目的 采用MR定量磁敏感图测量不同年龄正常志愿者大脑灰质核团引流静脉的磁敏感值,观察其随年龄的变化趋势,以及与大脑灰质核团铁沉积的相关性。材料与方法使用Siemens 3.0 T MR,对57名正常志愿者进行磁敏感加权成像(SWI)扫描,获得相位图及幅度图,采用磁敏感图像成像与相位伪影消障工具(SMART)软件对相位图和幅度图进行处理得到定量磁敏感图(QSM),利用核磁共振信号处理(SPIN)软件在QSM上画出双侧大脑灰质核团引流静脉(丘脑纹状体静脉、透明隔静脉、大脑内静脉、基底静脉)及双侧大脑灰质核团(尾状核、苍白球、壳核、背侧丘脑、黑质、红核)的感兴趣区,然后分别测出不同静脉及灰质核团的磁敏感值。结果57名正常志愿者左右两侧大脑灰质核团引流静脉磁敏感值无统计学差异(P值均>0.05)。57名正常志愿者两侧尾状核、黑质、红核的磁敏感值差异具有统计学意义,右侧高于左侧(t值分别为3.34、5.12、3.91, P值均<0.05)。右侧丘脑纹状体静脉的磁敏感值与年龄呈正相关(r=0.33, P<0.05)。左侧尾状核与左侧大脑内静脉、左侧壳核与左侧大脑内静脉、左侧红核与左侧大脑内静脉的磁敏感值呈正相关(r值分别为0.29、0.31、0.28, P值均<0.05)。结论右侧丘脑纹状体静脉磁敏感值随年龄增长有增加的趋势,大脑灰质核团引流静脉磁敏感值无侧别差异。部分大脑灰质核团铁沉积与其引流静脉磁敏感值呈正相关。
Received 22 Dec 2015, Accepted 25 Jan 2016
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis study was supported by Grants the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81501457). Tianjin Municipal Health Bureau Key Research Fund (No. 14KG103).
静脉血氧饱和度是评估脑功能及脑组织发育程度的重要指标[1],氧代谢是脑的能量需求的主要来源,大脑占体重的2%,但是却消耗总能量的20%[2]。铁元素是人脑必不可少的元素之一,其主要以非血红素铁的形式分布于脑组织中[3]。脑铁含量的测定具有重要的意义,可以进一步的了解脑的生长发育及退变过程,同样对相关神经系统疾病的诊疗具有重要作用。有研究表明,脑铁含量与静脉血氧饱和度,有一定相关性,脑铁沉积的过程是一个耗氧的过程[4]。MR定量磁敏感图不仅可以对脑铁含量进行定量分析[5-7],同时也可以对静脉血氧饱和度进行定量分析[8],静脉的血氧饱和度可以通过测量静脉的磁敏感值获得[9],Δχveintissue代表磁敏感值,Y代表血氧饱和度,Δχdo代表每单位血球容积内缺氧血与全氧血的磁敏感值(4πχ 0.27 ppm)[10],κ是一个常量,依赖于几何和磁场强度。Hct代表软脑膜静脉的红细胞容积分数,Δχ与Y可以通过以下公式进行换算:Δχvein-tissue= KΔχdo. Hct(1-Y)。
1 材料与方法
1.1 临床资料
1.2 纳入及排除标准
1.3 MR设备及检查方法
本研究采用德国Siemens Magnetom Trio Tim 3.0 T超导磁共振扫描仪,8通道标准头线圈。行T1WI、T2WI等常规MR及磁敏感加权成像(SWI)检查。
1.3.1 常规MR扫描参数
横断面FSE T2WI:TR 6000.0 ms,TE 93.0 ms,反转角120°,采集时间1.25 min,FOV 179 mm× 220 mm,采集层数25,层厚4.0 mm,层间距1.2 mm,像素大小0.7 mm×0.7 mm×4.0 mm;横断面SE T1WI:TR 500.0 ms,TE 8.9 ms,反转角120°,采集时间2.83 min,FOV 206 mm×220 mm,扫描层数25,层厚4.0 mm,层间距1.2 mm,像素大小0.9 mm× 0.9 mm×4.0 mm。
1.3.2 SWI扫描参数
横断面SWI:TR 29.0 ms,TE 20.0 ms,反转角15°,采集时间5.34 min,FOV 129 mm× 230 mm,扫描层数56层,层厚2.0 mm,层间距0.4 mm,像素大小0.5 mm×0.5 mm×2.0 mm。
1.4 图像处理及统计分析
1.4.1 SWI图像处理
采用美国韦恩州立大学提供的磁敏感图成像与相位伪影消障工具(susceptibility mapping and phase artifacts remova1 too1box,SMART)软件对SWI原始相位图和幅度图进一步处理,获得定量磁敏感图(quantitative susceptibility mapping, QSM)[11]。处理步骤[12]:(1)通过SWI序列获得高分辨率的3D SWI数据;(2)利用SWI中的原始相位图和幅度图,对相位图进行32×32的高通滤波;(3)使用内插技术,将0填充到相位图的k空间,使3个方向的矩阵大小为512×512×128,从而保持FOV在X、Y、Z三个方向的纵横比为1∶1∶4,同时消除傅里叶转换及使用反转滤波产生的伪影;(4)进行颅骨剥离及算法,采用复合阈值消除相位图上非组织区域的伪影[13];(5)对高通滤波相位图的傅里叶转换过程中施加标准反转滤波。
1.4.2 感兴趣区的选取
采用核磁共振信号处理(signal processing innuclear magnetic resonance, SPIN)软件定量测量磁敏感图中兴趣区 (region of interest, ROI)的磁敏感值。ROI包括双侧灰质核团(尾状核、苍白球、壳核、背侧丘脑、黑质、红核)(图1~3)及双侧灰质核团的引流静脉(透明隔静脉、丘脑纹状体静脉、大脑内静脉、基底静脉)(图4~6)。核团ROI的选择标准[7]:参考核团的解剖结构,根据在磁敏感图上显示的核团边界的连续层面 ,同时避开因核团周围铁的双极效应产生的高信号。大脑灰质核团引流静脉ROI选择标准:在磁敏感图上能够清晰显示大脑静脉的连续层面,同一半球的丘脑纹状体静脉(图4)、透明隔静脉(图4)、大脑内静脉(图5)、基底静脉(图5),将每组静脉作为一个整体,采用同一颜色表示(图6)。ROI的选取范围为包括相应静脉全长的封闭区域,同时应注意避开测量区气颅交界区及脑室系统的影响。ROI的选取主要是考虑到测量的可操作性,血管显示清晰、走行较固定,可对每名志愿者进行测量等因素。
1.5 统计学方法
2 结果
2.1 两侧大脑灰质核团引流静脉的磁敏感值比较
图1 ~3 大脑灰质核团磁敏感值测量的ROI示意图。图1显示从前向后依次为双侧尾状核、苍白球(内侧)及壳核(外侧)、背侧丘脑ROI。图2显示双侧黑质(外侧)、 红核(内侧)ROI。图 3显示每组核团作为一个整体,连续画出核团的ROI,同一颜色代表同一核团 图4~6 大脑灰质核团引流静脉磁敏感值测量的ROI示意图。图4显示从前向后依次为两侧透明隔静脉、两侧丘脑纹状体静脉ROI。图5显示从前向后依次为两侧基底静脉、两侧大脑内静脉(内侧)ROI。图6显示每组静脉作为一个整体,连续画出静脉的ROI,同一颜色代表同一静脉Fig. 1—3 The ROIs of gray nuclei for the measurement of susceptibility. Fig.1: Front to back, there were the ROIs of bilateral caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, putamen and dorsal thalamus. Fig.2: Front to back, there were the ROIs of bilateral substantia nigra and red nucleus. Fig.3: Each of the gray nuclei was considered as a whole one, the ROIs of gray nuclei were drawn on the continuous slices, the same colour indicated the same gray nuclei. Fig.4—6 The ROIs of drainage veins for the measurement of cerebral venous susceptibility. Fig.4: Front to back. There were the ROIs of bilateral septal veins and thalamostriate veins. Fig.5: Front to back. There were the ROIs of bilateral basal veins and internal cerebral veins. Fig. 6: Each of the veins was considered as a whole one, the ROIs of cerebral veins was drawn on the continuous slices, the same colour indicated the same cerebral veins.
表1 57名志愿者左、右侧大脑灰质核团引流静脉磁敏感值比较 [ppb(×10–9)]Tab. 1 The comparison of susceptibility of the right and left draining veins of cerebral gray nuclei in 57 healthy individuals [ppb(×10–9)]
2.2 两侧大脑灰质核团的磁敏感值比较
表2 57名志愿者大脑灰质核团左、右侧磁敏感值比较[ppb(×10–9)]Tab. 2 The comparison of susceptibility of the right and left cerebral gray nuclei in 57 healthy individuals [ppb(×10–9)]
2.3 两侧大脑灰质核团引流静脉磁敏感值与年龄的相关性
右侧丘脑纹状体静脉磁敏感值与年龄呈正相关(r值为0.33, P<0.05)(图7),其余脑静脉的磁敏感值与年龄均无相关性(P值均>0.05)。
2.4 两侧大脑灰质核团引流静脉磁敏感值与灰质核团铁沉积的相关性
左侧尾状核与左侧大脑内静脉、左侧壳核与左侧大脑内静脉、左侧红核与左侧大脑内静脉的磁敏感值均呈正相关(r值分别为0.29、0.31、0.28; P值均<0.05)(图8)。
3 讨论
3.1 左右两侧大脑灰质核团引流静脉磁敏感值的差异
3.2 左右两侧大脑灰质核团铁含量的分布
3.3 大脑灰质核团引流静脉磁敏感值与年龄的相关性
图7 57名志愿者右侧丘脑纹状体静脉磁敏感值与年龄相关性的散点图,右侧丘脑纹状体静脉磁敏感值与年龄呈正相关(r=0.33,P<0.05) 图8 左侧尾状核与左侧大脑内静脉(A)、左侧壳核与左侧大脑内静脉(B)、左侧红核与左侧大脑内静脉(C)的磁敏感值均呈正相关(r值分别为0.29、0.31、0.28,P值均<0.05)Fig. 7 The scatter diagram of the correlation between the susceptibility of right thalamostriate vein and age. There was a positive correlation between age and the susceptibility of right thalamostriate vein (r=0.33, P<0.05). Fig. 8 There were positive correlations between the susceptibility of left caudate nucleus and left internal cerebral vein (A), left putamen and left internal cerebral vein (B), left red nucleus and left internal cerebral vein (C)(r value was 0.29, 0.31, 0.28, P<0.05).
3.4 大脑灰质核团引流静脉磁敏感值与大脑灰质核团铁沉积的相关性
3.5 不足与展望
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The correlation between iron deposition of deep gray nuclei and cerebral venous susceptibility of drainage veins in healthy people using susceptibility mapping
ZUO Chao1, CHAI Chao2, XIA Shuang2*1Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
2Tianjin First Center Hospital, Department of Radiology, Tianjin 300192, China
Objective:To evaluate age-related changes of cerebral venous susceptibility and the relationship between iron deposition of deep gray nuclei and the susceptibility of cerebral drainage veins in healthy people using MR quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM).Materials and Methods:Fifty-seven right-handed healthy individuals underwent SWI scanning to get phase images and magnitude images. QSM were reconstructed from the phase images and magnitude images using SMART software. The regions of interest include the bilateral cerebral veins (thalamostriate veins, septal veins, internal cerebral veins, basal veins) and the bilateral gray nuclei (caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, putamen, dorsal thalamus, substantia nigra, red nucleus) were drawn manually, and the susceptibility of cerebral gray nuclei and cerebral draining veins was measured using SPIN software.Results:There was no significant difference in susceptibility between the right and the left draining veins of cerebral gray nuclei in 57 healthy individuals (P>0.05). The susceptibility of right caudate nucleus, substantia nigra, red nucleus was higher than that of left sides (t value was 3.34, 5.12, 3.91, P<0.05). There was positive correlation between age andthe susceptibility of right thalamostriate vein (r=0.33, P<0.05). There were positive correlation of susceptibility between left caudate nucleus and left internal cerebral vein, left putamen and left internal cerebral vein, red nucleus and left internal cerebral vein (r value was 0.29, 0.31, 0.28, P<0.05). Conclusions: The susceptibility of right thalamostriate vein increased with aging.There was no side-difference in susceptibility between bilateral cerebral veins. The susceptibility of some draining veins has positive correlation with iron deposition of some gray nuclei.
Quantitative magnetic susceptibility maping; Oxygen saturation; Iron deposition; Age distribution
1. 天津中医药大学,天津 300193
2. 天津市第一中心医院放射科,天津300192
10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2016.05.006左超, 柴超, 夏爽. MR定量磁敏感图评估大脑灰质核团的引流静脉磁敏感值与铁沉积的相关性研究. 磁共振成像, 2016, 7(5): 347–352.
*Correspondence to: Xia S, E-mail: