3.2说说唱唱,感知规律。童谣具有语调优美,节奏明快等特点,深受小学生的喜爱。笔者编写了朗朗上口的字母童谣,配以活泼的动作和节奏明快的音乐,让孩子们在说说唱唱中不知不觉掌握了字母的发音,同时积累了一定的词汇量。下面节选字母童谣一部分为例:A/?/,A/?/,/?/apple,apple,apple. B /b/,B /b/,/b/bird,bird,bird. C/k/,C/k/,/k/cat,cat,cat. D/d/,D/d,/d/dog,dog,dog.….
3.5灵活运用补充学习资料辅助教学。为了让自然拼读法的教学更生动、有效,教师可以灵活的运用自然拼读教学资源。在实践自然拼读法的过程中,笔者使用了Jolly Phonic这套儿童英语拼读启蒙课程。该课程通过有趣的故事、科学的游戏、朗朗上口的拼读儿歌等帮助孩子快速掌握英文中44个常用发音,进而发现拼读规律。运用自然拼读补充学习资料辅助教学时,教师应注意:提供的材料要丰富有趣、由浅入深,循序渐进。
[3]聂影.让自然拼读法助力英语单词教学[J].知识窗(教师版),2013,91.English Effective Teaching ——Under New Curriculum Reform宋怡如(广西都安瑶族中学广西都安530700) Abstract:Course reform is the necessary demand in the new situation, which proposes a higher request for teachers. How to adapt to the time better has become the research topic for every teacher. This article aims to explore some specific strategies to improve effectiveness of English teaching through a brief analysis of the inefficient teaching and invalid performance in current English teaching .
Keywords:New Curriculum;English effective teaching中图分类号:G633.4文献标识码:B文章编号:1672-1578(2016)08-0164-011.Introduction
The Background of Research.After researching the English classroom teaching in senior high school, there still exists "low efficiency" phenomenon at English class. The key to solve the issues is studying on effective teaching in system, building effective teaching strategies, guiding students to effectively learn and ultimately achieving optimization of teaching effectiveness.
2. The Empirical Study of English Effective Teaching
Effective teaching is not only a kind of teaching theory, but also a teaching practice. To explore effective teaching strategies of the high school English class under the context of New Curriculum, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of the effectiveness teaching, and provide a realistic basis for the construction of the effective teaching strategy under New Curriculum reform in high school English class.
2.1Effective Teaching Strategies of English Teaching.(1)A variety of import and background knowledge input.Using pictures of audiovisual animation import,English game import, language import,physical import, review Import and reading import. (2)Change "focused" to "dispersed"."Concentrate"here means all the words read before class centralized to students, which is not desirable. We should change "centrally presented" into "decentralized presented";"decentralized" should penetrate. (3)Convert the information.Using pair, sort, sub-headings or topic sentences, flowchart and form.
2.2Guidance and Optimization Teaching Strategy.This means students experience and reflect in process, in which teachers give students guidance and help. In addition, teachers should always pay attention to students' learning state to seize every opportunity to optimize students' learning state and improve the efficiency of students' learning.
3. Conclusion
In short, improving the English classroom teaching effectiveness is not easy and quick to achieve. In the face of New Curriculum, there will be a long way for high school English teachers to go. I just write from a cursory level, and make some recommendations on effective teaching strategy for English teachers. Long Way for its repair , I would explore from top to bottom. I believe that as long as the English teachers always maintain "explore, reflect, and passion for innovation for teaching, they will be able to explore the world of their own in the area of effective teaching.Bibliography:
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