

科技创新导报 2016年10期

杜晓佳 孙再洪

摘 要:该研究目标就是利用其他课题的基础研究成果,开发电池堆材料,设计安装电池堆,并进行电池堆集成演示,为验证其他课题研究成果提供平台,并为实现SOFC技术发展的国家目标做出贡献。研究内容包括:研究适合一体化SOFC的新型密封材料体系及封接工艺,获得密封材料组成、配方及封接方式;基于一体化SOFC单电池结构及其组合方式,设计并优化连接体结构;建立电池堆数学模型和实验验证方法,设计电池堆结构提供依据;建立和优化电池堆的集成工艺,组装电池堆。取得的初步成果:(1)以12G封料为基础的玻璃和玻璃-氧化锆复合封接材料取得了初步成功并已用于电池和电堆测试;(2)设计了第一代双极板电堆连接体,取得了连接体的设计经验。在此基础上设计出了先进的以薄板结构为特征的第二代电堆连接体,为今后功率的扩容和产业化打下了基础;(3)建立了电池堆数学模型,创建了电场、流场、温场耦合均匀性评价实验方案,为电池堆设计提供了关键参数;(4)发了第一代电堆集成工艺、检测系统和电堆测量技术。在此基础上结合第二代连接体设计的改进,设计了第二代电堆集成装置和安装程序;第二代电堆设计克服了第一代电堆设计中的关键障碍,为今后降低电堆成本、扩大容量、增强重复性和可靠性打下了基础。与国内外同类研究工作相比的创新性:开发的BiBaSi系玻璃-ZrO2复合密封材料既保持了玻璃高密封效率,又克服了玻璃密封件厚度难以掌控的缺点。在连接体设计中,第二代连接件设计采用了薄板结构,内置式气体进出气柜,接近了国际设计水平。在电池堆集成安装方面,第二代电堆的集成安装设备及工艺简洁流畅,重复性好,为以后扩大生产创造了条件。

关键词:SOFC 碳基燃料 连接件 密封材料 电池堆

Abstract:The objectives of Task VI include development of new stack materials, design, assembling and demonstration of SOFC stacks by use of research results achieved by rest tasks of this 973 project. Achievement of these objectives, especially the development of SOFC stacks will provide other task teams with a reliable platform to evaluate and demonstrate their research results, and furthermore, make contributions to national strategic objectives on SOFC technology development... To realize the objectives, the work scope of task VI was set as bellow:Development of new gasket materials and sealing technology for PEN co-structured SOFCs (CS-SOFCs), including material compositions, processing and application technology;Design and optimization of interconnect suitable for CS- SOFCs structure and assembling;Developing stack modeling and related experimental evaluation methods, providing parameters for stack designs.;Establishing and optimizing stack integration technology and assembling stacks for demonstration. Through the first two-year efforts made by task leader, Suzhou Huatsing Jingkun New Energy Technology Corporation, Ltd. (HSNETC), and its subcontractor, China University of Mining and technology (Beijing),all the works planed for the period were completed and the objectives were achieved. In details, the major achievements are as below:(1)Developed 12G-based glass and glass-zirconia composite sealing materials which were successfully used for single cell and SOFC stack testing;(2)Designed the first generation of interconnect with combined dual (air and fuel) flowfields structure. Based on the gained experiments, secondary interconnect was developed with thin stainless steels, which paved a way for future development of high power SOFC stacks, systems and commercialization.(3)Created mathematical stack modeling and established evaluation methods,which provided key parameters for stack designs.(4)Developed first generation technologies for stack assembling, examination and testing. Furthermore, secondary generation of stack assembling and evaluation technology was developed based on secondary generation of thin interconnect structure.The latest secondary stack design featured with thin stainless steel interconnects eliminated key technology obstacles in the first generation of stack design.Based on the achievements.gained in last two years,Task VI team are at good shape to accelerate SOFC cell, stack and system technology development.

Key Words:SOFC;Coal-based fuels;Interconnect;Sealing material;Stack


