

质谱学报 2016年4期

方小伟,李 婧,李 毅,张兴磊

(1.东华理工大学,江西省质谱科学与仪器重点实验室,江西 南昌 330013;2.东华理工大学分析测试研究中心,江西 南昌 330013)



(1.东华理工大学,江西省质谱科学与仪器重点实验室,江西 南昌330013;2.东华理工大学分析测试研究中心,江西 南昌330013)

摘要:采用表面解吸常压化学电离质谱(DAPCI-MS)技术对5种氟喹诺酮类化合物进行多级串联质谱研究,获得了各化合物的多级质谱信息。通过比较各化合物质谱裂解途径的异同,发现在正离子检测模式下,氟喹诺酮类化合物在碰撞诱导解离过程中均产生中性丢失44 u(CO2)、28 u(CO)、20 u(HF)、18 u(H2O)的离子峰。如果结构中含有哌嗪环取代基,脱羧后可观察到哌嗪环的重排反应,生成丢失43 u(C2H3NH2)和57 u(CH3—CH2—NCH2)的碎片离子,这可作为“诊断”其他氟喹诺酮类化合物和结构类似物的特征。该方法无需样品预处理,不使用有机溶剂,分析速度快,是一种无污染、无毒、原位、无损的分析方法,可为痕量药物分析提供新的思路。







LTQ-XL型线性离子阱质谱仪:美国Finnigan 公司产品,配有Xcalibur 型数据处理系统;表面解吸常压化学电离源:实验室自制。




设置LTQ-MS为正离子检测模式,放电针电压为3.2 kV,离子传输管温度为275 ℃,放电针尖至质谱入口毛细管的直线距离为1.0 cm,样品距放电针尖约1~3 mm,碰撞诱导解离(CID)时间为100 ms,离子选择窗口为1.0 u,碰撞能量为13%~25%,其他参数由LTQ-MS系统自动优化,所得质谱数据扣除背景后导出。



表1 5种氟喹诺酮类药物的基本信息


表2 5种氟喹诺酮类化合物的DAPCI-MSn信息(n=1~3)


图1 诺氟沙星的串联多级质谱图(n=1~4)

注:图中带*号的裂解途径推测存在分子内重排图2 诺氟沙星的裂解规律

选择二级质谱中的碎片离子m/z302进行CID实验,在三级质谱中,主要得到m/z282碎片离子,以及丰度相对较小的m/z274、254、226碎片离子,示于图1c。其中,m/z282与m/z302相比减少了20 u,推测为中性丢失一分子HF而生成,对应图2中的裂解途径③。m/z274与m/z302相比减少了28 u,推测为中性丢失一分子CO而生成,对应图2中的裂解途径④。m/z254与m/z302相比减少了48 u,推测为母离子中性丢失一分子HF后又失去一分子CO所致,是经过两次断裂后生成的产物,其丰度相对较低。

进一步对m/z282碎片离子进行串联质谱分析,主要得到m/z254和m/z226碎片离子,示于图1d。其中,m/z254与m/z282相比减少了28 u,推测为中性丢失一分子CO而生成,对应图2中的裂解途径⑤。m/z226与m/z282相比减少了56 u,推测为中性丢失两分子CO所致,对应图2中的裂解途径⑥。




研究表明,DAPCI-MS法可对药物粉末直接进行质谱分析,样品无需任何预处理,每个样品在不足1 min内即可完成质谱分析,且不需要载气,与小型质谱仪联用可用于药品的实时在线分析;该方法不使用任何有机溶剂,是一种无污染、无毒、原位、无损的分析方法,可为痕量药物分析提供新的思路。

注:a.一级质谱图;b.二级质谱图;c.三级质谱图;d.四级质谱图图3 实际河水样品的DAPCI-MSn质谱图



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作者简介:方小伟(1987—),男(汉族),江西上饶人,助教,分析化学专业。E-mail: 通信作者:张兴磊(1986—),男(汉族),山东泰安人,讲师,从事分析化学研究。E-mail:





Analysis of Fluoroquinolones by Surface Desorption Atomospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry

FANG Xiao-wei1,2, LI Jing1,2, LI Yi1, ZHANG Xing-lei1,2


Abstract:Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are the third generation of quinolones (QNs), which are one of the most important breakthrough in the field of artificially synthesis of antimicrobial agents following sulfa drugs. Because of its wide antimicrobial spectrum, strong antibacterial activity, no cross resistance side effects with other antimicrobial agents, FQs are widely used in small animal and human many kinds of infectious diseases prevention and treatment. However, with the widespread use of antibiotics, the problems of counterfeit antibiotics emerged and proliferated gradually. Therefore, it is need to develope an analytical method with high sensitive and high speed. Mass spectrometry was the development of ambient ionization techniques, which enabled the ionization of samples in their native environment without sample pretreatment. After the emergence of the pioneered technique, desorption electrospray ionization (DESI), including more than 20 direct-ionization techniques, have been developed in the past decades. Among them, desorption atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (DAPCI) is a powerful ionization technique and has been successfully applied to detect trace surface analytes without evidently injuring the sample in food security, forensic science and environmental science. In this study, the DAPCI source coupled with the linear ion trap mass spectrometer was used to investigate the fragmentation mechanism of fluroquinolones. Five compounds of fluroquinolones were analyzed using surface desorption atomospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (DAPCI-MS) by collision induced dissociation in positive ion detection mode. The mass spectra and structures of the five fluroquinolones were compared with each other, and it was observed that fluroquinolones gave characteristic fragment ions by the neutral loss of 44 u (CO2), 28 u (CO), 20 u (HF) and 18 u (H2O). If compounds have piperazidine substituent, piperazine-link rearrangement can be observed after decarboxyliation, and characteristic fragment ions by the loss of the 43 u (CH2CH—NH2) and 57 u (CH3—CH2—NCH2) were produced. All of them can be used as a “diagnosis” of other fluoroquinolone compounds and structure similar to the characteristics of the ions, which can open a way to fast analyze the FQ drugs.

Key words:fluroquinolones antibiotics; surface desorption atomospheric pressure chemical ionization (DAPCI); mass spectrometry



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