

世界建筑 2016年3期

工程设计:汉斯·普法芬/普法芬工程设计公司Engineers:Hans Pfaffen/Pfaffen Engineering


Three Suspended Bridges

工程设计:汉斯·普法芬/普法芬工程设计公司Engineers:Hans Pfaffen/Pfaffen Engineering

特里夫特桥,加德门,瑞士Trift Bridge,Gadmen,Switzerland,2009

1-3 特里夫特桥实景/Trift bridge

特里夫特湖上的这座桥取代了2005年修建的100m悬索桥。之前这座桥的位置是不安全的——由于游人增加导致入口交通不便,而且风速可高达200km/h。新桥的选址更安全,跨度为170m,距水面高度100m。6条32mm的悬索拉起桥身:两侧各有两条从桥面下穿过,另各有一条作为扶手。两条跨下悬索为结构提供预应力,保证了在侧向风荷载下的稳定性;桥长1/3处的两个U形缆将悬索拉紧,提供了更好的稳定性。桥在底部宽0.80m,扶手处为1.40m。现场施工用6周即告完成。 (尚晋 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data


宽度/Width:0.8m(桥面/at bottom),1.4m(栏杆/at hand rail)高度/Height:100m

摄影/Photographer:Robert Bösch(fig.1,2,4),Hans Pfaffen(fig.3)

图片版权/Photo Courtesy:KWO(fig.1,2,4)

The bridge above the Trift Lake replaces an earlier 100m long catenary suspension bridge constructed in 2005,whose location resulted unsafe because of the difficult access to the entry points for the increasing number of visitors,and for wind speeds,reaching 200km/h.The new one is located in a safer position,and it spans 170m at a height of 100m.Six 32mm suspension cables bear the bridge:two for each side are running below the deck and one for each side as a handrail.Two under-spanned suspension cables pre-stress the structure and assure stabilisation for lateral wind loads; additional stabilisation is provided by two U-shaped profiles positioned at one third of the length,tightening up the suspension cables.The bridge width is 0.80m at bottom,1.40m at hand rail.On site construction was carried out in 6 weeks.

4 特里夫特桥全景/Panoramic view,Trift bridge

蒙特·卡拉索桥,瑞士Monte Carasso Bridge,Switzerland,2014

在瑞士的蒙特卡拉索,汉斯·普法芬以类似特里夫特桥的结构形式设计了一座跨度270m的新桥,作为塞门蒂纳和蒙特卡拉索社区之间崎岖山谷中的通路。28位工人在这里仅用了5周的时间建成了这座桥,期间直升机帮助施工队在山谷间装好了6条承重钢缆,每条都有36mm厚。 (尚晋 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data


摄影/Photos:Hans Pfaffen

A similar structural model has been designed for a new bridge in Monte Carasso,Switzerland,spanning the length of 270m in order to allow the passage of the rugged valley that separates the communities of Sementina and Monte Carasso,Here a team of 28 workers over a period of five weeks built the bridge with assistance from helicopters,which helped the construction team lay six loadbearing steel cables across the valley,each 36mm thick.

1 蒙特·卡拉索桥实景/Monte Carasso bridge

2 雾中的蒙特·卡拉索桥/Monte Carasso bridge in the mist

3 蒙特·卡拉索桥平面/Plan,Monte Carasso bridge

盖尔利桥,德国Geierley Bridge,Germany,2015

1 盖尔利桥全景/Panoramic view,Geierley bridge





桥两侧的抛物线缆体系提供抗风,其设计和位置能使桥身抵御水平和垂直方向的力及荷载。(尚晋 译)

The suspension bridge over the Geierley Canyon,near Mörsdorf,measures 360m in length,and it is the longest rope bridge in Germany.

The bridge is supported by four main bearing cables which run at deck level and to which the base of the U-shaped frames are connected,and two upper bearing cables,which connect to the top of the frames and also serve as handrails.The upper bearing cables are 34mm diameter spiral strand ropes which are positioned 1.44m apart and are each 363m long.

The tensile forces and support reactions are resisted by rock anchors made of rope loops and steel anchor bars.The concrete foundation must take the loads of all six main bearing cables.

The deck is formed of wooden planks which are mounted to enable the air to circulate around each one.These planks are supported by a light steel cross girders at 1.5m intervals,and every 7.5m a U-shaped frame supports the planks as well as the two handrail ropes,and connects to the windbracing system too.These frames contribute to the torsional stiffness of the bridge.

A system of parabolic ropes on each side of the bridge offers resistance to wind forces; they are designed and positioned to enable them to withstand horizontal forces and loads as well as vertical ones.

2 桥上的行人/Pedestrian on the bridge

3 近景/Close view

4 构造节点透视图/Perspective of structural node


FANG Musheng:When I was young,I used to be amazed at the ability of spatial construction of spiders,and spent a lot of time seeing how they weaved.It is a pity that I missed how a spider began with the first few of silk.The bridges remind me of that beautiful and firm webs woven by spiders in the forest.With a function similar to the spider web for skywalk and prey hunting,this bridge offers the visitors a convenient and fast access and an opportunity of capturing beautiful scenery.The three similar bridges impressed me with its dual experience in "lightness" from the perspective of sense and nature invasive,while giving disposal and balance to directional gravity of the earth and non-direction power of the wind.GAO Yan:the design of the three suspended bridges fully reflects the Swiss precision.Hovering over the sky,the three suspension bridges span across inaccessible valleys.Walking on them feels like mounting the clouds and riding the mist.Such magnificent experience arises from the architects' precise control of the catenary geometry from the conceptual design to the prefabrication and construction,as well as the efficient integration of the bridge deck structure.The biggest challenge is in fact the construction on site,for which the assembly processes must be taken into consideration during the early design stage,beyond the use of the rocks as the concrete foundations on the two ends.Since the site is inaccessible to any large-scale

项目信息/Credits and Data


钢缆供应商/Cable Supplier:Fatzer长度/Length:360m



摄影/Photos:Hans Pfaffen




cranes,helicopters becomes the major means for lifting materials during the construction,hence its lifting capacity and stability,as well as the risks of human labors working at height,all contribute to the final choice of materials and structures in the design stage.Although suspension bridges often suffer from short life span and we are curious to know how long these three bridges can remain robust,yet the extremely skillful craftsmanship has won the best respect.

