1 弗莱姆河上的奥博斯特桥/Oberste bridge,Trutg dil Flem
2 弗莱姆河上的皮尔茨费尔森桥/Pilzfelsen bridge,Trutg dil Flem
3 弗莱姆河上的瓦塞法尔桥/Wasserfall bridge,Trutg dil Flem
4 弗莱姆河上的薇韦尔桥/Verweil bridge,Trutg dil Flem(1-4图片版权/1-4 Photo courtesy:©GLOB-Lya Blanc & Oscar Gential)
关于景观得体性的问题,约格· 康策特最近为瑞士东南部的弗莱姆河航道设计的7座步行桥给我们提供了一个出色的参考[6](图1-4)。
New bridges built in the world often seem to be protagonists of a narrative that glorifies them as superlative performance records of a never-ending world challenge:the longest,the highest,or the most astonishing one.As if,among the paradigms of modernity,the one of progress as an incessant increase of technical development would still orient the design assessment solely on exceptional performative values.A similar approach comes out in architecture as well,with regard to the height of the skyscrapers,the energy saving performances of façade skins,the setup of almost "impossible" building shapes and so on.
But should footbridge design provide a different point of view?
There are many points that help to identify the features of this field of work.Footbridge design experiments the immediate relationship between structure and form,engaging designers' creativity by testing their structural sense.Footbridge design deals with high technical skills and in the meantime with human dimension; every technical innovation must be reported both to crossing span issues and to low-speed matters:every footbridge is walked,stomped,touched,grasped.Footbridge design concerns the re-foundation of a landscape:it fits in it,but it provides a new place that before didn't even exist–a walkway into the air; it is an object to be seen and at the same time a place(a way)to look from.Footbridge design operates on the symbolic and physical public realm:as pure iconic form in itself,and as a medium for new geographies and interactions; a public place then,as streets,squares and parks are,with its own specific behaviors and uses.
Thus footbridge design positions itself at the crossroads of many disciplines:the making of a new way over a river or an infrastructure entails multidisciplinary aspects,since the works of engineers,architects,planners,landscape architects converge synthetically on a single "object".
It is worth noticing that from the turn of the century the construction of new footbridges has been playing an increasing remarkable role in urban and territorial redevelopment policies:to reconnect different urban parts that were separated by barriers–or,to paraphrase sociologist Richard Sennet's words,to turn boundaries(intended as limits establishing closures)into borders(as zones of intense interaction)[1]; to implement wide-scale net connections,"green infrastructures" and ecological paths,recovering possession of an adequate speed for the fruition and a more human dimension; to provide iconic values in re-defining the imagination of cities and territories.
An overview of recent realizations offers an ample panorama of approaches,techniques,imageries that cannot be reduced to a homogeneous current[2].However,a common thread should be noticed in the way many of the most remarkable ones transcend an ineffective polarization between two opposites,that sometimes still recurs in public debate:on the one hand,the legitimacy of the unique predominance of efficiency and economic paradigms,deriving from a functional view; on the other hand,the will to create resounding and sensational artworks,as architecture-spectacle icons able to act as ace in the hole in the global competition.
What emerges as one of the main points of interest from recent,and less recent,projects,is the way–never a unique one–to engage the many values of the landscapes:here intending landscape in a broader meaning,including urban landscapes as well[3].The purpose is to define a sense of place,by rooting in a context's identity the intrinsic double dynamic feature belonging to a footbridge–to be the result of the static equilibrium of flow of forces and,in the meantime,vehicle of flow of people moving on it.It is an approach escaping from another undergoing polarization in architectural debate–impact versus camouflage; it represents an attitude expressed through a gentle innovation,in order to create something new,but based on an interpretation of existing characteristics.
5 斯图加特马克斯·艾特步行桥/Lake Max Eyth footbridge,Stuttgart(摄影/Photo:M.Boccuzzi)
The question of how to discuss the congruence of a structure in connection with the particularities of a specific place widens the concern from structural systems to structural compositions[4].
The definition of a narrative through which the structure should be understood or appreciated reminds the need to overcome the division among specialists and to look for a convergence between structure and shape,science and "art of building",found in the teaching of some of the XX century masters of engineering.It is rooted in the idea of a "structural sense" – an intuitive comprehension of a material behavior,creating a resistant shape and conforming it to its function – as mentioned by Eduardo Torroja in his Razón y Ser de los Tipos Estructurales edited in 1957.It refers to the balance of construction experience and clever intuitiveness,as in the words of Pier Luigi Nervi from his book Scienza o Arte del Costruire edited in 1945; "the ideaof a structural system is a creative act,only in part based on scientific data; the static sensibility even if a necessary consequence of the equilibrium study and of the material resistance,is,as the aesthetic sensibility,a pure personal ability,or,better,the consequence of the comprehension and assimilation of the physics laws"[5].
6 凯尔海姆步行桥/Kelheim footbridge(图片版权/Photo courtesy:©schlaich bergermann and partners)
7 舒兰桑桥/Suransun footbridge(摄影/Photo:E.Bruno)
8 奥洛穆克步行桥/Olomuc footbridge(图片版权/Photo courtesy:©Jiři Stráský)
About the idea of landscape appropriateness,the recent seven bridges designed by Jürg Conzett for the Trutg dil Flem Wasser Weg(Flem River Water Way)in South-Eastern Switzerland offer a remarkable example[6](Fig.1-4).
It is a trekking route that follows the river Flem for about 14km down the mountainside through profound gorges and steeply woods.Four bridges are simple timber-beam structures based on the same concept,differing only in length and span.By contrast,three bridges derive their different typology from their specific location features.The Oberste bridge is a small concrete oval slab,with a timber handrail on one side,as if to express the pure idea to jump over the water and in the meantime to offer a secure viewpoint on it.The Pilzfelsen bridge is made by a reinforced concrete beam spanning 3.8m,reached by downwards steps:slender metallic railing elements project from the sides of the beam and of the staircases,highlighting the void underneath.The Wasserfall bridge is an 18m arch stone structure post tensioned by an extrados steel ribbon supporting a stainless steel balustrade:it looks as an inverted stress ribbon structure,almost the mirror image of the celeb Conzett's Suransun bridge.
These different solutions express a clear structural concept for each of the locations and a sort of minimalist appeal to fit in,and to enhance,the wilderness beauty.
To a larger scale,a relevant investigation should be focused on the way designers re-elaborate traditional structural types producing new expressive shapes,that implement the static functioning principles.A very few examples are described below.
The seminal works of Jörg Schlaich and his team on the relationship between cable suspension system and curved beams must be mentioned:itpresents an innovative contribution to the comprehension of how curved structures suspended from hangers on one side only are able to resist to torsional moments.The evolution from the straight line concept to a three dimensional one meets both static constraints of equilibrium–increasing its effective torsional stiffness–and site conditions– harmonizing with hillside landscapes(Fig.5),ensuring deck visual lightness,providing ramps of sufficient length to achieve required clearance(Fig.6)and so on.The mutual relationship between the tension members(cables and hangers)and the compression member(the masts)clearly expresses an equilibrium configuration allowing to understand the flow of the forces[7].
The rebirth of one of the more ancient types –the stress-ribbon structure,like first Himalayan bridges made with ropes–constitutes another fruitful topic:it provides resolving solutions in special orographic and landscape conditions,but it is revealing itself suitable for other situations too.One of its main constraints–the need to resist huge horizontal forces–leads to many techniques to give stiffness and stability to the whole structural system that become architectural characters themselves:the net of lateral cables in steep mountain sites as in the experiences of alpine bridges of Hans Pfaffen; the collaboration of post-tensioning cables and thick decks–for example the stainless steel strip and the stone slabs in Suransun footbridge of Jürg Conzett(Fig.7); the precast concrete segments suspended on bearing tendons and post tensionedby steel tendons in the works of Jiři Stráský.It is in some Stráský's projects that the classical stressribbon deck is combined with arches,determining hybrid structures and shapes able to eliminate the horizontal reactions and make possible simpler foundations loaded only by vertical forces[8](Fig.8).
9 巴黎西蒙·德·波娃步行桥/Simone de Beauvoir footbridge,Paris(摄影/Photo:Jo Pesendorfer)
10 巴黎索尔费里诺步行桥/Déjeuner sur la passerelle Solferino,Paris
11 斯特拉斯堡与凯尔两岸步行桥/Two Banks footbridge,Strasbourg,Kehl (10,11摄影/Photos:G.Ambrosini)
Finally the hybridization of arch shape should offer better static performances,as well as meaningful opportunities in the definition of new public spaces.
Among the most famous ones,a remarkable example is Simone de Beauvoir footbridge in Paris designed by Dietmar Feichtinger in 2006,where two different complementary systems work together and produce an innovative structural shape:a compressed arch and a pre-tensioned band,connected by radially positioned struts.The intersection of the arch with the catenary curve forms a sort of covered plaza suspended above the water,and the structural innovation allows the creation of several sinuous public paths on the water(Fig.9).
Still in Paris,the well-known Solferino footbridge designed by Marc Mimram in 2000 offers multiple ways to access the deck:a lower arch,which is curved in two planes,is connected by inclined V-shaped trusses with a superior arched deck:the system provides pedestrians with a fluid experience into the structure,by ascending the stairways up to the arches key point,where a meeting place is arranged[9](Fig.10).In another project by Marc Mimram,the Two Banks footbridge over the Rhine river between Strasbourg and Kehl,the creation of a meeting place acquires a high symbolic value in the site where two peoples(French and German)had battled for centuries.Here the arched form of a deck,straight in plan,is combined by struts and tension rods with a low sloping curved path,creating a beam system suspended to cable stays:the two paths get together in the central part of the bridge,forming a wide gathering place(Fig.11).
Therefore many works express the high iconic value of a footbridge as a way to cross a boundary,a joining structure,a place of meeting.
[1] Sennett R.(2011),the Public Realm,http://www.richardsennett.com
[2] Baus U.,Schlaich M.(2008),Footbridges:Construction,Design,History,Basel:Birkhäuser; Keil A.(2013),Pedestrian Bridges,Detail Practice.One of the main reference in footbridge construction is provided by the triennial International Conferences Footbridge:Paris 2002,Venice 2005,Porto 2008,Breslavia 2011,London 2014,Berlin(scheduled 2017).
[3] Wilkinson C,Eyre J.(2001),Bridging art & science,London:Booth-Clibborn Editions.
[4] Sandake B.N.(2008),On Span and Space:Exploring Structures in Architecture,New York:Routledge
[5] Nervi,P.L.(1945),Scienza o Arte del Costruire,Roma:Edizioni della Bussola; Torroja E.(1957),Razón y ser de los tipos estructurales,Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientìficas.
[6] Dechau W.(2013),Trutg dil Flem.Seven Bridges by
Jürg Conzet,Zürich:Scheidegger & Spiess.See also Lya Blanc & Oscar Gential photo reportage http://www.g-lo-b.fr/glob/ch-trutg-dil-flems/
[7] Holgate A.(1997),The Art of Structural Engineering:the Work of Jörg Schlaich and His Team,Frankfurt:Edition Axel Menges.
[8] Stráský J.(2005),Stress Ribbon and Cable-Supported Pedestrian Bridges,London:ICE Publishing.[9] Fromonot F.(2001),Marc Mimram.Passerelle Solferino,Basel:Birkhäuser.
Footbridges Across the Landscape
古斯塔夫·安布罗西尼/Gustavo Ambrosini张裕翔 译/Translated by ZHANG Yuxiang
Abstract:New footbridges are gaining an increasing role in urban and territorial redevelopment strategies.Footbridge design matter is introduced from the point of view of landscape appropriateness:how to interpret a context's identity; how to combine high technical challenges and human dimension issues; how to re-elaborate traditional structural types in order to produce new expressive shapes gently engaging the landscape values; how to provide a sense of gathering.