熊淑萍,吴克远,王小纯,2,吴懿鑫,杜 盼,马新明
(1.河南农业大学农学院/河南粮食作物协调创新中心/小麦玉米作物学国家重点实验室,河南郑州 450002;2.河南农业大学生命科学学院,河南郑州450002)
熊淑萍1,吴克远1,王小纯1,2,吴懿鑫1,杜 盼1,马新明1
(1.河南农业大学农学院/河南粮食作物协调创新中心/小麦玉米作物学国家重点实验室,河南郑州 450002;2.河南农业大学生命科学学院,河南郑州450002)
利用前期筛选的氮高效小麦品种漯麦18和氮低效小麦品种西农509为试验材料[9]。采用溶液培养的方法于2014年在河南农业大学小麦玉米作物学国家重点实验室人工气候室进行。供试种子用75%酒精消毒5 min,1 g·L-1HgCl2消毒10 min;无离子水洗净后浸种24 h,于25 ℃ 培养箱中催芽。幼苗一叶一心时, 用蒸馏水冲洗后取大小均匀一致的幼苗,移到完全营养液中培养。营养液配方为:K2SO40.75×10-3mol·L-1、MgSO40.65×10-3mol·L-1、KCl 0.1×10-3mol·L-1、Ca(NO3)22.0×10-3mol·L-1、KH2PO40.25×10-3mol·L-1、H3BO31×10-6mol·L-1、MnSO41×10-6mol·L-1、CuSO41×10-7mol·L-1、ZnSO41×10-6mol·L-1、 (NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O 1×10-9mol·L-1、Fe-EDTA 1×10-4mol·L-1。每3 d更换1次营养液,用稀HCl和稀NaOH调节营养液pH在6.5左右,培养温度模拟大田。
采用Excle 2010和SPSS 20软件进行数据处理和方差分析,用Origin Lab 9.0作图。
图1 两个小麦品种苗期吸收速率
1 NO-3
Fig. uptake rate of two wheat varieties
Values followed by different lower case letters are significant difference at 5% level.The same as table 2
图2 两个小麦品种苗期吸收速率
2 NH+4
Fig. uptake rate of two wheat varieties
Different capital and lower case letters mean significant difference at 1% and 5% level.The same as following figures
图3 两个小麦品种苗期在不同氮
Fig.3Differences of GS activity in root of two
wheat varieties with different N
forms at seedling stage
图5 两个小麦品种苗期在不同氮处理
图6 两个小麦品种苗期在不同氮处理
图7 两个小麦品种苗期在不同氮处理
图8 两个小麦品种苗期在不同氮处理
3讨 论
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Analysis of Nitrogen Metabolism in Roots and Uptake Characteristic of Wheat Cultivars with Different Nitrogen Efficiency at Seedling Stage
XIONG Shuping1,WU Keyuan1,WANG Xiaochun1,2,WU Yixin1,DU Pan1,MA Xinming1
(1.College of Agronomy,Henan Agricultural University/Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops/National Key Laboratory of Wheat and Maize Crop Science,Zhengzhou,Henan 450002,China;2.College of Life Sciences,Henan Agriculture University,Zhengzhou,Henan 450002,China)
Abstract:In order to clarify the physiological mechanisms of higher nitrogen use efficiency of wheat,the difference of nitrogen metabolism in roots and uptake characteristics of wheat cultivars with different nitrogen efficiency were investigated.Under hydroponic conditions,the nitrogen metabolism in roots and uptake kinetics to and of N high efficiency wheat variety Luomai 18 and N low efficiency wheat variety Xinong 509 were studied.The results showed that the GS activity,NR activity,free amino acids concentration and soluble protein concentration in root of Luomai 18 were higher than those of Xinong 509.But the nitrate concentration and ammonium concentration in root of Xinong 509 were higher than those of Luomai 18.The maximum absorption rate(Vmax) to and of Luomai 18 were higher than those of Xinong 509.But the affinity(1/Km) of Xinong 509 was higher than that of Luomai 18.In conclusion,the root absorptive capacity to and and assimilative capacity of Luomai 18 was significantly higher than that of Xinong 509.There is a mutually reinforcing relationship between wheat roots absorption and assimilation to and .
Key words:Wheat; Root; Nitrogen metabolism; Uptake kinetics