于文吉 祝荣先 余养伦 王戈 陈玉和
摘 要:高强度竹基纤维复合材料制造技术是以我国丰富的可再生的竹材生物质资源为原材料,通过重点研究竹青竹黄差速异步点裂微创、纤维原位可控分离、纤维化单板制造、增强树脂梯级导入等关键技术;通过工艺创新和新产品开发以及关键设备的研发,突破传统技术中竹青\竹黄难以有效胶合的制约竹材工业化利用的瓶颈难题;使得占我国竹材资源近50%的小径级竹材得以工业化充分利用,并使毛竹等大径级竹材的一次利用率从20%~50%提高至90%以上,研制出高强度、高附加值竹基纤维复合材料,提升了我国竹产业的技术水平。目前已经形成了风电桨叶用竹基纤维复合材料系列技术、全竹集装箱底板用竹基纤维复合材料系列技术,全竹建筑模板用竹基纤维复合材料系列技术等3套技术体系,促进了我国竹产业的升级换代。
关键词:竹材 竹基纤维复合材料 高强度
Abstract:In view of the technical demand of bamboo industry in China, four key technologies were developed via this 863 program.Under the traditional technology conditions, only the few kinds of bamboo with large diameter level can be available for industrial utilization in a relative lower utilization about 20%~50%.With the application of the patented technology platform, it successfully broke through the difficulty for the bonding problem of the bamboo green and bamboo yellow. Not only the large diameter bamboo, but small bamboo can be full used, and the bamboo culms utilization ratio increase to 95%. High performance bamboo-based fiber composite can be made through the technology platform, such as the framework material for the blade of wind turbine. The implementation of the project promote the upgrading of the bamboo industry in China.
Key Words:Bamboo;Bamboo-based fiber composite;High Performance