

科学中国人 2016年30期




















一、The universe beginning from zero

For understanding the universe there were three arguments∶1,The universe would have been existing for infinite time past,and continually presenting as past as the same in future forever,to think that the universe would be infinite,stationary and eternal.2,The universe would be finite,dynamic and developmental starting in limited time past,from big bang singularity,expanding with time as its size getting to some limited scale,then contracting with time,eventually collapsing into the big crunch singularity that two singularities to form the boundary of the universal space-time.3,In terms of the quantum mechanics,in imaginary time that the universe would have limit but no boundary or singularity,to be self-contained with everything in some quantum state,space-time combined in closed curve-face,just like the surface of the earth.

二、Space and Time

The universe would be made by matter that should be common idea in people’s mind.Matter is motional in two basic ways∶moving interruptedly and moving extendedly,interruptive motion would produce moving in early or late that early and late implied time and formed sequence of time,between early and late is a term of time to be the base of time measured.If motion were continually,no way to divide motion in early or late and no referred standard of time measurement.For the property of moving interruptedly,time going would not be like water flowing,it should be off-on pulsed and quantized,it should be to have the least unit.

三、Particles and Forces

For character of matter that could be divided into smaller parts again to lead the idea of elementary unit of matter supposed.Suggested atom as the least unit of matter,it was much out of date,because,atom has its complex parts inside yet.Now,that could be firmed as the elementary particles including electrons,protons,neutrons photons positrons and neutrinos,else,as the essential particles that only in laboratory test existed very short time instantly,such as the quarks have six flavors(called,up,down,strange,charmed,bottom and top),each flavor comes in three different colors∶red,green and blue,and each flavor with its antiparticle,the massive vector bosons have three members[W+,W-,Z0],the gluons with three-color members(red,green,and blue),which all above so called the elementary particles,just now that could be firmed,not really to be the original-state particles of matter.In terms of characters of particles that could be divided into two sorts∶spin 1/2 matter particles and spin 0,1,2 force carrying particles.

四、Black holes and traveling between stars

To think black hole would be with huge mass,extremely contracted and pure gravitational body,it would be special form of space-time in the universe.It is said that the black hole would be from star collapsed as its energy exhausted.But not all stars collapsed to form black holes,it would be relation to the star with how much mass.If the star’s mass to be less than the Chandrasekhar limit(1.5 times of sun’s mass),it collapsed into white dwarf,the equal collapsed neutron star and the much larger one might be to collapse into black hole to be as a singularity(similar with the big bang singularity)of the star’s residual collapsed.In black hole that the star’s all information before vanished completely,all the laws of nature broke down.Because in black hole without the form of object that the classical mechanics could not be established,without the form of atom and molecule that he chemistry could not be established,without the form of particle or quantum that the quantum mechanics could not be established and without the form of space-time that the relativity theory could not be established as well.In brief,in black hole would not be to have any reasoning to say,only it could be felt to be its vast gravitational effect.

五、Relativity and Quantum mechanics

The relativity theory has two basic points of view∶1,Relativity principle,that the principle of natural law should be the same for any observer no matter how much motion velocity to be,any position to be at,or any inertial reference frame to choose.2,In vacuum the light speed C would be a constant never changed certainly,whatever the light source or observer moving each other freely.Which both would be definition of the special relativity,and the general relativity added two points to it.First,the natural law for any observer should be the same,no matter any reference frame(inertial or non)to choose.

六、The wonderful number of three

In the universal events,natural laws,social practice or in daily life people’s mind which would be always presenting joint form of three numbers,such as the three infinites of infinite curvature,infinite density and infinite heat of the big bang singularity.For supposing the big bang based on three proofs of the universe expanding,from every direction to see the same of universal matter distributed and uniformity of the universal background radiation.There were three points of view for the universe,to be stationary and infinite,the universal space-time to be finite,and the universal space-time to be finite but no boundary.To suggest the universe developing three models of opening model,closed model and straight model,three in one of matter,space and time,three dimensions of space,time’s three periods of past,present and future,three time-arrows of thermodynamic arrow,astronautic arrow and psychological arrow,three dates of year.


大型强子对撞机发现3 种新奇异粒子