

世界建筑 2016年3期



—— 威廉·钱伯斯,《东方园林论》,1772










例如,荷兰West 8城市规划与景观设计事务所(与多义景观规划设计事务所合作)的“万桥之园”项目的象征意象即与此吻合(图1)。这个项目是2011年西安国际园艺博览会的一部分,园中蜿蜒迂回的小径引导参观者穿过茂密如森林的竹园,地面只在5处地点有所抬高。人们爬上这5座半圆拱形的桥之后,在继续沿拱桥下行之前,会惊喜地见到开阔的景观。这条小径在人们游移不定与兴高采烈的情绪之间产生的鲜明对比,有意识地象征了人生的轨迹。红色混凝土光滑的表面在一片绿意盎然中脱颖而出,凸显了桥作为表达情绪的媒介的原型作用。

在多义景观事务所的许多项目中,一些人行天桥蜿蜒着跨过水面或湿地,形成了最为密集的路径分布格局,营造了生动活泼的亲水体系。北京中关村软件园中央公园(2004年)的设计即是如此,园中相互交织的路径围绕着湖面分布,产生了连续不断的空间形态变化,并以折线的方式穿过水面( 图2)。同样,在无锡长广溪国家湿地公园(2011年)项目中,非直线形的步行道穿过几片湿地,形成了真正的探索之路,让人们能够亲身体验大自然鬼斧神工形成的各种水体形式与丰富的植被类型(图3) 。

"Not are they less various and magnificent in their bridges than in their other decorations…Some of them are upon a curve or a serpentine plan; others branching out in various directions:some straight,and some at the conflux of rivers or canals,triangular,quadrilateral,and circular,as the situation requires; with pavilions at their angles,and basons of water in their centers,adorned with Jets d'eau,and fountains of many sorts"

——W.Chambers,A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening,1772

It is widely known that descriptions of Chinese gardens features from the reports of European travellers throughout the 18th century fruitfully met an ongoing development process in Western aesthetics,accompanying the English landscaping revolution."But wherever a better style is adopted and Gardens are to be natural,without resemblance to vulgar Nature; new without affectation,and extraordinary without extravagance; where the spectator is to be amused where his attention is constantly to be kept up,his curiosity excited,and his mind agitated by a great variety of opposite passions; these Gardeners must be men of genius,experience and judgement; quick in perception,rich in expedients,fertile in imagination,and thoroughly versed in all the affections of the human mind".

Is it possible,today,to widen Chambers' term "Gardener" in order to include bridge designers?

Footbridge design is here investigated with reference to recent realizations in China,as a discipline strongly related to landscape consciousness:a field of investigation that allows to leave behind a rigid polarization among the opposite tendencies of globalization/tradition and to make room for an alternative approach[1].

The bridge's symbolic and perceptive role in Chinese historical gardens constitutes–of course–a necessary reference point:the awareness that a bridge itself shouldn't be just a tool for crossing an obstacle,but part of a comprehensive aesthetic expression that makes people gradually discover a series of unexpected sceneries,by following twisting and meandering lines.Bridges are very often vivid components of the drama:as they are rarely straight,they continue the winding concept of the path,rising to high arches or following zigzag lines.They establish how water must be perceived and provide defined viewpoints of the garden[2].

1 西安国际园艺博览会“万桥之园”/Garden of 10,000 Bridges,Xi'an International Horticulture Exhibition(图片版权/Photo courtesy:©West 8)

2 北京中关村软件园中央公园/Central Garden of Zhongguancun Software Park,Beijing

3 无锡长广溪国家湿地公园/Changguangxi Wetland Park,Wuxi(2,3图片版权/2,3 Photo courtesy:©多义景观/Atelier DYJG)

Besides the garden design legacy,it is possible to remind of another important reference in Chinese tradition:the remarkable heritage of the covered wooden bridges developed in many provinces such as Hunan,Hubei,Guizhou,Guangxi,and Fujian,from the so-called "Wind and Rain Bridges" with several exquisite pavilions to simpler woven timberframed bridges.They all offer people a shelter and a place to meet in,providing monumental public places which are complementary to village streets and squares[3].

But it is necessary to avoid the simple transplantation of concepts from the past to nowadays.It appears appropriate to carefully consider the cultural,political and economic circumstances from which a certain society,in a certain age,has expressed an idea of landscape.In this sense,it is fundamental to take into account the convergence of many disciplines,at the end of the 20th century,on the meaning of landscape:a point of view that necessarily conceives the landscape as a product of collective human transformation of nature,a "historically specific way of experiencing the world developed by,and meaningful to,certain social groups",in the words of geographer Denis Cosgrove,"a way in which certain classes of people have signified themselves and their world through their imagined relationship with nature"[4].

This is why scholars like Mary Padua look at the process of creation of new parks in contemporary China as a sphere revealing a "hybrid modernity",borrowing the conception of hybrid narrative of "alternative" modernities from social-cultural anthropologists such as Arjun Appadurai and others.The incorporation of design elements from tradition into contemporary Chinese gardens is seen as a set of references able to intertwine "global,national and local influences in the form of symbolic design elements" and produce a new meaning[5].

The ongoing intense urbanization process in China has been widening the boundaries of traditional design themes,from the concept of the classical garden–as a microcosm of the natural world–through the 20th-century's public park concept,to new landscapes to be lived,such as riverbanks,wetlands,lakeshores,recovered brownfields etc.Today territorial transformations oblige designers to go far beyond the unique field of garden design:if the quick growing of settlements makes even more urgent the need to improve living conditions,the construction of new footbridges should gain a relevant status in pedestrian-oriented strategies in China,in search for a more human scale in the recovery processes for neglected urban fabrics,industrial areas,marginal zones,and natural spaces.

In this sense it would be productive to investigate how bridges quite often keep on playing a central role as perceptive and iconic tools,exploring the way many designers drive users' experience of vegetation,of water and of the various elements through scenic and dynamic settings.

This is a status to which refers,for instance,the symbolic image of the "Garden of 10,000 bridges"


4 上海辰山植物园矿坑花园/Quarry Garden in Shanghai Botanical Garden

5 上海辰山植物园矿坑花园木栈桥/Wooden Floating Bridge,Quarry Garden in Shanghai Botanical Garden(4,5摄影/Photos:陈尧/CHEN Yao)





在一些案例中,传统的非直线形步道理念则已与某些结构形式结合在一起。在上海青浦的项目中ii,文筑国际的设计总监白德龙设计了一座折线形的步行桥(2008年),形成的带有顶棚的步道穿过了颇为迂回的淀浦河(图10)。桥身曲折的结构由3部分构成——其中两段较短的桥身在平面上与河岸相垂直,设有台阶,坡度较缓;另一段桥身则在平面上有些偏转,平整的甲板在水面上形成了带有遮蔽的广场空间。由双向弯曲产生的扭力通过三维立体结构来支承——这是一种特别的桁架,其形状与桥梁本身不对称弯折的动态趋势相吻合。结构体系则project by West 8 office(in partnership with Atelier DYJG)for the 2011 Xi'an International Horticulture Exhibition(Fig.1).A circuitous and winding trail leads the visitors though a dense,forest-like bamboo garden,rising up only at five points:five semi-circular bridges let people peak out over the vegetation and have a surprising wider view before climbing down again.The path is intended to represent a sort of trajectory of human life,marked by contrast between uncertainty and elation.The red smooth concrete surface brightly sticks out from the greenery,highlighting the archetype of the bridge as a medium for emotion.

In many projects of Atelier DYJG,some winding walkways rising over the water or wetlands constitute the most intense segments of the path layout,providing a vivid way to get in touch with the water system.This is the case of the Central Garden of Zhongguancun Software Park in Beijing(2004),where the interweaving paths create continuous spatial variations around a lake and zigzagging over the water(Fig.2).Also in Changguangxi Wetland Park in Wuxi(2011)the bending path establishes a real discovery trail across the wetlands,in order to let people experience the natural succession of diversified water and vegetation features(Fig.3).

When an abandoned worksite claims to be turned into a garden,the way to get in and to walk through it remains a key role in the design strategy.The Quarry Garden in Shanghai Botanical Garden(2009),designed by Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute Co.Ltd.+ School of Architecture of Tsinghua University(arch.Zhu Yufan,Yao Yujun,Meng Fanyu),is an impressive example.A steep stairway encapsulated in a rusty steel box acts as a threshold between the top gardens and the deep pool,taking visitors to discover the former quarry through a double bridge system.People climb down,dramatically brushing against the rocky hillside,along a curved bridge,which has one side made of rusted iron and the other of burnished steel(Fig.4); then,after having turned abruptly under a stone grotto,they find themselves on a floating bridge,eye-catching continuously changing views from the meandering path(Fig.5).The contrast among hard and soft materials strengthens the emotional feeling of the different phases of the route:rust metal suspended from the rocks is meant to highlight the "jump" down,while smooth wooden surfaces for the deck and the railings of the floating path are designed for peaceful appreciation of the landscape around.

In many cases,watersheds regeneration items widen the traditional scale of the garden to a landscape scale:not just a dimensional shift,but also a shift in meaning,whereas large areas to be recovered involve degraded natural zones as well as obsolescent industries,settlement borders and infrastructures.

In Liupanshui Minghu Wetland Park,designed by landscape office Turenscape(2013),the riverbed,previously channelled,has been re-enlarged and a drainage basin was created.Terraced pools,islands and tree lines are interwoven by a system of winding paths:some of them form elevated walkways,standing on concrete pillars,and create long twisting routes above the water(Fig.6).

6 六盘水明湖湿地公园/Liupanshui Minghu Wetland Park

Turenscape has put in place a similar strategy in the design of Long Sleeve Skywalk in Suining County,Xuzhou City(2010,fig.7,8).Seen from a distance it appears as a long green ribbon,which gently rises from the ground and sinuously spreads over the landscape for many hundreds of meters over-passing a large fast road and several watercourses:it's a meandering walking path with a total length of 869m,reached by other four almost parallel long ramps connecting some points of the park.The sinuous line of the path stresses the organic character of the landscape,providing a sense of movement:that's why the designers refer to the memory of the "dancing shadows of long sleeves of Chinese operas,where seamless and flowing curves follow natural contours".The scale of the details–not thin railing elements,but thick and solid ones–seems to appropriately respond to the large scale of the project,allowing it to be seen even from a long distance,and to be caught in the eye by the fast traveller along the infrastructure too; this is accentuated at night by the artificial light display system.The walkway is not only an easy and safe way to reach the park,but it constitutes by itself the park's "backbone" as well:it offers a continuous change of viewpoints and gives orientation to the place,acting as a sort of "topographic eye"[6].

At a smaller scale,in Rizhao,several curved white steel tubes seem to grow out from the riverbank vegetation to shape a sinuous bridge that connects the city with the shoreline.Located in the southern part of the 2km-long Shanhaitian beach bordering the Lunan National Forest Park,the bridge is a part of a wide redevelopment project,concerning facilities and recreational areas,by HHD_FUN Architects(2012,fig.9).The common thread of the overall project is the use of waving organic forms,drawn through parametric design techniques.Two main steel tubes rise from the city's side,bend asymmetrically to converge at their highest point in the middle of the path,and then由外形规整的工字钢形成的方形网格倾斜45°构成,并根据剪力要求在需要的局部加密。

7 徐州睢宁流云水袖桥/Long Sleeve Skywalk,Suining,Xuzhou

8 徐州睢宁流云水袖桥模型/Model of Long Sleeve Skywalk (6-8图片版权/6-8 Photo courtesy:©土人设计/Turenscape)

9 日照步行观景桥/Rizhao Footbridge(图片版权/Photo courtesy:©HHDFUN)








[1] Rowe,P.G.,Kuan S.(2002),Architectural Encounters with Essence and Form in Modern China,Cambridge,Mass:MIT Press,2004.

[2] Chen,L.,Yu,S.(1986),The Garden Art of China,Portland:Timber Press; Tang,H.C.(1991),Philosophical Basis For Chinese Bridge Aesthetics,in Transportation Research Board,Bridge Aesthetics Around the World,Washington:Library of Congress; Rinaldi,B.M.(2011),The Chinese Garden:Garden Types for Contemporary Landscape Architecture,Basel:Birkhäuser.

[3] Knapp,R.G.(2008),Chinese Bridges:Living Architecture from China's Past,Tuttle:Rutland.

[4] Cosgrove,D.E.(1984),Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape,University of Wisconsin Press.

[5] Appadurai,A.(1996),Modernity at Large:Cultural Dimensions of Globalization,Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press; Padua,M.G.(2007),Hybrid Modernity:Framing the Public Park in Post-Mao China,in Negotiating Landscape,CELA.

[6] Saunders,W.S.(ed.)(2012),Designed Ecologies.The Landscape Architecture of Konjian Yu,Basel:Birkhäuser.


i 指日照步行景观桥。

ii 指上海青浦步行桥。

iii 具体位置在云南省红河州绿春县平河乡咪霞村。divide themselves into four lines spreading down towards the beach park; harp-like steel strings create a smooth,transparent exterior façade.The combination of the slightly meandering path,narrowing in the middle,and the curved steel tubes generates a strong dynamic feature able to fit in the landscape and in the meantime to drive the users' attention to a vivid perception of nature.

10 上海青浦步行桥/Qingpu Footbridge(图片版权/Photo courtesy:©文筑国际/CA-Design)

11 扬州柳叶桥/Liu Ye Footbridge,Yangzhou(摄影/Photo:Agence Mimram Paris)

12 云南省咪霞村步行桥/Mixia Village Footbridge,Yunnan Province(图片版权/Photo courtesy:©Arup)

In some cases,the traditional concept of bending walk has been combined with specific structural form.In Qingpu,Pedro Pablo Arroyo Alba of CA Design envisaged the creation of a zigzag bridge,hosting a covered path to cross somewhat obliquely the Dianpu River(2008,fig.10).Three segments give form to the bent structure:two short ones,orthogonal to the riverbanks in plan,provide gently stepped ramps,while the longer segment,oblique in plan,features a flat deck able to perform as a sort of covered square flying over the water.The torsion induced by the double bend is supported by a three-dimensional structure:a unique steel truss girder,shaped in accordance to the asymmetric diagram of bending momentum.It is made of regularly dimensioned H steel set as a 45°-rotated squared frame,denser when necessary according to the diagram of shear stress.

Here it is possible to find a modern synthesis of distinct characters borrowed from tradition:on the one hand,the idea of a bridge as a medium to provide a non-straight experience of crossing the water,offering changing viewpoints over the landscape; on the other hand,the image of a bridge offering people a place,in the designers' words,"a room over the water".

Finally,one significant topic is the interaction with specific locally-rooted technological skills.

In this regard,the Liu Ye Footbridge in Yangzhou designed by Marc Mimram(2010)is a meaningful realization(Fig.11).The bridge appears as a glowing white metallic sign spanning across the Old Grand Canal,on the West-South border of the historic city centre; although from the distance it might recall the image of traditional Chinese arch-type bridges,it is radically different from the technological point of view:a box girder with a continuously changing section.The capacity to take advantage of the existing high craftsmanship in working sheet metal allowed to avoid pre-defined technologies imposed from abroad,thus enhancing local savoir faire as a precious technical and identity resource.

A noteworthy activity in this respect is being carried out by Wu Zhi Qiao(Bridge to China)Charitable Foundation,a Hong Kong charity that has organised the building of many bridges(more than 30 completed from 2007)and village facilities in remote rural and underprivileged areas of China,with the support of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.Very often the projects need to confront with challenging specific site conditions(steep banks,sometimes no vehicle access or no electricity available onsite)and low innovative technological skills.

The bridge built in Mixia Village,Yunnan Province(2012),by a collaboration between Arup and Wu Zhi Qiao Foudation,is a significant example(Fig.12).No single component could have an excessive weight as it had to be hand-carried along the mountain path; some gabions,made of wire cages filled with locally sourced stones,were used to counterweight the base frame on each bank.Galvanised steel longitudinal beams and transversal components form a rigid structure,connected by hand with nuts and bolts; the decking is an open mesh,and the railing consists of a series of semicircular bars.After a previous offsite testing,the components were transported on site and built up in 12 days by a team of about 50 volunteers,taking advantage of the local skills in bamboo working as well:a temporary suspension cable system was built onsite,using bamboo frames holding steel wires,anchors,pulleys and ropes.The project clearly shows how a high level technical expertise can be usefully exploited to conceive and produce easy-to-assemble prefabricated structures,in order to fit with specific site conditions and in the meantime to make good use of local know-how for the construction.

In conclusion,significant items appear from the comparison of the different case studies.One of the key topics is the capability to make reference to tradition in an innovative way,and to fulfil contemporary needs through contemporary forms.The designers avoided an interpretation of the past based on trivial or clichéd icons(e.g.pagoda-like,dragon-like forms)and interpreted the traditional idea of movement by driving the main design attitude toward the perceptive experience of the users:the footbridges analysed above fit harmoniously in the landscape,becoming a part of it,and in the meantime offer a vivid way to perceive it.Furthermore,the reflection on interpretation of a culture in a more subtle way has meant to refer to a wider meaning of culture,thus including technical features as well:the possibility to learn from,and interact with,local know-how has been in some cases a successful strategy that opens the way to a fruitful field of investigation.(A special thanks to Christiane M.Herr for discussing structure and shape matters in Chinese footbridges.)


Recent Footbridge Design in China:A Landscape Approach

古斯塔夫·安布罗西尼/Gustavo Ambrosini徐知兰 译/Translated by XU Zhilan

Abstract:the landscape consciousness is investigated as one of the common features in many new footbridges recently built in China,aimed at recovering riverbanks,wetlands,lakeshores,brownfields,as well as urban fabrics.The incorporation of elements from tradition in an innovative way,the capacity to drive the perceptive experience of the users through scenic and dynamic settings and the interaction with local identities and know-how constitute some of the main items.


Keywords:footbridge,Chinese garden,tradition,innovation



