Clinical Study on Role of Serum Homocysteine Level in Gastric Cancer and Precancerous Diseases
Correspondence to: OU Xilong, Email: ouxilong@126.com
Background: Recent studies have showed that high homocysteine (Hcy) level can increase the risk of gastric cancer, but no related studies have been reported on role of Hcy in gastric precancerous diseases. Aims: To investigate the role of serum Hcy, folic acid and vitamin B12in patients with gastric cancer and precancerous diseases. Methods: Eighty-six normal controls, 46 atrophic gastritis, 46 gastric ulcer, 31 gastric polyp, 52 gastric cancer patients diagnosed by gastroscopy and pathology were enrolled. Serum levels of Hcy, folic acid and vitamin B12were determined, and their correlations with clinicopathological features in gastric cancer were analyzed. Results: Compared with normal controls, serum Hcy level in patients with atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer was significantly increased (P<0.05); serum folic acid and vitamin B12levels in patients with gastric ulcer, gastric polyp and gastric cancer were significantly decreased (P<0.05). Serum Hcy level in patients with gastric cancer was positively correlated with depth of tumor infiltration, TNM staging and lymph node metastasis (P<0.05), however, serum folic acid and vitamin B12levels had no correlation with clinicopathological features. Conclusions: Hcy level is increased in chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric cancer; levels of folic acid and vitamin B12are decreased in gastric ulcer, gastric polyp and gastric cancer. High level of Hcy is involved in infiltration and metastasis of gastric cancer. Intervention in patients with high level of Hcy, low levels of folic acid and vitamin B12might be an effective strategy for the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer and precancerous diseases.
Key wordsHomocysteine;Folic Acid;Vitamin B 12;Stomach Neoplasms;Precancerous Diseases
1. 分组:根据组织病理学检查结果将受检者分为5组:①对照组:胃黏膜正常或示轻度非萎缩性胃炎。共86例,其中男47例,女39例;年龄17~63岁,平均(53.72±15.08)岁;②萎缩性胃炎组:46例,其中男22例,女24例;年龄 32~85岁,平均(58.48±10.78)岁;③胃溃疡组:46例,其中男38例,女8例;年龄18~79岁,平均(55.98±17.28)岁;④胃息肉组:31例,其中男9例,女22例;年龄30~77岁,平均(54.90±18.30)岁;⑤胃癌组:52例,其中男38例,女14例;年龄36~75岁,平均(59.78±13.67)岁;根据国际抗癌联盟(UICC)美国抗癌联合会(AJCC)的TNM分期标准[6]分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ期;根据癌肿浸润胃壁的深度分早期胃癌和进展期胃癌;根据肿瘤病变部位分胃窦部癌、胃体部癌和贲门部癌;根据淋巴结转移分为有转移组和无转移组;根据分化程度分为高分化、中分化和低分化组。
2.检测方法:受检者禁食8 h后采集血液标本,2 000×g离心10 min,贮存于-70 ℃冰箱中待测。采用免疫比浊法测定血清Hcy水平(Beckman DXC800全自动生化分析仪),采用电化学发光法检测血清叶酸、维生素B12水平(电化学发光罗氏E601)。
体内Hcy在蛋氨酸合成酶作用下,以叶酸和维生素B12为辅助因子,可发生甲基化,再合成蛋氨酸。一旦机体内缺乏叶酸和维生素B12,可导致蛋氨酸循环受阻,造成Hcy水平升高。本研究发现,与对照组相比,萎缩性胃炎组患者血清Hcy水平显著增高。胃体萎缩性胃炎与自身免疫有关,患者体内可检出抗壁细胞抗体和内因子抗体,多灶性萎缩性胃炎亦有免疫因素参与,但胃窦萎缩性胃炎与免疫因素的相关性不明显。胃体和多灶性萎缩性胃炎患者由于自身免疫因素导致胃酸和内因子缺乏,限制了维生素B12的吸收,从而导致蛋氨酸循环受阻,造成Hcy水平升高。有研究[7-8]采用多因素Logistic回归分析表明,萎缩性胃炎与高同型半胱氨酸血症显著相关,并加速了萎缩性胃炎向胃癌的病变进展。有研究[9]发现,慢性萎缩性胃炎和MTHFR 677TT基因型是Hcy水平升高的显著影响因素。
本研究发现,胃癌组患者血清Hcy水平较对照组显著增高;与王莉娜等[5]的研究结果相似。胃癌患者Hcy水平升高的原因可能为:①消化和吸收功能不良,从而导致叶酸摄入不足,绝对含量下降,影响蛋氨酸循环,造成Hcy在血液中堆积;②由于肿瘤细胞分裂增殖加速,需更多的叶酸和维生素B12作为辅酶参与核酸形成,从而造成体内叶酸和维生素B12含量相对不足,客观上减慢了蛋氨酸循环速度。本研究还发现Hcy与胃癌浸润深度、TNM分期和淋巴结转移呈正相关。而胃溃疡组、胃息肉组和胃癌组叶酸和维生素B12水平显著降低。血清Hcy水平增高、叶酸含量下降的致癌机制除造成细胞增殖性改变、影响调节基因和肿瘤抑制基因的表达外,叶酸缺乏还可导致CD8+T细胞增殖明显降低,可能导致机体清除肿瘤细胞的能力下降[10]。此外,叶酸代谢酶如还原叶酸载体(RFC)基因多态性、MTHFR的遗传变异可致Hcy高表达,使胃癌的发生风险增加[11-12]。Yoo等[13]发现叶酸代谢基因MTRR rs1801394位点单核苷酸多态性亦与胃癌风险相关。本研究发现,胃癌组Hcy水平高于胃溃疡组,但差异无统计学意义,与Sakuta等[14]的研究结果相似。目前尚未发现Hcy、叶酸和维生素B12在胃息肉中的研究。
胃肠道恶性肿瘤切除术后患者的血Hcy水平升高,叶酸和维生素B12水平降低,给予叶酸和维生素B12治疗后Hcy水平明显降低[15],且补充叶酸和维生素B12水平能明显延长MTHFR 677TT阳性患者的术后生存期[16]。口服维生素B12是全胃切除的胃癌患者的一种替代治疗方法[17]。本研究发现萎缩性胃炎、胃癌的Hcy水平增高,胃溃疡、胃息肉和胃癌的叶酸和维生素B12水平降低。高Hcy水平参与了胃癌的浸润和转移,对高Hcy、低叶酸和维生素B12水平的患者进行干预可能是防治胃癌及其癌前疾病的一种有效策略。但研究结论尚需行进一步探索。
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#本文通信作者,Email: ouxilong@126.com