

英语学习 2016年7期


最近读了一部名叫The Pillars of the Earth的小说,并非新书——首版于1989年——却是当代英语小说中常销常读的经典。中文版意译作《圣殿春秋》,虽则通俗易懂,但我仍然喜欢那书名的直译——《地球之柱》。这故事说的是一个名叫Tom Builder的石匠,立志要建造这世上最美丽的大教堂(cathedral),为此,他与家人四处奔波,受尽磨难,后来在小镇金斯布里奇(Kingsbridge)遇到修道院长Prior Philip。Tom用自己的诚心和能力说服Philip相信,这小镇应当有一座美丽的大教堂,于是终于获得把梦中圣殿变成现实的机会,但是大教堂尚未完工,他便葬身于恶人的马蹄之下。所幸圣殿之梦并没有夭折,受Tom的痴迷感染的继子Jack,在幼年时大胆烧毁小镇上原来那个老朽、丑陋,勉强称作“教堂”的东西,为圣殿降临尘世扫除障碍,成年后又远涉法国、西班牙,不仅从那里为建造圣殿募集了急需的资金,更汲取了那里的建造技术和风格,并把它们融入到重建cathedral的工作之中——Jack Builder接替Tom Builder,正对应了历史上西方建筑风格由罗马式(Romanesque)到哥特式(Gothic)过渡的时期——最终在Kingsbridge树立起人们从未见过,甚至没有想象过的美丽建筑。Cathedral在Tom和Jack这样的“建造者”(Builders)心目中,就是支撑天地这座大厦的“支柱”吧。

在高楼大厦林立的当下,“注册建造师”的名头几乎与“公务员”一样热门。然而,怀有浪漫主义雄心壮志的“建造者们”,想必不屑于设计如同鸽子笼一般囚禁着都市人群的公寓楼(apartment buildings)吧。对于Tom和Jack这样的Builders来说,建造圣殿才是他们这辈子应当去做的,而为某个人家建房搭屋,不过是聊以谋生的手段,一旦有了建造圣殿的机会,他们会立即起身前往,哪怕手边正在建造的房屋豪华得如同宫殿,也留不住他们。艾茵·兰德(Ayn Rand)的小说《源泉》(The Fountainhead)的主人公建筑师Roark说过这样掷地有声的话:“I dont intend to build in order to serve or help anyone. I dont intend to build in order to have clients. I intend to have clients in order to build.”1 这话可谓道出了Builders的心声。

因为,圣殿是会让人上瘾的,在一个石匠的生命中,哪怕只遇到过一次,也会从此舍了命地去追寻。”He had worked on a cathedral once—Exeter(埃克塞特,英国英格兰西南部城市). At first he had treated it like any other job. He had been angry and resentful(感到气愤的)when the master builder had warned him that his work was not quite up to standard(不够水准): he knew himself to be rather more careful than the average mason(泥瓦匠). But then he realized that the walls of a cathedral had to be not just good, but perfect. This was because the cathedral was for God, and also because the building was so big that the slightest lean in the walls, the merest variation from the absolutely true and level, could weaken the structure fatally(致命地). Toms resentment turned to fascination. The combination of a hugely ambitious building with merciless(无慈悲心的)attention to the smallest detail opened Toms eyes to the wonder of his craft.”(I. ch. 1. 1. )2 埃克塞特市的cathedral就像催化剂,让Tom从一个“better-than-average mason”变成他自己,一个懂得什么叫“perfect”的“建造者”。

对“建造”的理解之不同,可以说是中西文化差异的一个重要内容。西方建筑注重“坚实”,而中国建筑则更在意“变通”。在中国上古传说中,有“有巢氏”教人制造房屋的记载;中国建筑重在居住者的实际居住体验,居住舒适度、居所与环境的配合是考量中国建筑的重要标准。梁思成先生认为,“[The] osseous construction(框架结构)lends complete freedom in walling and fenestration(开窗法)and renders a house, by merely adjusting the proportion between walls and openings, practical and comfortable in any climate varying from that of the tropical south to that of sub-arctic Manchuria(‘满洲,中国东北的旧称). It is this extremely high degree of flexibility and adaptability that enables this architecture to follow the Chinese people to wherever place they chose to settle down and live without encountering any difficulty in sheltering its occupants from the elements, however diverse they may be.”3

西方建筑以“厚重”著称,而中国建筑则突出“轻盈”。 梁先生写道:“Unlike European architecture, which uses stones as its principal material, Chinese architecture is essentially of wood, a much more perishable(易腐坏的)material.”当然,中国人的建筑也并非不顾及“长久”,但毕竟人情味浓,宗教味淡,人总是占了上风。“Even structures in masonry(砖石建筑)are mere imitations of wooden forms in brick or stone.”因此,后人的研究,许多时候,也便成了所谓的 “与时间赛跑了”——土木结构总难长久抵御自然的侵蚀。“In field work too, the student must pay the greatest attention to wooden structures. He is actually racing with time, for these structures are all the while undergoing a steady and uncompromising(不妥协的)process of disintegration(瓦解).”4

不过,对中国建筑来说,比自然的侵蚀更为暴力的,却是人。中国建造者,为帝王将相建造宫殿、宅邸,功业委实不小,然而,能够经受历史洗礼,流传下来为后人瞻仰的却并不多,其原因不外乎一条:“爱屋及乌”的反面也可以是“恨人及屋”,不论是农民起义、军阀混战,还是朝代更替,屠城焚屋总是常有的事。如梁先生所言,“While in China, if any structure escaped destruction at a change of dynasty, it was a matter of sheer luck. Chinese conquerors usually followed the example of Hsiang Yu(项羽)who set fire to the palaces of the Chin Emperors(秦朝皇帝), and the flames, it is recorded in the histories, lasted for three months.”5 不管如史学家新近考证的,阿房宫本就是“烂尾”工程,还是如传说中记载的, “楚人一炬,可怜焦土”,总之,那只是始皇帝私欲构筑的空中楼阁,多少劳役之人辛苦,换来一人的居住之乐。这样的建筑,即使存在过,终究难称基础牢固。

相比之下,西方建筑史上,居住层面并不特别受到重视——特别是在中世纪,architecture的金字塔尖上是神圣的教堂,其次是权贵的城堡,再次是商人汇集的城镇,最下者才是仅满足居住需求的农舍、民居。从某种意义上讲,西方建筑的起始,或许是某种对于“永恒”的追求使然。《圣经·创世记》中记载,人类首次大规模集体行动便是建造通天塔,可惜,神担心人类真的建成此塔后,会干扰他的权威,便混乱了人类的语言,于是,这座通天塔便成了巴别塔(babel),意为“语言混乱之塔”:“And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest(以免)we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and a tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound(使混淆)their language, that they may not understand one anothers speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence(从那时起)upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”(King James Bible, Genesis, 11:4—9)

R. Furneaux Jordan在A Concise History of Western Architecture一书中,则认为西方建筑可能发源于人们对于超自然世界的恐惧与痴迷。比如,作为西方建筑文明的源头之一,埃及文明便是与其复杂的宗教信仰密切相关的。“It was out of the fear and mystery of these things that the Egyptians made their complex hierarchy(等级制度)of gods, and their strange religion. In the service of that religion they made their art and their architecture.”6 对于埃及人来说,入土为安远远不够,保持肉体的不朽才是关键,因此,坟墓也必须能够做到不朽。“Egyptian theology (神学,宗教学), with its deified pharaohs(被奉为神明的法老)and strange animal-headed gods, was complicated. The most important thing was the belief that survival after death depends upon the preservation of the body.”7 有意思的是,埃及人的坟墓,至少是法老们的坟墓——金字塔,不是深入地下,而是与他们的神殿指向同一方向——天空,因为他们相信自己死后也将化为超自然力量的一部分。与之相比,虽然我国墓葬文化也极为丰富,但却显得务实了许多——王室贵胄的坟墓深藏地下,生独生,死亦独死;他们相信天道无常,不指望堂而皇之立于天地之间的坟墓会不受侵扰,更不要提受到万世景仰了。

指向天空的坟墓与神殿,延续到基督教文化中,就变成了各种宗教建筑,不过,在这里得到保存并受到纪念的已不再是法老,而是耶稣和各种圣徒。更为重要的是,它们已经不再是只属于少数人的“禁地”,而是大众聚集、忏悔、祈祷、交流,甚至只是排遣孤独的地方。与俗世建筑相比,宗教建筑更能够体现出其作为独立于“使用价值”和“私人属性”之外的精神存在。正因为宗教建筑的这一特性,它们才可以经历千年战乱,屹立不动。在The Pillars of the Earth中,小镇Kingsbridge多次受到恶人William Hamleigh的洗劫,房屋被毁,市场被焚,人民死伤,但是大教堂的建造不会停工,一直坚持几十年,直到最终落成。

虽然在中国建筑史上,宗教建筑并非重头,但与西方相同,与皇族贵戚独享的宫殿相比,庙宇佛塔因为更带有民主性,也便更能唤起普通民众内心的崇高理想。比如,梁思成先生便记载了蓟州城百姓曾经在明清交汇之际,多次舍死保护独乐寺的事迹。“The change of dynasty from Ming to Tsing instigated(促成)three massacres(大屠杀)of Chi-chou city(蓟州城). It is said that the people of the city gathered at Tu-lo Ssu(独乐寺)and defended the Holy Structure at the expense of numerous lives, or it would have suffered the same fate as so many other once famous but now destroyed buildings.”8 想必若是这城里某家富商巨贾的宅院,抑或是某位王爷的府邸,即使拿了刀押着百姓去保护它们,那建筑也不见得能保全下来。

靠“宗教信仰”支撑的时代已逐渐远去,但是,对自己所做事业怀有信仰的建造者们将永生不死,他们总以他们对于建筑、对于人世的热爱为这个世界搭建起一座座支柱与脊梁。真正的“地球之柱”,并非圣殿、皇宫、佛塔,而是那些用生命撑起天地的理想主义的人,如Tom Builder和Jack Builder;如梁思成先生和他的妻子,同为建筑师的林徽因女士。伟大的建筑并不服务于任何个人,而人,则因为能够创造出,或曾经创造出那样或宏伟或神奇的建筑,而得以实现人生的意义。

1. Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead, Penguin Books, 2007, p.14.

2. 引文出自kindle版,无页码,故只标出章节。

3. 梁思成,《我为什么研究中国建筑》,外语教学与研究出版社,2011年,第6页。

4. 《我为什么研究中国建筑》,第223页。

5. 《我为什么研究中国建筑》,第79页。

6. R. Furneaux Jordan, A Concise History of Western Architecture. Thames and Hudson, 1969, p.8.

7. 同上,p.9.

8. 《我为什么研究中国建筑》,第94页。


古典音乐的圣殿 现代音乐的天堂——英国皇家音乐学院