Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Solutions for a System of Multi-order Fractional Differential Equations
Dai Qun,Li Hui-laiand Liu Su-li
(1.College of Science,Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun,130022)
(2.School of Mathematics,Jilin University,Changchun,130012)
Communicated by Wang Chun-peng
Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Solutions for a System of Multi-order Fractional Differential Equations
Dai Qun1,Li Hui-lai2and Liu Su-li2
(1.College of Science,Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun,130022)
(2.School of Mathematics,Jilin University,Changchun,130012)
Communicated by Wang Chun-peng
In this paper,we prove the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for a system of multi-order fractional differential equations.The system is used to represent constitutive relation for viscoelastic model of fractional differential equations.Our results are based on the fixed point theorems of increasing operator and the cone theory,some illustrative examples are also presented.
fractional differential equation,Caputo fractional derivative,fixed point theorem,positive solution
2010 MR subject classification:34A08,35B44
Document code:A
Article ID:1674-5647(2016)03-0249-10
1 Introduction
In recent years,fractional differential equations arise in many engineering and scientific disciplines as the mathematical modeling of systems and processes in the fields of physics,chemistry,aerodynamics,electrodynamics of complex medium,polymer rheology,economics,blood flow phenomena,etc.,see[1]–[5].
Recently,the existence of solutions to fractional differential equations have been studied by many authors,see[6]–[14].In this paper,we consider the following initial value problem for a system of fractional differential equations:
where L1(D)=DSn-an−1DSn−1-···-a1DS1,0<α<S1<···<Sn−1<Sn≤1,ai>0,L2(D)=DKm-bm−1DKm−1-···-b1DK1,0<β<K1<···<Km−1<Km≤1,bj>0,α≤Km,β≤Sn,DSi,DKj(i=1,2,···,n-1;j=1,2,···,m-1)are the standard Caputo fractional derivatives,and f,g:[0,1]×[0,+∞)→[0,+∞)are continuous.
The system(1.1)is used to represent constitutive relation for viscoelastic model of fractional differential equations.Moreover,the system(1.1)describes processes of heat diffusion and combustion in two-component continua with nonlinear heat conduction and volumetric release.When we take∆u,∆v instead of u,v and let S1=K1=n=m=1,it expresses as macroscopic models II for electrodiffusion of ions in nerve cells when molecular diffusion is anomalous subdiffusion due to binding,crowding or trapping(refer to[9]).
This paper is organized as follows.In Section 2,we present some basic materials needed to prove our main results.In Section 3,we prove the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for(1.1)by applying the fixed point theorems of increasing operator and the cone theory.
2 Preliminaries
We recall several known definitions and properties from fractional calculus theory(refer to [1]and[15]).
Definition 2.1The Riemann-Liouville fractional integral of a function f:(0,1]→R of order α>0 is given by
provided that the right-hand side is pointwise defined on(0,1],and Γ is the gamma function.
Definition 2.2For at least n-times continuously differentiable function f:[0,+∞)→R,the Caputo derivative of order α is defined as
Hereafter Dαdenotesand Iαdenotes.
Definition 2.3A Banach space E endowed with a closed cone K is an ordered Banach space(E,K)with a partial order≤in E as follows:
Definition 2.4For x,y∈E,the order interval⟨x,y⟩is defined as
Lemma 2.1Let β>α>0,f∈L1[a,b].Then
Lemma 2.2Let(E,K)be an ordered Banach space,x0,y0∈K,x0≤y0,F:⟨x0,y0⟩→⟨x0,y0⟩be an increasing operator,and Fx0≥x0,Fy0≤y0.If F is continuous and compact and K is a normal cone,then F has a fixed point which lies in⟨x0,y0⟩.
Lemma 2.3Let(E,K)be an ordered Banach space,U1,U2be open subsets of E withbe completely continuous.Suppose either
Then F has a fixed point.
Let us introduce the space X={u(t):u(t)∈C1[0,1]}endowed with the norm
Obviously,K is a normal cone.
3 Main Results
Lemma 3.1Assume that g and f:[0,1]×R→[0,+∞)are continuous.Then(1.1)is equivalent to the following system of integral equations:
Then in view of(1.1)we find that
Applying ISn−αto both sides of(3.3),by Lemma 2.1,we can get
For u(t)=Iαx(t)and the initial value condition u(0)=0.
By(3.5),we can get(3.1).Similarly,we also have(3.2).
F,G:K→K can be defined as
Lemma 3.2Let M be a bounded subset of K.Then there exists a positive constant l such that for any uare compact sets.
Proof.We only need to verify that F and G:K→K are completely continuous operators. First,we prove that F(M)is a bounded set.
We have
Similarly,we also have
Thus,F(M)and G(M)are bounded sets.
Second,we prove that the operator F is equicontinuous.
Let u∈M,and for any 0≤t1<t2≤1,|t1-t2|<δ.Then
where W1is independent of t1,t2.
Similarly,we also have
where W2is independent of t1,t2.
Thus,F and G are equicontinuous operators.By Arzela-Ascoli Theorem,we know thatandare compact sets.
Theorem 3.1If there exists a constant λ>0 such thatand there existsuch that
then(1.1)has at least one positive solution.
Proof.We only need to verify that F,G have fixed points.By Lemma 3.2,we know that F and G are completely continuous.For u1<u2,v1<v2,u1,u2,v1,v2∈K,we have
In the same way,we can obtain that
Thus,F and G are increasing operators.
we can get
By Lemma 2.2,F and G have fixed points
Theorem 3.2If there exists a constant λ>0 such thatand for any t∈[0,1],
then(1.1)has at least one positive solution.
Proof.There exist N>0 and R>0 such that for any|Dβv|≥R and|Dαu|≥R,
Hence,for any v,u>0,one has
We consider the following system of fractional differential equations:
By Lemma 3.1,(3.6)is equivalent to the following integral equations:
We have
There exist x(t)=y(t)=0 such that
By Theorem 3.1,this completes the proof.
Theorem 3.3Let
Assume that there exist two distinct positive constantsandsuch that
Then(1.1)has at least one positive solution.
For v,u∈K∩∂U2,we have
Since f(t,Dβv(t))≤,we have
Similarly,we also have
On the other hand,for u∈K∩∂U1,we have
Similarly,we also have
By Lemma 2.3,we know that(1.1)has a fixed point in K∩
Theorem 3.4Assume that there exists a constant M>0 such that for any t∈[0,1],f,g satisfy the Lipschitz conditions:
Proof.By Theorem 3.2,we know that(1.1)has at least one positive solution.For u1,u2,v1,v2∈K,we have
By(3.2),one has
For h>0,we have
Similarly,we also have
Thus,F and G are contraction operators and so(1.1)has a unique solution.
Example 3.1Consider the system of fractional equations
In view of Theorem 3.2 there exists a positive solution for this system.
Example 3.2The system
has a positive solution in view of Theorem 3.3.
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Jilin province education department“twelfth five-year”science and technology research plan project([2015]No.58),and the science and technology innovation fund(No.XJJLG-2014-02)of Changchun University of Science and Technology.
E-mail address:daiqun1130@163.com(Dai Q).
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