1984年正式成立于代尔夫特的梅卡诺公司拥有160多名包括建筑师、室内设计师、城市规划师、景观设计师和建筑工程师在内的富有创造性的跨学科专业团队,在公司创立人法兰馨·荷本(Francine Houben)的领导下工作。
协助事务所创立合伙人兼创意总监法兰馨·荷本管理事务所的人员包括:技术总监/合伙人Aart Fransen、执行总监Peter Haasbroek和建筑师/合伙人Francesco Veenstra、Ellen van der Wal、Paul Ketelaars和Dick van Gameren等。梅卡诺建立了专门的质量管理体系,保证整个团队以一致、专业的态度从事设计工作,明确团队成员各自的责任,向客户提供一整套便于管理的设计程序和步骤。该体系已经通过了ISO 9001:2008认证,以保证设计和施工质量达到最高标准。
事务所于1984年在荷兰代尔夫特成立,至今已有30多年的历史并积累的丰富的集体经验。事务所由创立合伙人兼创意总监法兰馨·荷本、技术总监Aart Fransen、财务总监Peter Haasbroek以及合伙人Francesco Veenstra、Ellen van der Wal、Paul Ketelaars和Dick van Gameren等人领导。
欧德代尔夫特 203号
整栋 建筑的内外全部由意大利建筑师Bollina重新设计翻新。面向运河的一面整饬一新,原先最高的一层改造成为框架结构,有五个窗户。现在只有从房子的宽度、高度和一楼地面高度等方面才能看到翻新的痕迹。这座建筑还有一条四十米长的大理石走廊(原先的小巷),把整幢建筑分成前后两个部分(有前门和后门),中间是一道楼梯。楼梯、天花板和门都用灰泥粉饰,还有路易十四风格的雕刻装饰。
直到1886年,欧德代尔夫特203号一直是代尔夫特市显贵的住宅。后来这座建筑和欧德代尔夫特205号一起出售,供已婚和未婚老年人居住。再后来,因为当地发生了霍乱,这里开始收治病人,由比利时的教会组织Congregation Augustinessen的修女照料。
1970年,欧德代尔夫特203号、205号和207号均为建筑设计公司“OD 205”收购。后来这座建筑又经过了多次改造,原先的医院踪影已无处可寻,只有一楼的小教堂保留下来,成了永久的纪念物,提醒人们这里曾有病人和照顾他们的修女。
1. 土地是一种昂贵的商品
法兰馨·荷本 Francine Houben photo: © Mecanoo
梅卡诺事务所合伙人 Mecanoo Partners photo: © Mecanoo
2. 热爱大自然
3. 共同承担可持续发展责任
4. 发挥城市规划的作用
5. 迎接合作带来的挑战
6. 既是导演,又是编剧
Van Nelle的工厂项目、Rietveld Schröder的住宅项目和Mairea别墅项目是依靠客户和建筑师之间富有创意的互动而完成的创新设计经典范例。
7. 书写与语言
有关风格的讨论是很有意思的,但从长远而言,风格不是根本问题。最好的例子是我们为海牙的Alvaro Siza开发的两幢房子:其中的一幢我们采用了阿姆斯特丹学院派风格,另一幢我们采用了新客观主义风格——这两种风格在二十世纪相互争论,都认为自己代表建筑的真正风格。
8. 留白的设计构思
9. 分析与直觉
10. 外在与内在的结合
photo: © Harry Cock
photo: © Harry Cock
Office lntroduction
Officially founded in Delft in 1984, Mecanoo is made up of a creative and multidisciplinary staff of over 160 professionals that includes architects, interior designers,urban planners, landscape architects, and architectural engineers. The practice is directed by founding architect, Francine Houben.
30 Years of Mecanoo
Extensive experience gained over more than 30 years, together with a clear planning process, allows for Mecanoo's designs to be realised with a high level of technical skill and great attention to detail. Approaching a project with a multidisciplinary team gives every project the opportunity to be explored and developed holistically from the outset; combining social design ideas with cutting edge technology in sustainability and engineering to deliver the most effective architectural response for both the client and user. Mecanoo's work has been widely honoured by the architectural community.
Creative and lnnovative
Mecanoo - named after the British model construction set invented in 1898 - was born out of an innovative winning design proposal for a competition in 1984 which proposed a flexible social housing project in the centre of Rotterdam. Since then the company has continued to grow and diversify, designing projects that range from houses, neighbourhoods, skyscrapers, cities, polders and schools to theatres, libraries, hotels, museums and even a chapel.
People, Place, Purpose
Discovering unexpected solutions for the specifics of program and context is the foremost challenge in all of Mecanoo's assignments. Each design is considered in terms of its cultural setting, place and time. As such, each project is treated as a unique design statement embedded within its context and orchestrated specifically for the people who use it. Within the practice are knowledge centres which enable Mecanoo to stay current on technological and design innovations in sustainability,eco-engineering, technology, education and learning, high-rise and mobility. Preoccupied not by a focus on form, but on process, consultation, context, urban scale and integrated sustainable design strategies, the practice creates culturally significant buildings with a human touch.
Mecanoo is comprised of design professionals from all over the world; and sees itself as a laboratory where cutting edge architectural ideas are developed and realised by an international team of designers. Fundamental to this dynamic is the multicultural wealth and complementary breadth of experience this diverse staff brings to bear in teasing out the potential that lies in challenging briefs, all over the world.
Founding partner and creative director Francine Houben is assisted by technical director/partner Aart Fransen, executive director Peter Haasbroek, architects/partners Francesco Veenstra, Ellen van der Wal, Paul Ketelaars and Dick van Gameren. Mecanoo has developed a dedicated quality management system for the office, which warrants a consistent, professional approach, clearly defined responsibilities and gives clients the assurance of a manageable set of processes and procedures. This system is ISO 9001:2008 certified and ensures that the highest standard of design and quality is achieved.
History Mecanoo
Mecanoo, officially founded in Delft in 1984, is made up of a highly multidisciplinary staff of over 160 creative professionals from 25 countries. The team includes architects, engineers, interior designers, urban planners, landscape architects and architectural technicians.
The company is led by its original founding architect and creative director, Francine Houben, technical director Aart Fransen and financial director Peter Haasbroek, who are joined by partners Francesco Veenstra, Ellen van der Wal, Paul Ketelaars and Dick van Gameren.
The extensive collective experience, gained over three decades, results in designs that are realised with technical expertise and great attention to detail. Mecanoo's projects range from single houses to complete neighbourhoods and skyscrapers, cities and polders, schools, theatres and libraries, hotels, museums, and even a chapel.
Discovering unexpected solutions for the specifics of programme and context is the foremost challenge in all of our assignments. Each design is considered in terms of its cultural setting, place and time. As such, Mecanoo treats each project as a unique design statement embedded within its context and orchestrated specifically for the people who use it.
Within the practice are knowledge centres which enable us to stay current on technological and design innovations in sustainability, eco-engineering, technology, education and learning, high-rise and mobility.
Preoccupied not by a focus on form, but on process, consultation, context, urbanscale and integrated sustainable design strategies, the practice creates culturally significant buildings with a human touch.
Oude Delft 203
The history of the building dates back to 1536 when the wooden buildings burned down. Only its stone cellars, which now hold a wine shop, were saved. Two stone houses separated by a narrow alley were built where the Mecanoo building now stands. In 1750 the two houses were joined together, creating a patrician home.
Both the interior and the exterior were completely re-designed by the Italian architect Bollina. The building was given a beautiful face on the canal by changing the original topmost level and creating a large framed story with five windows. Only the variations in width, height and the level of the ground floor are still visible. The building also got a forty-meter long marble corridor (the former alley)that divides the building from the front to the back door, and a central staircase. Staircase, ceilings and doors are decorated with stucco and carved in the style of Louis XIV.
Until 1886, the Oude Delft 203 was inhabited by leading Delft citizens. The building along with Oude Delft 205 were then sold. It became a guesthouse for the married and unmarried elderly. Later, because of a cholera epidemic, the building took on patients who are cared for by nuns of the Congregation Augustinessen in Belgium. The hospital occupied an increasingly important role, and in 1890 professor Treub performed his first major operation. The rapidly expanding complex was named ‘St. Hippolytus' Hospital'.
Oude Delft 207 was purchased and between 1924 and 1965 in the large garden behind Oude Delft 203 and 205, more facilities were added. At the end of sixties, St. Hippolytus Hospital moved.
In 1970, Oude Delft 203, 205 and 207 were sold to the architects ‘OD 205'. There followed many conversions, and the remaining traces of the hospital disappeared. Only the chapel on the first floor was preserved and is a permanent reminder of the patients and their sisters.
In 1983, a part of the Oude Delft 203 was rented to different business start-ups. Mecanoo settled in a back room, what is now the ‘project room'. From 1995 on, Mecanoo has taken up the entire building. After a fire in 2007, the building was renovated and modernized with great respect for the existing structure and historically listed interior. The chapel of the past still has its characteristic shape and now serves as a meeting and ‘show room' for the most remarkable Mecanoo project models.
Ten Statements
1. Land as an expensive commodity
The difference between Los Angeles and Tokyo is obvious to everyone. Los Angeles, the city of the twentieth century, is designed for cars, which are literally given more room than people are. There are more square metres of car parks than of built-up areas. There is an abundance of land and it is almost valueless. This is bound to change in the twenty-first century. Tokyo is a gigantic village of millions of people and public transport.
Every square metre has been thought about and put to use, above and below ground. Land is very expensive, even more expensive than the houses and buildings that stand on it.
The Netherlands is a country with a high population density and a shortage of land. At the same time it is the country that wastes its land because the price of land is much too low. We have to search for intelligent solutions such as dual use of land,inventive combinations of infrastructure and building.
2. Love of nature
The Netherlands, the most malleable country in the world. The land of water, wind and clouds. The Dutch landscape is not static, but it is changeable with contrasting ingredients: order and chaos, polders and lakes, canals and wetlands, dykes and river forelands, wet and dry. With the help of engineers you can build everywhere.
There are no limits, the land is so malleable that you can destroy it too. Nature has an irreplaceable value and beauty, many colours, materials and textures. I want to draw on the wealth of water, skies, trees and leaves, grass, stones and rocks. I use materials like wood, bamboo, zinc, copper, concrete, glass and steel in compositions full of contrasts.
3. Collective responsibility for sustainability
The Netherlands is a country with a very strong tradition in the field of collective responsibility for the management of the water. Unambiguous agreements regulate the land and the water - literally, because otherwise we would all drown.
The collective responsibility for water management should be extended to a collective responsibility for the sustainability of how the country is ordered. After all, that too is a question of the survival of us all.
4. Wealth of urban planning
photo: © Harry Cock
photo: © Harry Cock
It is as if we have forgotten the wealth of urban planning possibilities for housing.The house with a garden and a car in front seems to be the greatest good on earth at the moment.
Society consists of very diverse types of family and an ageing population, and it is multicultural.
The steadily expanding potential of technology, communication and services will become part of new ideas about housing and care and homes for work and recreation too. The acquisition of mobility, the car, calls for integration in new urban planning typologies without dominating or disrupting the public space. We must design buildings and houses that, like the time-hallowed Dutch villas, can stand up to the big changes in use and beauty.
5. Cooperation as challenge
Interesting developments in architecture are produced by those who manage to create the freedom to experiment and to work together within the fragmented practice of design and building.
As a result of changes in the design assignments, architects increasingly carry out their profession in collaboration with other disciplines. In order to achieve the aesthetic of mobility, I want to work with road and hydraulic engineers and landscape architects. This means experimenting with combined programmes, constructions, water and materials, but emphatically without the loss of the architect's own role and responsibility. 6. Director and script writer
The Van Nelle factory, the Rietveld Schröder house and Villa Mairea are traditional examples of innovative architecture resulting from an inspiring relation between client and architect.
Times have changed and the placing of commissions has become more diffuse,consisting of forms of association between the government, property developers,investors and consumers.
The architect no longer supplies the design alone. The architect performs the role of director and script writer in a more hybrid process. The architect tries to find out what the client really wants by means of ideas, images, atmospheres, scale models and drawings.
7. Handwriting and language
Discussion about style is interesting, but not essential in the long run. The best example of this is the composition of two houses that we developed for Alvaro Siza in The Hague: one in the style of the Amsterdam School, the other in the style of Neue Sachlichkeit - two styles that competed with one another in the Twenties and each thought it was the true one.
The beauty of the project lies in the combination of introverted and extroverted,heavy and light, tactile and abstract. Style is an outdated phenomenon. Architecture needs a handwriting that can write in different languages in order to be able to respond adequately to each location and assignment.
8. Composition of empty space
There are no rules for making a composition. The most I can do is to refer to a Japanese book describing the rules for arranging and serving a meal. Working with unambiguous geometry and symmetry is strictly prohibited because it is not exciting. Space, or rather empty space, is an essential part of composition, rhythm and elegance. The space between contrasting forms, round and square, long and short, big and small, brings out each form better, and this is true in architecture as well.
9. Analysis and intuition
You can try to analyse everything, but a lot is just a question of intuition.
The work of David Hockney has always appealed to me. I detect a non-dogmatic, optimistic attitude to life in his work, and the courage to experiment in art with new techniques.
An attitude like that is a source of energy and resilience within the complex force field of architectural practice. And the combination of analysis with intuition is worth its weight in gold for architecture.
10. Arrangement of form and emotion
Charles and Ray Eames were able to combine technical, human and playful aspects in a single solution. They experimented with new materials for their chairs and discovered their limitations as they went along. That led them to look for new solutions all over again. They were designers without dogmatism, and never lost sight of comfort. They are the uncrowned king and queen of arrangement. Their work has a permanent inspiring value.
Their house was built in 1949 in the hills of Santa Monica near Los Angeles, in a beautiful situation behind the eucalyptus trees. It shows what happens when you combine the technical with the sensorial. Architecture must appeal to all the senses and is never a purely intellectual, conceptual or visual game alone. Architecture is about combining all of the individual elements in a single concept. What counts in the last resort is the arrangement of form and emotion.
Mecanoo architecten, the Netherlands
photo: © Harry Cock
photo: © Harry Cock