周金华, 赖庆辉, 高筱钧
(昆明理工大学现代农业工程学院,昆明 650500)
周金华, 赖庆辉*, 高筱钧
(昆明理工大学现代农业工程学院,昆明 650500)
为实现三七种子的精量播种,针对三七种子形状不规则、含水率较高易造成种子流动性差和不易充种的问题,设计了一种滚轮圆刷式三七精密排种器,阐述了其基本结构和工作原理,分析了型孔的形状和大小对充种的影响;为实现零速投种,对护种板安装角度进行了分析;研究了充种区种子的受力情况,建立了圆刷滚轮接触区内三七种子运动方程。对圆刷滚轮接触区内三七种子的运动情况进行了仿真分析,其结果与理论计算值基本一致。选取型孔轮转速、型孔直径和型孔深度为试验因子,以粒距合格指数、重播指数和漏播指数为评价指标,采用3因子3水平正交设计方法进行排种器台架试验。结果表明:型孔轮转速20 r/min、型孔深度7 mm、型孔直径8.5 mm为较优组合,此时的粒距合格指数可以达到93.17%,重播指数为3.40%,漏播指数为3.43%,达到了三七种子精密播种的要求。
排种器; 三七种子; 仿真分析
SummaryPanaxnotoginsengis a well-known Chinese herbal medicine and is manually sown because of no supporting device for precise seed metering. Seed-metering device was an essential part for the sower ofP.notoginseng, and its efficiency has significant impact on the quality of sowing. The direction of design on mechanical precise seed-metering device is toward high efficiency and automation.
The purpose of this study was to solve the problem of poor fluidity forP.notoginsengseed caused by irregular shape and high water content and to achieve precise seeding forP.notoginseng. A novel type of roller-round brush precise seed-metering device was designed forP.notoginseng, and the optimal metering parameters on the performance of the machine were explored.
In this study, basic structure and working principle of the model were described, and the effect of shape and size of the type hole on seed-filling was analyzed. The angle for shield plate installation was analyzed to achieve zero-speed dropping. Simulation was utilized to analyze the motion ofP.notoginsengseeds in the seed-filling zone, and a motion equation was established in the roller-round brush contact zone. The speed, diameter and depth of the type hole were selected as the three test factors for the precise seed-metering device.
The simulation model of the seed-metering device forP.notoginsengseeds was established by the UGNX software, and was conducted on the basis of the EDEM dynamic simulation software. Through theoretical calculation, it was determined that the diameter of the type hole was in the range of 8-9 mm, and the depth of the type hole was in the range of 6-7 mm. For the zero speed seeding, the installation angle of the shield plate was related to the speed of the metering device and the wheel speed of the type hole. The change of the movement forP.notoginsengseeds was consistent with the direction of the motion analysis. The movement of the seeds in the contact zone of the roller-round brush was verified. Further experiments were conducted to increase the qualified index of seed space, and reduce the multi-seeding and miss-seeding indexes, lower the intensity of field test. The results showed that the optimal condition was the speed of the type hole wheel of 20 r/min, with the type hole diameter of 8.5 mm and the type hole depth of 7 mm. Under the optimal condition, the qualified index of the seed space was 93.17%, the multi-seeding and the miss-seeding indexes were 3.40% and 3.43%, respectively.
In conclusion, the seed-metering device is a key component of seeding machine, and the simulation analysis for the roller-round brush seed-metering device can meet the requirement of precise seeding forP.notoginseng, providing a methodological reference for optimizing precision metering for other types of seeds.
1 滚轮圆刷式精密排种器的结构和工作原理
如图1 所示,三七精密排种器由种箱、清种圆刷、排种器外壳、护种板、型孔轮、清种弹簧等组成。型孔轮及护种板安装角度结构设计直接影响到播种质量。
1:种箱;2:清种圆刷;3:排种器外壳;4:护种板;5:型孔轮;6:清种弹簧。1: Seed box; 2: Round brush of seed cleaning; 3: Shell of seed-metering device; 4: Shield plate; 5: Type hole wheel; 6: Clear spring.图1 排种器结构示意图Fig.1 Structure diagram of seed-metering device
1:型孔轮;2:清种槽;3:倒角;4:型孔。1: Type hole wheel; 2: Seed cleaning groove; 3: Chamfer angle; 4: Type hole.图2 型孔轮结构示意图Fig.2 Structure diagram of type hole wheel
根据三七种子的形状、尺寸和表面状态,结合三七播种的农艺要求,对型孔轮上的型孔形状和大小进行设计。为确保投种精度,需设计一种仅容纳1粒种子的型孔。选择云南省文山州播种使用的三七种子,随机取200粒测量平均尺寸,得到三七种子的长度分布在5.2~7.2 mm之间,宽度分布在4.8~6.8 mm之间,高度分布在4.0~6.0 mm之间。由于种子的球度为90.86%,近似球体,故选择圆弧形的型孔。为增加种子充入型孔的概率,降低刮种时的伤种率,在型孔外边缘设计倒角。为增大排种器的充种面积,将型孔轮上的型孔设计成2排,如图2所示,每一排型孔交错角度为60°,2排相邻的型孔交错排列[12]。型孔直径及型孔深度主要按照式(1)和式(2)进行计算。
通过式(1)和式(2)得出型孔的直径范围在7.7~8.2 mm之间,型孔深度范围在6.2~6.7 mm之间。在设计过程中,考虑到三七种子表面形状不规则、含水率较高,将型孔直径及深度作进一步调整,确定型孔直径为8~9 mm,型孔深度为6~7 mm。
v:排种器前进速度;vx:v在x轴的分速度;β:v与y轴之间的夹角;v1:型孔处的线速度。v: Forward speed of the seed-metering device; vx: Velocity component of v in x axis direction; β: Included angle between the v and the y axis; v1: Line speed at the type hole. 图3 护种板安装角度分析图Fig.3 Analysis of the installation angle of the shield plate
A:种子受力分析;B:种子运动趋势分析。FL:种子所受圆刷的摩擦力;FN:种子所受型孔轮施加的摩擦力;r:种子的平均半径;M1:圆刷转矩;M2:型孔轮转矩;M3:种子所受的合力矩;vL:圆刷转速;(O1,O2):排种轮轴心。A: Analysis of seed stress; B: Analysis of seed movement trend. FL: Friction force of round brush for seed; FN: Friction force applied to seed by type hole wheel; r: Mean radius of the seed; M1: Torque of round brush; M2: Torque of type hole wheel; M3: Resultant force moment of seed; vL: Rotary speed of round brush; (O1, O2): Axis of seed-metering wheel.图4 种子运动分析图Fig.4 Analysis of seed movement
2 仿真模型的建立
利用高清数码相机拍摄三七种子照片,并将照片格式转化为.TIF 的光栅图像,通过UGNX软件将其导入,如图5A所示;然后采用样条曲线,选取三七种子光栅图像的边界点,建立封闭网格,应用网格曲面命令完成种子三维模型,如图5B所示;采用球颗粒聚合方法建立三七种子离散模型,如图5C所示,并借助EDEM软件计算出种子模型质心。
A:种子光栅图像;B:种子曲面模型;C:种子离散模型.A: Seed raster image; B: Seed surface model; C: Seed dispersion model.图5 三七种子离散模型建立Fig.5 Establishment of the seed dispersion model
图6 排种器排种运动仿真 Fig.6 Motion simulation of seed-metering device
3 仿真试验
设置排种器及三七种子颗粒的物理力学参数[14-15],如表1所示。设置种子模型生成平面的种子颗粒速率为2 000个/s,种子颗粒总数为2 000个,仿真时间为20 s。排种器模型以Mesh形式显示,以便更加清楚地观察种子的运动状态。
Table 1Material parameters of simulation model for seed-metering device
材料 Materials 密度 Density kg m3 泊松比 Poissonsratio剪切模量 Shearmodulus MPa三七种子P notoginsengseed9560 413尼龙Nylon11500 41010圆刷Roundbrush10500 4100
图7为仿真时间在4.72 s时,接触区域内种子运动矢量图:型孔轮表面种子运动方向与型孔轮切线方向相同,在圆刷表面种子运行方向也呈现出与圆刷表面相切的运动方向。在圆刷与型孔轮接触区域内的种子,如果没有被充入型孔内部,种子就会受到圆刷及型孔轮2个运行方向的摩擦力。由于2个摩擦力的出现,结合种子自身的重力、种群对种子的压力以及种群摩擦力的影响,导致三七种子运动速度方向发生改变。
通过仿真结果(图8)可以看出,三七种子在这一区域内产生了自转:从1.46 s(图8A)时的位置转过120°左右(1.51 s,图8B),在1.56 s时再次旋转120°左右(图8C)。这种因外力产生的自转,能使三七种子的旋转方向与型孔轮的旋转方向相反,增加了种子与型孔轮表面的接触面积,更有利于充种,且能防止没有被充入型孔的种子被挤碎。
图7 三七种子速度矢量图 Fig.7 Velocity vector chart of P. notoginseng seed
A:1.46 s;B:1.51 s;C:1.56 s.图8 三七种子运动仿真Fig.8 Movement simulation of P. notoginseng seed
A:合格;B:重播;C:漏播。A: Qualified; B: Multi-seeding; C: Miss-seeding.图9 排种器仿真试验Fig.9 Simulation test of seed-metering device
4 台架试验与分析
为寻求型孔轮转速、型孔直径和型孔深度的较优参数组合,2014年12月1日在昆明理工大学现代农业工程学院自制的土槽试验台上对滚轮圆刷式三七精密排种器进行排种性能试验(图10)。土槽试验台的总长度为12 m,有效作业长度9 m;土槽内的土质符合三七播种的实际播种土壤环境。试验选用的种子为云南省文山州播种用三七种子,其千粒质量为98~103 g。作业动力采用最大功率为1.5 kW的可变频调速三相异步电动机。在试验样机上安装有滚轮圆刷式三七精密排种器及传动系统[17]。
采用GB/T 6973—2005《单粒(精密)播种机试验方法》所规定的粒距合格指数、重播指数、漏播指数为性能评价指标。
图10 土槽试验Fig.10 Soil-bin test
表2 排种器性能试验因子水平编码表
选用正交表L9(34)进行试验设计,试验结果和方差分析见表3。从中可以看出,影响粒距合格指数S的3个因子的主次顺序为型孔轮转速A>型孔深度C>型孔直径B,其较优组合为A3C1B2。重播指数和漏播指数越小越好。影响重播指数D的3个因子的主次顺序为型孔轮转速A>型孔深度C>型孔直径B,其较优组合为A3C1B2;影响漏播指数M的3个因子的主次顺序为型孔轮转速A>型孔深度C>型孔直径B,其较优组合为A3C1B3。综合考虑三七播种作业环境,以及播种的农业要求,选择排种质量较优组合为A3C1B2,即当型孔轮转速为20 r/min、型孔深度为7.0 mm、型孔直径为8.5 mm时,种子粒距合格指数为93.17%,重播指数为3.40%,漏播指数为3.43%。
5 结论
5.3通过正交设计得到的最优试验组合设计滚轮圆刷式三七精密排种器,其粒距合格指数可达93.17%,其中最佳工作速度为20 r/min,型孔深度为7.0 mm,型孔直径为8.5 mm。
表3 试验结果
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Simulation analysis and experiment of roller-round brush precise seed-metering device forPanaxnotoginseng.JournalofZhejiangUniversity(Agric. &LifeSci.), 2016,42(4):509-516
ZHOU Jinhua, LAI Qinghui*, GAO Xiaojun
seed-metering device;Panaxnotoginsengseed; simulation analysis
Corresponding author):赖庆辉(http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3004-7809),E-mail:laiqinghui007@163.com
2015-09-01;接受日期(Accepted):2016-01-04;网络出版日期(Published online):2016-07-18
S 232.3