马卫民,杨文娟,徐 博
马卫民1,2,杨文娟1,徐 博2
(1.西安工业大学经济管理学院,陕西西安710021;2.同济大学经济与管理学院,上海 200092)
受限位移约束(CPS) ; 蚁群算法;航班着陆调度
0 引言
比较突出的两种方法是受限位移约束(CPS)和蚁群算法。Dear等人首次提出受限位移约束的思想[6],即在调度时,相对于飞机初始在FCFS中的位置,只允许其向前或者向后移动个位置(为最大受限位移)。这一做法可以大大缩小搜索空间,同时使可操作性更强。随后大量的学者在CPS的框架下设计新的算法[7-12]。其中,最新的研究成果是Balakrishnan和 Chandran用动态规划方法求出了航班着陆调度问题的最优解[13]。但该求解算法仅适用于的取值较小的情形。蚁群算法是首先由意大利学者Dorigo[14]提出的一种新型的启发式搜索方法。它具有分布式、正反馈机制和贪婪式搜索的优点,具有很强的全局搜索能力,首先应用于TSP问题,并取得较好的结果。此后,该算法被普遍应用于各种领域,如单机调度问题、车辆调度等。Randall第一次将蚁群算法应用于跑道调度问题[15]。随后Bencheikh等多次利用蚁群算法去生成最初的解来处理单跑道和多跑道的调度问题[16,17]。Zhan 等结合滚动时域控制原理(Receding Horizon Control)对机场实时跑道调度问题进行了研究[18]。在国内,胡祥培等[19]对蚁群算法的相关领域进行了评述。此外,许多学者也将蚁群算法应用到航班着陆调度问题中[20-22]。
1 航班着陆调度问题模型和CPS策略
1.3 最小时间间隔(MST)
为飞机制定最小时间间隔是为了避免飞机产生的尾涡流对后机的影响,对于不同类型的航班,其产生和抵抗尾涡流的能力也不相同,因此要根据飞机类型及着陆次序制定不同的最小时间间隔(MST)。如表2所示,一架波音727在一架波音 747 之后降落需要的MST为200s,而一架波音747在一架波音 727之后降落需要的MST仅为72s。
表2 飞机尾涡流间隔标准(s)[23]
尾流间隔后机 1234 前机196200181228 2728070110 37210070130 472807090
注:1=Boeing 747, 2=Boeing 727, 3=Boeing 707, 4=DC9
2 基于CPS的蚁群算法设计
3 航班着陆调度的CPS-AC算法描述
Step2: 结合在CPS约束中每个位置可能的航班分配和状态转移概率公式选择下一个位置的待着陆航班。
Step3: 检查每只蚂蚁的禁忌表,即为一个航班排序组合,并按公式(2)计算该组合中每架航班的着陆时间,从而得出每只蚂蚁所选择序列的总延迟时间。找出本次循环中最小的总延迟时间,记为,对应的飞机排序组合为。若,则,否则不变。
4 数值试验与仿真
表3 FCFS、AC算法、CPS-AC算法得到的航班排序结果
表4 AC算法、CPS-AC算法的比较
表5 FCFS、AC算法、CPS-AC算法的总延迟时间的比较(k=5,10)
5 结论
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Ant Colony Algorithm Based on Constraint Position Shifting for Aircraft Landing Problem
MA Wei-min1,2, YANG Wen-juan1, XU Bo2
(1.School of Economics and Management, Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an 710021, China;2.School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)
Aircraft landing scheduling problems are salient in the airport runway system. A reasonable scheduling method can greatly reduce the total delay time of aircrafts. Thus, an increasing number of scholars focus on developing various optimization methods to tackle these problems. Two prominent approaches are Constraint Position Shifting (CPS) and Ant Colony (AC) algorithm.
CPS stipulates that all aircrafts are only allowed to move at mostpositions forward or backward from their FCFS (First-Come-First-Served) order, whereis the maximum position shift. It reduces the search space for large scale problems and maintains some level of fairness among different airlines. AC algorithm, another widely used method, is a highly efficient heuristic algorithm, which is firstly developed by Dorigo in travelling salesman problems (TSP). It has many important advantages, such as positive feedback mechanism, greedy search mode and strong global searching ability.
By combining the advantages of AC and CPS mentioned above, we propose the resultant CPS-AC strategy. This new strategy is effective to tackle aircraft landing scheduling problems. It has strong global-search ability and ensures the maneuverability of scheduling and fairness among airlines. At the same time, it reduces controllers’ workload to a certain extent. More importantly, in the course of solving CPS model, a reasonable solution can be obtained when the value ofis not small. This is an important achievement since the classical Dynamic Programming, which is widely used to solve CPS model, only presents effective solutions whenis typically small. AC is an important supplement of problem-solving technology for CPS when k is large.
To test the efficiency of the CPS-AC algorithm, we present some experimental tests where FCFS strategy (First Come First Served) and traditional ant colony algorithm (AC) are used to compare with CPS-AC. First, we test a case whereis set to be 2 and the number of aircrafts () is 30. The results show that CPS-AC algorithm reduces 53.27% of the total delay time more than FCFS strategy, whereas AC reduces 30.70% of the total delay time. The runtime of CPS-AC algorithm is also smaller than that of AC algorithm. That is to say, CPS-AC algorithm is more efficient in reducing the total delay time whenis small. To verify the performance of CPS-AC algorithm when the scale of problem is large, we conduct a series of tests whereis set from 40 to 200 andis set to be 5 and 10, respectively. Similarly, the results also reveal that CPS-AC algorithm is still very promising. CPS-AC algorithm not only outperforms FCFS but also AC algorithm. At last, we analyze the convergence of the CPS-AC algorithm, which has a good convergence.
The paper is concluded with a summary of our research findings, implications and future research directions.
constrained position shifting (CPS); ant colony algorithm; aircraft landing scheduling
中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Charlie C. Chen
国家自然科学基金(71071113, 71161016);全国优秀博士论文作者专项资金资助项目(200782);高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20100072110011);上海市哲学社会科学规划课题(2010BZH003)
马卫民(1971—), 男,陕西合阳人。西安工业大学经济与管理学院、陕西省百人计划特聘教授,同济大学经济与管理学院教授(博导),研究方向:运筹与运作管理、优化理论与方法。