摘 要: 各类近义词辨析一直是英语专业四级词汇试题的重点和难点。文章以历年专业四级考试真题为例,通过检索目标词汇在本族语语料库BYU中的使用情况,从搭配角度分析它们的区别与实际使用方法,以此探索语料库检索工具对于英语专业基础阶段词汇学习及备考专业四级所具有的重要意义。
关键词: 语料库 专业四级 近义词辨析 搭配
英语中有着丰富的近义词,它们虽然意思相近,但是在语意、语用等方面仍然存在差异,弄清差异有助于理解词语的内涵,利用这些差异有助于增强语言的表达效果。近义词大致可以分两种:绝对近义词(Complete Synonyms)和相对近义词(Relative Synonyms),英语中更多的是相对近义词。搭配(collocation)是指词语经常一起使用的表达形式,体现的是词语之间的具有典型性的共现现象,是基于语料库的词汇研究中最活跃的部分。有了计算机的帮助,可以识别和分析语言使用的复杂模式,可以帮助储存和分析人工无法完成的海量自然语言使用情况。此外,由于电脑不会中途改变主意或者感到疲劳,可以作出一致的、可靠的分析。电脑也可以人机交互,使人类分析师可以对复杂问题作出判断,而把语言的记录保存交给计算机去完成。最后,基于语料库的研究目的不是简单地报告定量结果,而是要探索这些研究结果对语言学习的重要性。
1.The foreign secretary tried to ?摇 ?摇 doubts about his handling of the crisis.(2016-23)
A.dispel B.expel C.repel D.quell
Collins COBUILD字典对于dispel只列出了一种释义:to dispel an idea or feeling that people have means to stop them having it,即“驱散,消除”。而quell有两种意思,第一种是to quell opposition or violent behavior means to stop it,即“平息、镇压暴乱局面”。第二种意思和dispel释义接近,即if you quell an unpleasant feeling such as fear or anger, you stop yourself or other people from having that feeling.那么,我们可以初步得出结论,dispel是最佳选项,而quell并不是错误选项,只是它更多被用于表示“平息、镇压”的意思。
接下来我们采用KWIC(keywords in contest)的检索方法,在本族语语料库BYU中进行检索,然后对索引行进行观察、描述和分析,确定其类连接及语义搭配。经过初步检索,dispel的使用频率为8199例,quell为6311例。接着我们进一步检索两者与doubts搭配率,dispel共有302例,搭配率为0.04。例如:
Not only did he confirm the Welsh clubs Premier League status,but also quelled doubts over the success of possession-based team-play in England.
I think it will also help to quell any doubts in the community about the hospitals future.
2.Israel and Hamas had reached a deal on extending the ?摇 ?摇 ceasefire by an extra 24 hours until Tuesday at midnight.(2016-27)
A.contemporary B.makeshift C.spontaneous D.temporary
Collins COBUILD字典对于makeshift的解释是:makeshift things are temporary and usually of poor quality,but they are used because there is nothing better available,即“权宜的,临时凑合的”。Temporary的解释为:something that is temporary lasts for only a limited time,即“临时的,暂时的”的意思。由此我们可以初步得出结论,两者意思有重叠的部分,即“临时的”,但makeshift多了一层“劣质,勉强凑合”的含义。
接着我们看看BYU中两词的搭配情况,makeshift的使用频率为14251例,temporary为79055例。两者与ceasefire的搭配情况,makeshift为0例,temporary为134例。例如:The US and its allies had taken advantage of the temporary ceasefire to arm the rebel forces.
3.The university consistently receives a high ?摇 ?摇 for the quality of its teaching and research.(2015-75)
A.standard B.evaluation C.comment D.rating
Collins COBUILD字典对于evaluation的解释是:a judgment about how good or bad something is,即“评价,评估”的意思。rating的解释是:a rating of something is a score or measurement of how good or popular it is,意为“评分,评级”。从两者的含义来看,我们并不能得出任何结论,它们仍然都有可能是正确答案。
The reasons for Apples strength lie in a high evaluation of the‘ innovativeand‘outstandingqualities of the corporate brand.
Motorola claims that the latest phone has received a high rating from DxOMark.
4.The operation could ?摇 ?摇 her life by two or three years.(2014-68)
A.prolong B.increase C.expand D.continue
Collins COBUILD字典对于三个词的解释分别为:to prolong something means to make it last longer;if something increases or you increase it,it becomes greater in number,level, or amount;if something expands or is expanded,it becomes larger,即“延长;增加;扩大”,至此我们可以初步考虑A为最佳答案。
(2) 搭配频率
我们用BYU验证它们的搭配情况,prolong的使用频率为4342例,increase为511622例,expand为101759。三者与life的搭配情况,prolong为1384例,搭配率为0.3。例如:The results suggest that the combination of thorough examination and subsequent radical local therapy can prolong life for men with very high-risk prostate cancer.
increase为130例,搭配率为0.0003。例如:Experts believe a more optimistic mindset can increase life span,better health,better jobs and better relationship.
expand为211例,搭配率为0.002。例如:Were starting to organise a study to see if we can expand human life span with a drug.
5.He is fed up with the same old ?摇dreary?摇 routine,and wants to quit his job.The underlined part means ?摇 ?摇.(2013-67)
A.dull B.boring C.long D.hard
Collins COBUILD字典对于dull的解释是:if you describe someone or something as dull,you mean they are not interesting or exciting,即“无聊,无趣”之意。Boring的解释是:someone or something boring is so dull and uninteresting that they make people tired and impatient.基于词典解释我们无法判断正确答案。
The problem with touring is that you get into a dull routine of wake up,train, eat,sleep.
If you treat it as an adventure and not one more boring routine then you will live your day well.
6.The court would not accept his appeal unless ?摇 ?摇evidence is provided.(2013-77)
A.conclusive B.definite C.eventual D.concluding
Collins COBUILD字典对于三个词的解释分别为:conclusive evidence shows that something is certainly true;definite evidence or information is true,rather than being someones opinion or guess;concluding remark is the last remark in an event or piece of writing.由此我们可以排除选项D。
There was no conclusive evidence from this study as to what causesCKDu.
There is a lack of definite evidence on whether criminalization deters HIV patients from exposing others.
7.As soon as he opened the door,a ?摇 ?摇of cold air swept through the house.(2013-78)
A.flow B.movement C.rush D.blast
Collins COBUILD字典对于三个词的解释分别为:a smooth steady movement of liquid,gas,or electricity;a sudden fast movement of things or people;a sudden strong movement of wind or air.由此我们可以进一步排除A。
Restrictions in the air conditioning system can stop the flow of cold air.
The rush of cold air made me gasp as I exited the building.
You step outside and a blast of cold air hits you right in the face,winding you.
8.You can go to a travel agency and ask for a holiday ?摇 ?摇.(2011-74)
A.introduction B.advertisement C.book D.brochure
Collins COBUILD字典对于introduction的解释是:if you refer to a book as an introduction to a particular subject,you mean that it explans the basic facts about that subject,意为“介绍”,book的解释是:a number of pieces of paper,usually with words printed on them,which are fastened together and fixed inside a cover of stronger paper or cardboard,brochure的解释是:a magazine or thin book with pictures that gives you information about a product and service,意为“小册子”。
BYU中的搭配情况,introduction的使用频率为70919例,book为622582例,brochure为7578例。三者与holiday的搭配情况,introduction为0例,book为25例,搭配率为0.00004。例如:The following is one of 20 profiles from the recently-published holiday book entitled “Strong Of Heart: Profiles Of Notre Dame Athletics 2010.”
The new holiday brochure offers tourists sunshine, swimming and the opportunity to sample local delicacies.
显然,即便有holiday book这种用法,它的意思也是“关于度假的书”,而不是“度假宣传册”,因此答案应为D。
9.Theyve lifted a two-year-long economic ?摇 ?摇on the country.(2011-76)
A.enclosure B.restriction C.blockade D.prohibition
Collins COBUILD字典对于restriction的解释是:a restriction is an official rule that limits what you can do or that limits the amount or size of something,即“限制”之意,blockade的解释是:a blockade of a place is an action that is taken to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving it,为“封锁”之意。
BYU中的搭配情况,restriction的使用频率为13167例,blockade为9112例。两者与economic的搭配情况,restriction为7例,搭配率为0.0005。例如:Arent exclusivity,individuality and some form of economic restriction part of the appeal to luxury car buyers?
blockade为493例,搭配率为0.05。例如:It may be mentioned that the 10-day economic blockade imposed by tribal organisations ended today.
[1]Biber,Douglas and Conrad,Susan.Corpus Linguistics.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.
[2]Collins Cobuild;Eighth edition,Collins COBUILD Advanced Learners Dictionary,2014.
[3]Kennedy,Graeme. An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.
[4]Sinclair,John.Corpus,Concordance,Collocation.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999.