then {xt} defined byxt=tf(xt)+(1-t)Txtconverges strongly to a point inF(T). If we defineQ:ΠC→F(T) by
thenQ(f) solves the variational inequality
In particular, iff=u∈Cis a constant, then (8) is reduced to the sunny nonexpansive retraction of Reich fromContoF(T),
Lemma 2[11]LetXbe a real Banach space andJp:X→2X*,1
Lemma 3[6]Let {an},{bn} and {cn} be three nonnegative real sequences satisfying
1 Main results
In this section, we address the strong convergence of the iterative sequence (7).
Lemma 4 Letf,fn∈ΠD,tn∈(0,1), letTbe a nonexpansive mapping, and letznbe the unique solution of the equationz=tnfn(z)+(1-tn)Tzfor alln≥0. Thenzn→Q(f)(defined by (8) ) astn→0 (strongly) if {fn(x)} converges uniformly tof(x) onD.
This leads to
Proof Since ‖Txn-xn‖→0, we can choose {tn} such that ‖Txn-xn‖=o(tn). Letznbe the unique solution of the fixed point of equationz=tnfn(z)+(1-tn)Tz. Then {zn} converges strongly toQ(f) by Lemma 4. Letz=Q(f). Then we have
On the other hand, we have
(Note:zn→zand {xn} is bounded.) and
Substitute in (11) the (12), (13) and (14), we obtain
(Note: In terms of Proposition 1,jis uniformly continuous on bounded subset.) Combining (10), (11) and (15), we also obtain
This further leads to
By Lemma 2,xn+1→z. This completes the proof.
2 Special cases
Whenβn=1,gn(x)=xandfn(x)=f(x), (7) reduces to (6), and that {fn(x)} converges uniformly tofholds obviously. By Theorem 1, we can immediately obtain the following conclusion, which is the major conclusion of [10, Theorem 1].
In addition,Yao[12]also studied the sequence
which can be transformed as
Thus, we can easily know the following conclusion holds from Theorem 1, which can be taken as a complementary result of [12, Theorem 3.1].
3 Conclusion
A class of extended Ishikowa iterative process for a nonexpansive mappingTin real Banach Spaces, which involves many kinds of Mann and Ishikawa iterative processes, is introduced and studied. Under some conditions, the strong convergence of the iterative process is proved by the viscosity approximation methods. And in a special case, the iterative process converges strongly to a fixed point ofTis also proved. The main conclusion of the present work extends and generalizes some recent results of this research area.
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程丛电, 关洪岩
(沈阳师范大学 数学与系统科学学院, 沈阳 110034)
非膨胀映射; 序列; 曼恩(Mann)迭代; 石川(Ishikawa)迭代; 不动点
O177 Document code: A
10.3969/ j.issn.1673-5862.2016.02.016