

空中之家 2016年10期



Different natural environment will breed different people; different people invent different arts. Arts in Zhenjiang are rooted deeply in this land full of cultural elements,which integrate best parts from all over China. The arts then were permeated into everyday life .

Text by Brooke Translation by Tao Wenjia&Bian Jiajin&Yishan Photos by Zeng Jian&Wang Ruijia



Lin Tianzhong, Senior creative director of Hengshun Vinegar.林田中,恒顺香醋高级技师。


Nihao: What do you think makes Zhenjiang the origin of famous vinegar brand?

Lin: I think the fi rst reason is its unique geographic features and natural environment. In Zhenjiang, the four seasons are very different, which helps with the natural fermentation and preservation. Second, as a land of fi sh and rice in South China, Zhenjiang has abundant agricultural products. We use local polished glutinous rice to make vinegar. Just like making rice wine, using glutinous rice will make higher quality products with a hint of sweetness. Our vinegar is not as sour as vinegar from North China; instead, the aroma and taste are tender and lasting. The Zhenjiang vinegar has a high amino acid level, so it has some medical use. In the Compendium of Materia Medica of the Ming Dynasty, there is a part about how this vinegar can be used as an ingredient of Chinese medicine. Local Chinese Medicine practitioners also have their own vinegar prescriptions. Zhenjiang has been producing vinegar for more than 1000 years. The core traditional techniques are passed on from generation to generation. For instance, the Hengshun vinegar has a history of more than 160 years.

Nihao:What are the core traditional techniques of making Zhenjiang vinegar?

Lin:The traditional procedure includes more than 40 different steps. Today, manufacturers still stick to those steps. The most essential one is the layered method. During the 21-day fermentation period, people put bran, rice hulls, acetic acid bacteria, and other materials proportionally into different layers. Then they will stir them differently in accordance with the current weather conditions and fermentation. Experienced masters will observe the smell and color carefully before using the most appropriate strength to stir. Certainly it needs a lot of experiences through the years. Such is the essence of this technique. Other traditions, such as using jars to preserve vinegar outdoors and the parched-rice coloring of the vinegar, are also signif i cant for Zhenjiang vinegar to have its unique aroma and color.

Nihao:Why did Zhenjiang vinegar become a local culture?

Lin:I think it's because a certain kind of natural environment will breed a certain kind of people. People in Zhenjiang like to eat cover noodle and salted pork, which are both greasy. And vinegar will help with digestion. So it naturally became a necessity for the people. Moreover, Zhenjiang is at the intersection of the Yangtze River and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, so the Hengshun vinegar has been shipped out all the way to South and North China and even the South Seas since the Qing Dynasty, so this vinegar became a famous local product. You cannot separate Zhenjiang vinegar from its natural environment because after years of fermentation, we now have our own acetic acid bacteria. We tried such bacteria from other places. We also tried to move our bacteria to other places, but neither worked.

The crafts of Hengshun Vinegar has been listed in a national intangible culture project.恒顺香醋酿制技艺被列入全国非遗项目。









Nihao: What's the key feature of Zhenjiang (Jingkou) clay sculpture?

Ge: In my opinion, the most distinctive feature is the integration of rough and delicate, and of northern and southern Chinese culture. As Zhenjiang has been an important transport hub for southern and northern China, businessmen and craftsman from different places would have the chance to gather at the city and exchange information as well as techniques. The clay sculptures from north China often emphasize the surfaces of sculptures and use various tools, while the south often focuses on the spirit and mainly relies on pinching. I make my sculptureswith knives or my hands according to the theme. Though I combine skills from both the north and the south, I pay more attention to the spirit of the sculpture and try to emphasise certain parts of the characters. For example, when making Bainianzi, a character in Chinese ancient folklore who is considered to be gentle and kind, I've created the face, clothes, and gesture in a soft and beautiful way. But later when she is in great anger in the story, I've given her more exaggerated movement.

Nihao: What does the clay sculpture tell

us about the cultural characteristics of Zhenjaing?

Ge: The themes of the sculptures are closely related to local culture. Many are based on Chinese folk stories, which we also often heard from the elder generations and read in picturestory books. Also, Zhenjiang has great a natural environment, surrounded by mountains and a river, and has attracted scholars and artists to come and spend time here. Therefore, the city has abundant folk cultures and a laidback style, humour, and a bit exaggerating.

Ge Zhizhong, inheritor of intangible cultural heritage“Jingkou Clay Sculpture”.葛志仲,“京口泥塑”非遗项目传承人






Chen Bohua, inheritor of national intangible cultural project.陈柏华 ,“秦淮灯彩”国家级非遗传承人


Nihao:What is Jurong Lantern Festival famous for?

Chen: The source of Qin Huai River is in Jurong. Qin Huai District has thousands of years' history of a lantern festival. The people in Jurong love to watch the dragon dance and lion dance, and visit the lantern festivals when we are little. This special regional culture formed the tradition of lantern making. At the time of traditional festivals or people's houses being completed, every family will hang the lanterns to give some joyful atmosphere. Especially when it comes to the Festival of Lanterns, which is just like a Chinese carnival, it is essential to visit the festival. In the past, people making lanterns in Jurong were normally farmers. They made some festival lanterns before the festival or at rest and then sold them in the town. Now, most lanterns I make are for grand lantern festivals. Besides the exterior decoration, the techniques of sound, lighting, electricity and the like will be included. The electronic industry in Zhenjiang is quite developed, which makes Jurong festival lanterns more accurate and more diversif i ed in the sense of lighting and conduct velocity of action potential. This is also one of the advantages of Jurong festival lanterns. I did a project called “Usher in the New Year with Drums and Gongs” this year, in which a paper monkey was playing the drum and the gong to the beat of music. Both the lantern craft and technique were of the highest level.

Nihao: Compared to the others, what's the specialty of Jurong festival lanterns?

Chen: Northern lanterns are rough, implying booming and good luck, so they are brightlycolored, in sharp contrast and bigger in size. In the regions south of the Yangtze River, people are relatively fi ne and smooth. The lanterns are mainly for praying for peace. The color is light and elegant, and the lanterns are often made in a smaller size.Zhenjiang is located on the north-south border, fusing the features of both. Its lantern craft is more similar to the southern, emphasizing details. For instance, when we make dragons, we don't just draw some fl akes on the lantern paper. We stick the fl akes onto the lantern piece by piece, which makes it more vivid and three dimensional. For the materials, Jurong festival lanterns do not apply precious materials such as silk in Zhejiang, and the themes are not that international. Jurong festival lanterns have more customs, more themes about Zhenjiang folk lore or even Zhenjiang Three Strange. They are very down-to-earth ones.








