

世界建筑 2016年3期

工程设计:莫里森·赫什菲尔德有限公司,怀利 & 诺里什岩体工程公司,麦克尔哈尼Engineers:Morrison Hershfield Ltd.,Wyllie & Norrish Rock Engineers,McElhanney


Capilano Cliffwalk,Vancouver,Canada,2011

工程设计:莫里森·赫什菲尔德有限公司,怀利 & 诺里什岩体工程公司,麦克尔哈尼Engineers:Morrison Hershfield Ltd.,Wyllie & Norrish Rock Engineers,McElhanney

1 弧形步道/the curved cliffwalk



在位于河谷上方90m 处的地方,一段213m长的步道在几个锚固点的支撑下从花岗岩质地的悬崖上出挑出去。步道由一个空中螺旋楼梯、8座桥、7段步梯和两个玻璃平台组成,从崖壁上悬挑出3m,以避免落石伤人。




由于施工限制,步道在设计时出于对人工搭建的客观需要的考虑,使用了轻型和小型构件;仅弧形桥 (以及某几段直形桥体)是在被切分成6块之后,动用一部小型吊车实现了安装。(路培 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

主持工程师/Engineer in Charge:K.LaRose

步道总长/Total Length:213m


摄影/Photos:卡普兰诺吊桥公园/Capilano Suspension Bridge Park

2 悬挑于崖壁上的步道/the cliffwalk cantilevered from the rock

3.4 卡普兰诺吊桥/the Capilano suspension bridge

The Capilano Cliffwalk is located in the park along the Capilano River Canyon,where a famous 136-meter-long suspension bridge was built in 1889,and rebuilt two times,in 1903 and 1956,respectively.The park is visited by about 750,000 people annually.

The new footpath was intended to provide an access to some previously unexplored areas in the eastern face of the canyon,keeping a minimal impact on the rainforest environment.The structure was conceived to be supported by rock anchors,thus reducing its impact on foundation area to only 11m2:the rock bolts are anchored with cement grout over the full length of the bar with a total length of 510m.

As a result,a 213-meter-long walkway now juts from some anchor points in the granite cliff face about 90 metres above the river:it consists of a high spiral staircase,8 bridges,7 stairs and 2 glass floor platforms.It is mainly cantilevered from the rock face by 3m to avoid exposure to rock fall.

At its highest point,the Cliffwalk reaches 90m above the Capilano River; at several locations,some platforms provide larger areas along the walkway,in order to allow people to rest.

A 30m long curved bridge reaches out almost 8 m,offering a spectacular view over the forest:it is made from three curved longitudinal steel beams hanged on one side to 9 cables,converging to a unique hooking point on a higher rock.

The other support structures are mostly cantilever girders,suspended to a set of tension ties anchored in the cliff face.A 0.5-meter-wide timber deck with an upward opening hand rail and a stainless steel woven wire mesh railing allows a one-way single file pedestrian:the width between the handrails is 0.8m at a height of 1.2m above the deck.

Because of limited access to construction,the structure has been designed to be built by hand,using small and light components; only the curved bridge(plus some straight bridge segments)that was divided into six distinct segments required a small crane.

5 弧形步道近景/Close view,the curved cliffwalk

6 俯瞰弧形步道/Bird's-eye view,the curved cliffwalk

7 步道上的休息平台/Platform on the cliffwalk




YU Kongjian:this trestle bridge,cantilevering into midair,is a perfect presentation of human wisdom of construction together with appetite for risk.For every challenger itch for a try,it is a most sensitive measurer for their heart health.This bridge offers the modern strong-hearted adventurers an unprecedented view and spirit experience,reminding of their jungle memories at an ape era and meanwhile leaves most of the people stepping back with everlasting regret.With a more thrilling than dangerous design,it makes the wire walking experience pervasive among majority of visitors who are courageous adventure lovers but worried about their life safety.What is much more valuable is that the bridge builder is known and advantageous for its use of machines to construct large infrastructures.Through expanding bridge's narrow definition,it shows that a bridge can be a link to connect ancient human experiences and memories with reality.


FANG Musheng:Apparently,this is a piece of works full of great affections.Nature is never in short of breathtaking scenes,but it is eyes and perspectives of discovering them that are missing.In order to offer visitors a bird's and animal's eye views of natural splendor,designers and engineers spare no efforts onto twists and turns and spatial movement of the bridge,creating a fantastic experience of easy access over treetops and cliffs,as well as a full view of the river valleys.This bridge aids everyone to experience the nature quite sensibly,while masked the access as if disappeared to allow such a feeling to enter a simple and light bridge body,or at least not destroying the natural environments,or more adding a geometrical beauty to the nature,reflecting the restraint and high-level skill of the designers in expressing feelings.

