王 成,赵延芳,王 虎,谢艳超
(青海大学附属医院胃肠外科,青海 西宁 810001)
王 成,赵延芳,王 虎,谢艳超
(青海大学附属医院胃肠外科,青海 西宁 810001)
目的 通过研究青海地区回族、撒拉族人群中ERα基因PvuⅡ和XbaⅠ、ERβ基因RsaⅠ及AluⅠ单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)分布情况,分析ERα基因和ERβ基因SNPs与青海地区回族、撒拉族胃癌患者的关系。方法 收集青海地区原发胃腺癌回族、撒拉族患者及条件与之匹配的健康对照组各80例。采集观察对象空腹静脉血2~3 mL提取DNA。应用PCR-RFLP法对ERα基因PvuⅡ和XbaⅠ、ERβ基因RsaⅠ及AluⅠ单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)进行鉴定,利用统计学方法分析ERα基因PvuⅡ和XbaⅠ、ERβ基因RsaⅠ和AluⅠ基因多态性与罹患胃癌危险性的关系。结果 回族胃癌组和对照组对比ERα-XbaⅠ基因XX、Xx、xx分布存在显著性差异,撒拉族胃癌组和对照组对比ERα-XbaⅠ基因XX、Xx、xx分布存在显著性差异;回族、撒拉族胃癌组和对照组ERα-PvuⅡ、ERβ-RsaⅠ、Erβ-AluⅠ基因型分布无差异;研究对象中胃癌组回族和撒拉族ERα-XbaⅠ、ERα-PvuⅡ、ERβ-RsaⅠ、Erβ-AluⅠ基因型分布无显著性差异。结论 ERα基因XbaⅠ位点多态性与青海地区胃癌的易感性存在相关性;ERα-XbaⅠ基因分布可能增加了罹患胃癌的危险性。但在青海地区回族、撒拉族胃癌人群间该基因型分布无显著性差异。ERα基因PvuⅡ、ERβ基因AluⅠ和RsaⅠ位点多态性与青海地区胃癌的易感性不具有相关关系。
胃癌 雌激素受体 遗传易感性 基因多态性
1 材料与方法
1.1 临床资料
1.2 研究方法
1.2.1 DNA提取
抽取胃癌组和对照外周静脉血2~3 mL,分离血清,运用常规的盐析法提取白细胞中的基因组DNA,置-80 ℃冰箱保存备用。
1.2.2 引物合成
PCR产物片段长度1.3 kb;
PCR产物片段长度156 bp;
PCR产物片段长度307 bp。
1.2.3 PCR方法扩增
1.2.4 统计学处理
2 结果
2.1 研究对象一般资料
2.2 限制性酶切片段长度多态性结果
ERα基因PvuⅡ的酶切结果用P和p表示,PvuⅡ内切酶位点多态性电泳结果为PP(CC型):1374bp一个条带;pp(TT型):936 bp、438 bp两个条带;Pp(CT型):1374 bp、936 bp、438 bp三个条带(图1)。同理ERα基因XbaⅠ内切酶位点多态性电泳结果为XX(GG型):1374 bp一个条带;xx(AA型):981 bp、393 bp两个条带;Xx(AG型):1374 bp、981 bp、393 bp三个条带(图2)。ERβ基因AluI酶切结果为aa(GG型):307 bp一个条带;AA(AA型):242 bp、65 bp两个条带;Aa(AG型):307 bp、242 bp、65 bp三个条带(图3)。ERβ基因Rsal酶切结果为rr(GG型):156 bp一个条带;RR(AA型):110 bp,46 bp两个条带;Rr(AG型):156 bp,110 bp,46 bp三个条带(图4)。图1至图4中,M均为DNA相对分子质量标准。
图1 ERα基因PvuⅡ的酶切鉴定结果
Figure 1 Restriction enzyme digestion bands of ERα gene Pvu II
图2 ERα基因XbaⅠ的酶切鉴定结果
图3 ERβ基因AluⅠ的酶切鉴定结果
图4 ERβ基因RsaⅠ的酶切鉴定结果
2.3 雌激素受体基因多态性统计结果
回族人群中,胃癌组和对照组的Erα-Xba I(XX,Xx,xx)基因分布概率在1%水平上存在显著性差异(χ2=34.800,P=0.000);胃癌组中XX基因型占比为60%,而对照组中XX基因型占比为15%;胃癌组和对照组的Erα-Pvu II(PP,Pp,pp)、ERβ-Rsa l(RR,Rr,rr)、Erβ-Alu I(AA,Aa,aa)基因分布概率均无显著性差异(表1)。
表1 回族人群胃癌组与对照组不同基因型对比结果(%)
Table 1 Comparison of different genotypes in the gastric cancer group and control group
撒拉族人群中,胃癌组和对照组的Erα-Xba I(XX,Xx,xx)基因分布概率在1%水平上存在显著性差异(χ2=10.902,P=0.004);胃癌组中XX基因型比例为46.25%,而对照组中XX基因型比例为22.5%;胃癌组和对照组的Erα-Pvu II(PP,Pp,pp)、ERβ-Rsa l(RR,Rr,rr)、Erβ-Alu I(AA,Aa,aa)基因分布概率均无显著性差异(表2)。
表2 撒拉族人群胃癌组与对照组不同基因型对比结果(%)
Table 2 Comparison of different genotypes in the gastric cancer group and control group
2.4 胃癌病人中不同民族雌激素受体基因多态性比较结果
表3 胃癌病人中不同民族基因型表达的对比结果(%)
Table 3 Comparison amongthe genotypes in patients with gastric cancer in different nationalities(%)
基因型胃癌患者回族撒拉族χ2PERβ-RsalRR7(8.75) 6(7.50) Rr40(50.00)39(48.75)0.1480.928rr33(41.25)35(43.75)Erβ-AluIAA3(3.75) 5(6.25) Aa22(27.50)24(30.00)0.7560.703aa55(68.75)51(63.75)
3 讨论
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Research on the gene polymorphism of estrogen receptor of Hui and Salar patients with gastric cancer in Qinghai area
Wang Cheng,Zhao Yanfang,Wang Hu,Xie Yanchao
(Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery,QinghaiUniversityAffiliated Hospital,Xining,Qinghai 810001,China)
Objective This article aims to study the distribution situation of ERα-PvuⅡ and XbaⅠ,ERβ-RsaⅠand AluⅠsingle nucleotide polymorphism(SNPs);and the relationship between the SNPs of ERα gene and ERβ gene in the patients with gastric carcinoma among Hui and Salar people in Qinghai area.Methods 80 cases of Hui patients and 80 cases of Salar patients with gastric adenocarcinoma as case group and 80 cases of health group with matched age,gender and nationality were collected from QinghaiUniversityAffiliatedHospital.2~3 mL venous blood in fast state was collected from each patient to extract DNA.PCR-RFLP method was applied to identify PvuⅡ and XbaⅠ of ERα gene,RsaⅠand AluⅠSNPs of ERβ.Statistics method was adopted to analyze the relations between PvuⅡ and XbaⅠof ERα gene,RsaⅠ and AluⅠ SNPs of ERβ gene with the risk of having gastric cancer.Results In terms of in Hui gastric cancer group and control group,significant difference exists in ERα-XbaⅠgene XX,Xx and xx distribution;in terms of Salar gastric cancer group and control group,significant difference exists in ERα-XbaⅠ gene XX,Xx and xx distribution;in terms of gastric cancer group and control group of Hui people and Salar people,no significant difference was found in ERα-PvuⅡ,ERβ-RsaⅠ,and Erβ-AluⅠ gene distribution.Among the research subjects,no significant difference was found between the gene distribution of gastric cancer group and Salar ERα-XbaⅠ,ERα-PvuⅡ,ERβ-RsaⅠ,and Erβ-AluⅠ.Conclusions Correlation exists in the ERα-XbaⅠpolymorphism and the susceptibility of gastric cancer in Qinghai area;the ERα-XbaⅠgene distribution may has increased risk of gastric cancer,but no significant difference was found on the gene distribution of people with gastric cancer among different nationalities.The ERα-PvuⅡ,ERβ-AluⅠ,and RsaⅠpolymorphism were not correlated to the susceptibility of gastric cancer in Qinghai area.
Gastric cancer Estrogen receptor Susceptibility Gene Polymorphism
*:青海省科技厅自然科学基金项目(2012-Z-726) 王 成(1971~)男,汉族,甘肃籍,副主任医师