Box Dimension of Weyl Fractional Integral of Continuous Functions with Bounded Variation
Lei Mu,Kui Yao,∗,Yongshun Liangand Jun Wang
1Institute of Science,PLA University of Science and Technology,Nanjing,Jiangsu 211101,China
2Institute of Science,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210094,China
Box Dimension of Weyl Fractional Integral of Continuous Functions with Bounded Variation
Lei Mu1,Kui Yao1,∗,Yongshun Liang2and Jun Wang1
1Institute of Science,PLA University of Science and Technology,Nanjing,Jiangsu 211101,China
2Institute of Science,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210094,China
.We know that the Box dimension of f(x)∈C1[0,1]is 1.In this paper,we prove that the Box dimension of continuous functions with bounded variation is still 1.Furthermore,Box dimension of Weyl fractional integral of above function is also 1.
Fractional calculus,box dimension,bounded variation.
AMS Subject Classifications:28A80,26A33,26A30
1 Introduction
As a new branch in mathematics,fractal geometry has proved its value with many applications over many fields.Many initial and conclusive results on fractals were done in[2,3,7].If f(x)has continuous derivative,it is not difficult to see that Box dimension of f(x)is 1,indeed a regular 1-set.We want to know whether this result still holds for the function f(x)with bounded variation?What about their fractional integral?Firstly,we give definitions of Hausdorff dimension and Box dimension.
Definition 1.1(see[1]).Let a Borel set F∈Rnis as follows.For s≥0 and δ>0,define
where|U|=sup{|x-y|:x,y∈U}denotes the diameter of a nonempty set U and the infimum is taken over all countable collections{Ui}of sets for which F⊂∪∞iUiand0<|Ui|≤δ.As δ decreases,Hsδ(F)can not decrease,and therefore it has a limit(possibly infinite)as δ→0;define
The quantity Hs(F)is known as s-dimensional Hausdorff measure of F.For a given F there is a value dimH(F)for which Hs(F)=∞for s<dimH(F)and Hs(F)=0 for s>dimH(F).Hausdorff dimension dimH(F)is defined to be this value,that is:
Definition 1.2(see[1]).Let F be a any non-empty bounded subset of R2and let Nδ(F)be the smallest number of sets of diameter at most δ which can cover F.The lower and upper Box dimensions of F respectively are defined as
If(1.1)and(1.2)are equal,we refer to the common value as the Box dimension of F:
If(1.3)is finite,then f(x)is of bounded variation on I.Let BVIdenote the set of functions of bounded variation on I.Meanwhile,Let C(I)denote the set of functions which are continuous on I.
Definition 1.4(see[4]).Let f(x)∈C(I)and 0<v<1.If f(x)is piecewise integrable,we define the Weyl fractional integral of f(x)of order v as
In this paper,let G(f,I)denote the graph of f(x)on I,and dimBG(f,I)denote the Box dimension of f(x)on I.
We first derive some simple but widely applicable estimates for the Box dimension of graphs.Given a function f(x)and an interval[a,b],we write Rfthe maximum range of f(x)over[a,b],i.e.,
To prove theorems of Section 3,we need some lemmas.
Lemma 2.1(see[1]).Let f(x)∈C(I)∩BVI.Suppose that 0<δ<1,and m be the least integer greater than or equal to δ-1then,if Nδis the number of squares of the δ-mesh that intersect G(f,I),then
Proof.The number of mesh squares of side δ in the column above the interval[iδ,(i+1)δ]that intersect G(f,I)is at least Rf[iδ,(i+1)δ]/δ and at most 2+(Rf[iδ,(i+1)δ]/δ).f(x)is continuous.By summing all such intervals together,we can get Lemma 2.1.
If f(x)is a continuous function and Box dimension of f(x)exists,we know that Box dimension of any continuous functions is no less than 1.Then we give the following lemmas.
Lemma 2.2.If f(x)is a continuous function on I,we have dimBG(f,I)≥1.
Proof.By using Definition 1.2,we have
So we get the conclusion that dimBG(f,I)≥1.
Lemma 2.3.If f(x)is a continuous function on I,then dimBG(f,I)≤2.
Proof.By using Definition 1.2,we have
Then dimBG(f,I)≤2.
3 Theorems
We have
Let m be the least integer greater than or equal to 1/δ.Nδis the number of squares of the δ-mesh that intersect G(f,I).By Lemma 2.1,we know
For 1≤i≤m-1 and xi,0=iδ,xi,3=(i+1)δ,xi,1,xi,2∈(iδ,(i+1)δ),
So there exists a certain absolutely positive constant C such that
From Definition 1.1,it holds that
The topolopy dimension of a continuous function f(x)is no less than 1.From Definition 1.1,we get
Combining(3.1)and(3.2),we get the result of Theorem 3.1.
Remark 3.1.If f(x)∈LipM,then dimBG(f,I)=1.
Proof.f(x)∈LipM,∀x,y∈I,we have
We have
Then f(x)∈BVI.From Theorem 3.1,we can prove dimBG(f,I)=1.
Theorem 3.2.If f(x)∈C(I)∩BVI,we have
Proof.Since f(x)∈C(I)and f(x)is of bounded variation on I,by Theorem 6.6 of[6],we know that f(x)can be replaced by the difference of two monotone increasing and continuous functions g1(x)and g2(x).Then
where g1(x)=h1(x)-c,g2(x)=h2(x)-c,h1(1)=h2(1)=c on[1,+∞).h1(x)and h2(x)are also monotone increasing and continuous functions.
(1)If f(0)≥0,we can choose g1(0)≥0 and g2(0)=0.By Definition 1.3,if
we know that G1(x)still is continuous on I when g1(x)is continuous on I.Let 0≤x1≤x2≤1 and 0<v<1.We have
Thus function G1(x)still is a monotone increasing and continuous function on I.If
G2(x)is also a monotone increasing and continuous function on I.(2)If f(0)<0,we can choose g1(x)=0 and g2(x)>0.Using a similar argument,we can get that both D-vg1(x)and D-vg2(x)are monotone increasing and continuous functions on I.From Theorem 6.6 of[6],we know D-vf(x)still is a continuous function of bounded variation on I.
4 Conclusions
The result that Box dimension of a continuous function of bounded variation on I is 1 has been proved in Theorem 3.1.Theorem 3.2 shows that Box dimension of Weyl fractional integral of such function still is 1.As we know that Box dimension of classical integral of a one-dimensional continuous function on I is 1.We consider whether Box dimension of Weyl fractional integral of a one-dimensional continuous function on I is 1 or not. From this paper,we know that Box dimension of Weyl fractional integral of a continuous function of bounded variation still is 1 on I.
However,we still can not calculate HausdorffdimensionofWeylfractional integralof continuous with bounded variation.The calculation of Hausdorff dimension is difficult. Furthermore,we only discuss fractal dimension of continuous function of bounded variation on I in this paper.We hardly know about fractal dimension of continuous function with unbounded variation.
The article is supported by NSFA 11201230.
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[3]B.B.Mandelbrot,The Fractal Geometry of Nature,W.H.Freeman and Company,New York,1983.
[4]K.B.Oldham,and J.Spanier,The Fractional Calculus,Academic Press,New York,1974.
[5]Z.Y.Wen,Mathematical Foundations of Fractal Geometry,Shanghai Sci.Tech.Edu.Publ. House,Shanghai,2000,in Chinese.
[6]W.X.Zheng and S.W.Wang,Real Function and Functional Analysis,High Education Publication,Beijing,1980.
[7]S.P.Zhou,K.Yao and W.Y.Su,Fractional integrals of the weierstrass functions:the exact Box dimension,Anal.Theory Appl.,20(2004),332-341.
.Email addresses:mulei,,,
4 May 2015;Accepted(in revised version)27 April 2016
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