

新东方英语·中学版 2016年6期


Tony Corfe still remembers the time he first saw Demis Hassabis play chess. He was in charge of the primary schools team in Barnet, north London, and looking for new recruits1) when one week a thin six-year-old boy turned up.

"He was brilliant," Corfe says. "He was determined, and he definitely wanted to win. Of all the schools that I had contact with, he was the best player. He was top of the infants2)."

The boy quickly developed into a chess prodigy, winning dozens of tournaments3) before representing England in competitions. By the age of 13, he had reached the standard of chess master.

Now, 39-year-old Hassabis is the founder and chief executive of DeepMind. In his friends' eyes, he is shy but determined. "He is not a showman, and he keeps his head down," says Prof Geraint Rees, director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London (UCL), where Hassabis studied for a PhD. "Nerdy is the wrong word, but he is definitely of a technical talent. His determination and drive are quite striking."

A glance at his CV4) will prove that. He left school at 16, having taken his A-levels. He spent his gap year5) gaining experience in computer games programming, which was to become his first career, by co-writing Theme Park, one of the most successful games of the Nineties.

After graduating with a double first6) in computer science from Cambridge, he set up his own games business, Elixir Studios, which was responsible for such hits7) as Evil Genius and Republic, the latter being nominated for a BAFTA award.

"He is extraordinary," says Joe McDonagh, who co-founded Elixir with Hassabis. "He was only 21 when we set it up [McDonagh was 25], but he had an incredibly old head on such young shoulders." Although he credits Hassabis's intelligence, McDonagh says his more important ability was to inspire a team. "He truly believes the thing you are working on will change the world and will be remembered for ever. That is incredibly inspiring. Most of us are held back by fear, but Demis takes the attitude that everything is possible."

Nevertheless, Hassabis's path has not been completely smooth. According to friends, he grew frustrated with the more mundane8) aspects of managing Elixir. In 2009, Hassabis returned to academia9), completing his PhD in cognitive neuroscience at UCL. In three years, he wrote a dozen research papers and succeeded in systematically linking memory with imagination for the first time. The journal Science described his achievement as one of the breakthroughs of the year. In 2011, he left academia to co-found a London-based artificial intelligence company, DeepMind Technologies. On 27 January, 2014, DeepMind was acquired by Google for ?400 m.

With DeepMind, Hassabis is trying "to get to the point where machines can learn rather than being taught". This may seem a daunting10) mission, but it is unlikely to faze11) Hassabis. "I'm actually more worried about not taking risks and playing safe [than taking chances]," he once said. "I've always been prepared to jump in at the deep end12) and see if I can swim13) or not."











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