李媛媛,石 凯,德力格尔
草盲蝽复合组Lyguscomplex在半翅目Hemiptera异翅亚目 Heteroptera的分类中隶属盲蝽科Miridae盲蝽亚科Mirinae盲蝽族Mirini,世界已知360余种,中国已知124种(Schuh,1995;Kerzhner,1999;郑乐怡,2004),绝大多数草盲蝽复合组昆虫与农、林、牧业生产关系密切。蒙新区东西跨度大,自然条件复杂,蕴含着丰富的动物资源,然而关于蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫区系缺乏系统深入研究。学者们对草盲蝽复合组昆虫的报道仅局限于分别对草盲蝽属、丽盲蝽属、新丽盲蝽属、后丽盲蝽属、树丽盲蝽属昆虫的种类进行描述和记载(Aglyamzyanov,1990;郑乐怡等,1992;Josifov,1992;齐宝瑛等,1993;Aglyamzyanov,1994;吕楠等,1994;Schwartz,1996;吕楠等,1997,1998;能乃扎布,1999;吕楠等,2001;Aglyamzyanov,2003,2006)。在近年广泛野外调查的基础上,结合内蒙古师范大学数十年的馆藏标本和内蒙古民族大学标本室积累的标本,通过查阅大量文献资料,本文对蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫进行整理、分类和鉴定,并对其组成和区系进行了系统分析,为了解蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫资源、多样性、害虫防治提供理论依据。
1 材料与方法
2 结果与分析
表1 蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫的属种组成
蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫在中国动物地理区划中共有14种分布型,见表3。按各区划分布种类由多到少分别为:蒙新区34种,占100%;华北区18种,占52.94%;青藏区12种,占35.29%;华中区11种,占32.35%;东北区 9种,占26.47%;西南区6种,占17.65%;华南区3种,占8.82%。全国分布种2种,占5.88%。
表2 蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫在世界动物地理区划中的分布类型
表3 蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫在中国动物地理区划中的分布类型
注:MX,蒙新;NE,东北;NC,华北;QT,青藏;SW,西南;CC,华中;SC,华南。Note:MX,Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Region; NE,North-East Region; NC,North-China Region; QT,Qingzang-Tibet Region; SW,South-West Region; CC,Central-China Region; SC,South-China Region.
表4 蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫在蒙新区动物地理区划中的分布类型
表5 蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫各属与邻近国家及地区共有种及其比例
注:S,物种;P,百分比。Note:S,species; P,proportion.
3 结论与讨论
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A preliminary study onLyguscomplex fauna in Mongolia-Xinjiang Region
LI Yuan-Yuan, SHI Kai*, DELIGEER
(College of Agronomy, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao 028000, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,China)
There were 5 genera 34 species ofLyguscomplex distributed in Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Region by identified the specimens and classified relevant records. Among them, the genera ofLygushad the most species (13 species accounted for 38.24%), having absolute advantage. Faunistic analyses showed that Palaearctic species (15 species about 44.12%) as it principal part at the level of world zoogeographical regions.Lyguscomplex only distributed in Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Region had 8 species, almost equal to quarter of the total number of species (23.54%), followed by 5 common species (14.72%) distributed in Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Region and North China region, 3 common species (8.82%) of in Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang region and the northeast region. And there were less species in other fauna. There were 14 species only distributed in the Western desert sub-region, accounting for 41.18% of the total species in Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang zoogeographical regions, the next is the common species (9 species accounting for 26.47%) of Eastern grassland sub-region and Western desert sub region.
Lyguscomplex; fauna; Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Region
李媛媛,女,1982年生,河北唐山人,讲师,硕士,研究方向昆虫分类学,E-mail: liyuanyuan20131128@126.com
Author for correspondence, E-mail: nmshikai@126.com
2016-04-05; 接受日期Accepted:2016-04-23