吴美平 张开东 曹聚亮 洪华杰 周锡华
摘 要:航空重力测量是以飞机为载体确定区域和局部重力场的方法,由于其测量速度快、范围广、成本低,且几乎可到达任何地 区,是区域范围内获取高精度、中高分辨率重力场信息的有效手段,可覆盖卫星重力测量和地面重力测量之间的频带。基于捷联惯导的航空重力测量系统由于具有体积小、重量轻、功耗小、成本低、可靠性高、操作简单等优点,是近十几年的研究热点之一,代表了航空重力仪的发展方向。经过“十一五”期间的技术攻关,国防科学技术大学在捷联惯导式航空重力测量系统硬件设计、软件开发、系统集成、数据处理以及成果应用等方面积累了丰富经验,研制的捷联惯导式航空重力测量系统原理样机的精度达到同类系统国际先进水平。该研究的总目标是,在“十一五”突破捷联惯导式航空重力仪关键技术的基础上,进一步突破制约高精度航空重力测量系统的关键技术,研制新型实用化的航空重力勘查系统,技术指标达到国际商用产品的先进水平,实现国产航空重力勘查系统在油气和矿产资源勘查中的实际应用。课题的预期指标是在异常半波长分辨率3 km时,系统测量精度优于l mGal,并完成不少于10 000 km测线的示范性生产。该报告介绍了项目的背景,研究基础,以及该项目的技术方案。
关键词:航空重力 惯性技术 加速度计 稳定平台
Abstract:Airborne gravimetry is the method to map the regional and local gravity field on airplane, it can map the gravity field of a big area rapidly and continuously for its increased speed, greater range, significantly low cost and the potential to reach anywhere, and can fill the frequency gap between land gravimetry and satellite gravimetry. Strapdown airborne gravimeter is the next generation gravimeter for its much smaller size, lighter weight and lower power consumption, and is one of the research area in gravimetry in recent 10 years.Through the rearch work in “11.5”,National University of Defense Technology(NUDT) had accumulated much experience on the hardware design, software desigh, system integration, data processing and applications of strapdown gravimetry, the principle prototype designed by NUDT has rearched the advanced level among the same type gravimeters.The goals of this project include that breaking through the key technologies restricted the high accuracy gravimetry,and developing the airborne gravimetrysystem that can meet the requirement of the reconnaissance of oil and mine, and the accuracy reaching the advanced level of commercial products. The anticipate accuracy is better than lmGal at the resolution of 3 km, and we also need to fullfill demonstrate production more than 100 000 km.This report introduced the background of the project, foundation, and the scheme to realize the goal.
Keywords:Airborne Gravimetry,InertialTechnology,Accelerometer,Stabilized platform