


任 娟,张 磊,曾令藻,吴劳生,施加春



任 娟,张 磊,曾令藻,吴劳生,施加春*


为了研究畜禽养殖场的废水氧化塘对周边地下水的影响,我们通过在海盐县某养猪场氧化塘周边区域布井,采集相应点位的地下水,并采用分子生物学手段实时荧光定量核酸扩增检测(real-time quantitative PCR detecting system,qPCR)和水质理化性质分析手段,研究氧化塘周边相应位点地下水中的氨氧化细菌(ammoniaoxidizing bacteria,AOB)的丰度和水质情况,并结合相关系数,探究AOB丰度与环境因子之间的关系.结果表明:在相应位点的地下水中AOB的丰度与相应地下水中氨氮、硝氮和总氮的质量浓度呈显著正相关,特别是AOB丰度与硝氮呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01);同时也发现AOB丰度受p H影响,当p H>7.8时,AOB丰度较大,但AOB丰度和p H线性相关性不显著.


SummaryGroundwater is a precious natural resource,which is used as potable water,industrial water and agricultural water.With the development of breeding industry,lots of waste water and solid wastes were discharged to the environment,which has caused serious groundwater safety problems,especially high nitrogen concentration. Groundwater is a kind of comparatively well living environment for micro-organisms.Because it has abundant nutrition,water,adaptive temperature and p H and all these conditions are beneficial for growth and reproduction of micro-organisams.In water nitrate cycle,micro-organisms play a significant role.The first and rate limiting step of nitrification is ammoxidation,and the functional gene is ammonia monooxygenase,which existed in ammoniaoxidizing bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing archaea.

However,the factors affecting ammonia-oxidizing bacteria distribution pattern in groundwater and the influence mode are still not clear enough.This study attempted to improve the understanding of groundwater ammoniaoxidizing bacteria(_____AOB)abundance distribution and the correlations between the distribution and environmentalfactors around the livestock farm's hog-waste lagoon in Haiyan County,Zhejiang,China.

The amount of AOB and the nitrate concentrations were tested respectively by real-time PCR and continuous flow analyzer.The correlations among environmental factors,AOB abundance and relative abundance of AOB were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient.

The results indicated that NH4+-N concentration was ranged from 0.35- 18.98 mg/L,most of which was much higher than 0.5 mg/L in groundwater quality standard(GB/T 14848—93).And NH4+-N,the main pollution in this site,accounted for a large proportion in total nitrogen.All the water samples were weak base with p H ranged from 7.17- 7.87.Due to the shallow buried depth of groundwater in Zhejiang Province,all the water samples temperature were close to air temperature ranged from 22- 25℃.Total nitrogen had a similar distribution pattern with NH4+-N,of which samples beside lagoon No.2>samples beside lagoon No.1 and others.The result of No.2 was built nearly half a year later than No.1 and had a less stable boundary condition.Meanwhile,W18and W24had both high nitrogen concentration and high total organic carbon concentration.This may be caused by the same reason.Principal component analysis(PCA)result showed that the concentrations of NH4+-N and NO3--N are the two principal components of environmental factors with contribution rates are respectively 45.7%and 25.1%.AOB abundance also had a similar distribution pattern with NH4+-N.Besides,in the center of site,W11and W15also had relatively higher AOB abundance.AOB was the dominant bacteria in W11,W15,W24and W25,whose relative abundance was larger than 25%.It was also observed that p H could influence the AOB abundance. AOB abundance of water sample with p H>7.8 was strongly larger than that of water sample with p H<7.3.AOB abundance and AOB relative abundance had a significantly positive correlation with NO3--N(P<0.01). Meanwhile,they had positive correlation with NH4+-N and total nitrogen(P<0.05).

The main findings from this study are that both AOB abundance and AOB relative abundance show positive correlations with nitrogen concentration,including NH4+-N,NO3--N and total nitrogen.The AOB abundance and relative abundance are significantly positive correlated with NO3--N(P<0.01).When p H>7.8,the AOB abundance is significantly larger than the abundance when p H<7.3.However,the AOB abundance is not correlated with p H value.



氨氧化是氮循环(图1)中硝化过程的第一步,也是决定硝化反应速率的关键性步骤[5].在氨氧化过程中,功能酶为具有amo A基因编码的氨单加氧酶(ammonia monooxgenase,AMO),其α亚基能催化NH3到NH2OH[6].因此amo A基因是研究氨氧化过程的着力点.具有这种基因的微生物种类包括氨氧化细菌(ammonia-oxidizing bacteria,AOB)以及氨氧化古菌(ammonia-oxidizing archaea,AOA).

图1 主要生物氮转化途径[7]Fig.1 Major biological nitrogen transformation pathways[7]


1 材料与方法

1.1 试验地点与采样点分布

试验地点位于浙江省海盐县某养殖场地周边氧化塘(120°57′33″E,30°35′36″N).经过前期场地水文地质勘查调查得知,土壤类型为水稻土土属黄斑田土种;地下水埋深较浅,实测水位深度为0.3~0.6 m,年变化幅度0.5~1.5 m;由于地下水埋深较浅,地下水温度易受气温影响,随季节变化幅度较大;地下水p H范围为7.0~8.7,水质呈弱碱性.


图2 试验地点监测井分布图Fig.2 Distribution of the sample points

共有26口监测井,全部为机械钻探孔,其中孔深10 m的17口监测井为W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6,W7,W8,W12,W13,W17,W18,W22,W23,W24,W25,W26;孔深4 m的9口监测井为W9,W10,W11,W14,W15,W16,W19,W20,W21.


1.2 水样项目测定与分析

1.2.1 基本理化性质



p H,采用玻璃电极法测定;

总有机碳(total organic carbon,TOC),采用燃烧氧化-非分散红外吸收法测定;

电导率(specific conductance,SPC),采用实验室电导率仪法测定

1.2.2 无机氮测定方法

根据地下水取样规范要求(HJ495—2009)取样后,在实验室用双圈定性滤纸过滤水样,如滤液仍浑浊则重复过滤至滤液澄清无悬浮物,取适量滤液用连续流动分析仪(SAN++,SKALAR,The Netherlands)法测定[9],分析过程所用试剂均为优级纯,所用水均为超纯水.

1.2.3 水样AOB及总菌丰度测量方法 水样DNA提取

水样DNA用Fast DNA®SPIN kit for soil(MP Biomedicals LLC)试剂盒提取.提取方法参考该试剂盒给出的土壤样品提取方法,具体如下:

①用注射器取水样10 m L,用0.22μm有机滤膜过滤,取滤膜,晾干后用剪刀尽可能剪碎,称取5 g剪碎待测样品加入裂解管中,加入978μL磷酸钠缓冲溶液和122μL MT缓冲溶液.

②用Fast Prep核酸提取仪以6 m/s的速率裂解细胞40 s.

③裂解结束后,将离心管置于高速冷冻离心机中,4℃14 000 g离心15 min,将上清液转移到2 m L离心管中.

④将离心管置于离心机,4℃14 000 g冷冻离心10 min,沉淀残渣.

⑤转移上清液至2-m L离心管,加入250μL聚苯硫醚(polyphenylene sulfide,PPS),正反摇晃10次,摇匀,继续4℃14 000 g离心5 min,再次沉淀.

⑥转移上清液至15-m L离心管中,摇匀Binding Matrix并取1 m L加入15-m L离心管中,涡旋振荡2 min,使DNA与其充分结合,静置3 min.

⑦小心移除500μL上清液后混匀管中剩余物,取600μL到过滤柱收集管中,14 000 g离心1 min,将所收集滤液弃置,再取600μL离心管中混合物至过滤柱收集管中,再次离心(重复操作至离心管中混合物全部转移为止).

⑧加入500μLSEWS-M(提前用100mL 100%乙醇稀释),14000g离心1min,弃置滤液,14000g再次离心2min,完全去除SEWS-M,然后保留过滤柱,换上新的收集管.


⑩14000g离心1min,将DNA洗脱至干净收集管,弃置过滤柱,-20℃保存. 荧光定量PCR


根据XIE,等[10]的方法,得到AOBamoA基因的重组质粒,根据已知质粒和阿伏伽德罗常数(6.02×1023分子数/mol)分别计算各自基因拷贝数.分别以10倍梯度稀释各重组质粒,获得各自的标准曲线,然后根据标准曲线计算出样品中的基因拷贝数,每个样品3次重复.实时荧光定量PCR的反应体系为20μL,包含10μLSYBR®PremixEx TaqTMMix,前后引物各0.4μL,7.2μLPCR-H2O和2μLDNA模板.于CFX96Real-TimePCR System扩增仪上进行定量分析.

表1 实时荧光定量所用引物和反应条件Table1 Primersandreactionconditionsforreal-timePCR

1.3 数据分析


2 结果与分析


2.1 试验场地水样的基本理化性质




对比监测井分布可得各分组的分布特点: ClusterⅠ分布于No.1氧化塘边;ClusterⅡ分布于远离氧化塘的区域,ClusterⅢ分布于No.2氧化塘边(图4).整体氮素污染物质量浓度ClusterⅢ>ClusterⅡ>ClusterⅠ.

表2 地下水样理化性质Table2 Chemical properties of the groundwater samples

图3 环境因子分布PCA分析结果Fig.3 PCA result of environmental factors distribution

2.2 AOB丰度

各采样井水样中的amo A功能基因拷贝数见图5.结合环境因子分布来看,amoA功能基因拷贝数的数量分布类似于环境因子中碳氮污染的分布规律,靠近No.2氧化塘的W18,W24和W25水样中AOB数量较多.同时,W11和W15水样的amo A基因拷贝数也较多,查看了蔬菜大棚的施肥记录发现,采样前14 d,大棚内曾在W15的位置施肥1次,肥料种类为复合型氮肥,可能对周围区域地下水的氨氮含量及amoA基因数量影响较大.

图4 试验地点监测井分组Fig.4 Sampling points grouping

利用Arc-GIS做出AOB amo A基因拷贝数分布图见图6,可得到与PCA主因子聚类分组相似,AOB amo A基因的分布也可以分为3个Clusters. ClusterⅢ区域基因拷贝数最高,其次是ClusterⅡ区域,ClusterⅠ区域amo A基因拷贝数最少.

图5 各水样中的氨氧化细菌的丰度Fig.5 Abundance of AOB in different water samples

图6 AOB amoA基因拷贝数位置分布Fig.6 Biogeography of AOB amo A gene copy numbers

AOB的相对丰度即含amo A基因的细菌量与总菌量的比值,总菌量及相对丰度见图7和图8.由图可以得到,总菌量≥107的采样点基本集中在No.2氧化塘边和W15施肥点周围.同时,W11、W15、W24和W25的4个采样井中,AOB占据了主导地位,大于等于总菌量的25%.

2.3 Pearson相关系数


图7 各水样中细菌的总量Fig.7 Total bacteria amount in different water samples

图8 各水样中氨氧化细菌/细菌总量的相对丰度Fig.8 Relative abundance of AOB/total amount of bacteria in different water samples

表3 AOB丰度和相对丰度与环境因子的相关关系Table3 Correlations between AOB abundance,relative abundance and environmental factors

3 讨论

氨氧化是地球生物循环的一个重要步骤[13],在氨氧化过程中,amo A基因是核心基因.作为氨氧化的第一步,amo A基因的数量直接关系到硝化过程的速率,进而影响到整个氮循环过程的速率.

amo A基因受多种环境因子的影响[14]. KOWCALCHUK,等[15]的研究表明p H是AOB的amo A基因的重要影响因素之一[15],AOB种群结构在不同p H环境下,优势种群不同.p H显著上升时,amo A基因拷贝数会明显增加[16].刘彪,等[17]研究发现,当p H为7.5~8.0时,AOB的amo A基因丰度较高,p H为8.0时,amo A基因丰度最高.在本研究中,所有水样p H在7.0~8.0范围内,p H>7.8的水样W10、W11的amo A基因丰度显著大于p H<7.3的水样W2、W3和W4.AOB绝对丰度与p H间相关系数为0.439(P>0.05),因此不存在显著的相关性.

氨氧化细菌丰度和相对丰度与氮污染物质量浓度呈显著正相关,氮污染物质量浓度越高,AOB绝对丰度越大.SAUDER,等[18]的研究也表明,当氨氮质量浓度大于0.1 mg/L时,AOB在氨氧化微生物中占据主导地位,并且AOB的生物量和氨氮质量浓度呈显著正相关.而陈国元,等[19]对西湖沉积物间隙水的研究发现,AOB丰度与氨氮质量浓度呈显著相关性,这与本研究的结果一致.WHITBY,等[20]对淡水湖的研究发现,AOB丰度与氨氮质量浓度无显著性差异.因此推测在不同环境中,环境因子对AOB影响方式不同.JIA,等[21]和DI,等[22]通过对土壤环境研究发现,AOB是富氨氮土壤环境中氨氧化过程的主导者.推测在富氨氮水环境中,AOB也是氨氧化过程的主导者.大量研究表明,AOB适合在高氮的环境下生长,而AOA适合在氮源相对贫乏的环境中生长[10].

环境因子的PCA聚类分组结果表明,环境因子按照主成分1氨氮质量浓度和主成分2硝氮质量浓度结合考虑,可以分为3个区域,分别是靠近No.1氧化塘边的ClusterⅠ、靠近No.2氧化塘边的ClusterⅢ和远离氧化塘的区域ClusterⅡ,而且AOB amo A基因拷贝数的分布也可以划分为与其位置基本吻合的3个区域,同时氮素污染物呈现: ClusterⅢ>ClusterⅡ>ClusterⅠ,AOB中amoA基因拷贝数:ClusterⅢ>ClusterⅡ>ClusterⅠ.因此推测地下水和氧化塘之间的位置关系会影响地下水的环境因子和AOB数量,靠近No.2氧化塘边的地下水污染质量浓度最高,AOB数量最多;靠近No.1氧化塘边的地下水污染质量浓度最低,AOB数量最少.


4 结论

4.1 虽然p H值和AOB绝对丰度无相关性,但是p H值会影响AOB绝对丰度的大小:当p H>7.8时,AOB绝对丰度较大;但当p H<7.3时,AOB绝对丰度显著减小.

4.2 AOB绝对丰度和相对丰度与氮污染物呈显著正相关,尤其是硝氮质量浓度,呈极显著正相关(P<0.01).


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Groundwater ammonia-oxidizing bacteria distribution and the correlations between the distribution and environmental factors around livestock lagoons.Journal of Zhejiang University(Agric.&Life Sci.),2016,42(5):589- 597

REN Juan,ZHANG Lei,ZENG Lingzao,WU Laosheng,SHI Jiachun*
(Institute of Soil and Water Resource and Environmental Science,College of Environmental and Resource Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China)

groundwater;ammonia-oxidizing bacteria(AOB);environmental factors;Pearson correlation coefficient

X 523




*通信作者(Corresponding author):施加春(,


(Received):2015 11 18;接受日期(Accepted):2016 04 18;

日期(Published online):2016 09 18 URL:

