何亚琴 卞建华
(1.北京石油化工学院 外语系,北京 102617;2.青岛大学 外语学院,山东 青岛 266071)
何亚琴 卞建华
(1.北京石油化工学院 外语系,北京 102617;2.青岛大学 外语学院,山东 青岛 266071)
翻译过程,有狭义和广义之分。一般认为,狭义的过程是翻译者对具体文本的转换活动过程。具体地说,就是译者选择了一个要翻译的文本之后,将该文本由出发语向目的语转换的过程。[2] (P80)该过程包括理解、表达、审校三个阶段,理解是在原文中选义的过程,是翻译的基础,译者不仅要理解语言表面上的意思,更重要的是理解语言深层的含义,字里行间的意思,甚至是弦外之音。全面透彻的理解是准确翻译的保障。理解过程中差之毫厘,表达时就可能谬之千里。这就要求译者充分认识理解原文的重要性,认真查阅相关资料,力争将理解的误差降到最低。《弟子规》是行门类文本,教我们如何做人的基础规范,因此准确地英译有利于读者在现实生活中真正落实。不过,由于译者对原文存在着不同的理解,所以产生了不同的译文表达形式。如:
例1.斗闹场,绝勿近;邪僻事,绝勿问。[3] (P17)(《弟子规·谨》)
美译: Never go near rowdy places, or where you see fights going on. Gossip about things improper, is better not to pass on.[4](P23)
覃译: Keep away from rowdy places. Don’t ask about things that are evil and weird. It is important that you have the ability to tell right from wrong, and avoid being affected adversely.[5](P66)
原语中的词组“邪僻事”的英译(划线)部分,美译表达的意思是“不适当的事情”,这样明显扩充了“邪僻事”的范围,让读者彻底领会到日常行为的标准,完全符合译者传播文化的目的。覃译把原意表达为“邪恶、怪诞的事”,这种表达法一定程度上缩小了语义范围。钱文忠解读“邪僻事”为不正当的、见不得人的、倾向不好的事情; 钟茂森也认为 “邪”是指不正当的,“僻”是怪癖。
试译: Don’t go to places of sound and fury and don’t ask about anything wrong or indecent.[3](P29)
例2. 道人善,即是善;人知之,愈思勉。[3](P20)(《弟子规·泛爱众》)
美译: Now praising the virtues of others is itself a virtuous deed. When people hear of those good points, they will want to emulate them.[4](P27)
覃译: Praising the goodness of others is a good deed in itself, for those that have been praised will feel encouraged and do more. Those who hear of the praise will feel the urge to follow the example.[5](P93)
试译: It is a good deed to talk about other people’s strengths, because this will encourage the person to be even better.[3](P32)
例3. 丧三年,常悲咽,居处变,酒肉绝。[3] (P15)(《弟子规·入则孝》)
美译: During the first three years of mourning after my parents have passed away, I will remember them with gratitude and feel sad often for not being able to repay them for their kindness in raising me. During this period I will arrange my home to reflect my grief and sorrow. I will also avoid festivities and indulgence in food and alcoholic drinks.[4](P16)
覃译: During the first couple of years of mourning after our parents’ passing away, we shall often think of their loving devotion, and with that kind of gratitude we shall abstain from eating meat and drinking wine, and rearrange our place to show grief and sorrow.[5](P40)
根据钱文忠和钟茂森的解读,在这三年的守孝过程中绝对不能饮酒,不能吃肉,很多事情都要断绝。秦东魁更明确地指出:“在我国古代,父母去世,要为父母守孝三年。在父母的坟墓旁盖上简陋的草房,穿粗布孝衣,吃素食,夫妻不同居,平时不从事娱乐活动,以此来表达对父母养育之恩的哀悼和纪念。”[8]这时表达出原文的言外之意非常重要,然而以上译文中的划线部分表达的意义非常模糊,致使主要信息漏译的现象。相比之下,美译简明易懂,而覃译中的介词“with”连接“gratitude”和 “abstention from meat and wine”使句子意思难以理解。
试译: Mourn for your dead parents for three years, during which period the husband and wife live apart and abstain from all pleasurable things such as eating meat and drinking liquor.[3](P25)
例4.入则孝[3] (P14)(《弟子规·入则孝》)
美译:At Home,Be Dutiful to My Parents[4](P13)
覃译:Be Dutiful to Your Parents At Home[5](P27)
这是《弟子规》第一章的题目。其含义是:对子女提出孝顺父母的要求和应该懂得的规矩。[7]而钟茂森认为:“入则孝”的“入”字可以解释为入手处。圣贤之道从孝道入手。[6]可是,上述前两种译文中都加了“at home”, 这样使得整个题目的意义受到约束,所以建议译者在选词时不能重于源语的形式,而忽略了其含义。
关联理论(Relevance Theory)(Sperber & Wilson 1986/1995)是20世纪80年代在语言哲学领域兴起的关于语言交际的解释理论。由于其关注点是交际与认知的关系,与翻译现象十分契合,所以能够有效地解释翻译这一“宇宙历史上最为复杂的现象”(Richard 1953)在关联理论的框架内,翻译是一个对源语(语内或语际)进行阐释的明示-推理过程,译者要根据交际者的意图和受体的期待进行取舍,译文的质量取决于相关因素间的趋同度(convergence)[9](P112)
例5.亲爱我,孝何难; 亲憎我,孝方贤。[3] (P15)(《弟子规·入则孝》)
美译: When I have loving parents, it is not difficult to be dutiful to them. But if I can be dutiful to parents who hate me, only then will I meet the standards of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.[4](P15)
覃译: It is not difficult for us to perform filial duties when our parents are affectionate and attentive. It is valuable and estimable to be dutiful, understanding and self-examining even when our parents are harsh and strict with us.[5](P36)
试译: It is not hard to be filial to kind and loving parents. The true test of filial virtue comes when parents are cruel and hateful.[3](P25)
利奇[10](P11-27)(Leech)区分了七种意义,1. 概念意义;2. 内涵意义;3. 文体意义;4. 情感意义;5. 折射意义;6. 搭配意义;7. 主题意义。其中2-6都属于联想意义。此例中对“憎”一词在译文中的对应词选择存在一定的差异。美译中使用了“hate”一词,体现出原文的概念意义和主题意义,但是在联想意义方面稍有不足,即与前面的“loving”一词产生不平衡感;覃译选择了“harsh and strict”与前面的“affectionate and attentive”平衡对应,却在概念意义和主题意义方面又有些欠缺。笔者的试译试图弥补这两者的不足之处。
例6.亲有过,谏使更;怡吾色,柔吾声。[3] (P15)(《弟子规·入则孝》)
美译:When your parents do wrong, I will urge them to change. I will do it with a kind facial expression and a warm gentle voice.[4](P15)
覃译:When our parents have done something wrong, it is filial obligation to point out and urge them to put it right. However, we should do it with a soft and pleasant countenance, and in a gentle voice.[5](P37)
美译和覃译都选用了“urge”一词,即:try earnestly or persistently to persuade someone to do something。笔者认为选用“urge”翻译“谏”字稍有不妥之处。《古汉语词典》中对“谏”字的解释为:用言语规劝君主或尊长改正错误,而这组同义词为正式用语,表示竭力规劝某人做一些事,不太适合这种语境。而“persuade”一词突显的方式方法是晓之以理,语义更温和些。此外,美译第二句省掉动词,不合乎英语语法。
试译:If you discover faults in your parents, with a smile and soft voice, persuade them to correct the faults.[3](P25)
例7. 朝起早, 夜眠迟; 老易至, 惜此时。[3] (P16)(《弟子规·谨》)
美译: I will get up each morning before my parents; at night, I will go to bed only after my parents have gone to sleep. When I realize that time is passing me by and cannot be turned back,and that I am getting older year by year, I will especially treasure the present moment.[4] (P21)
覃译: Rise earlier than our parents and stay up late. Time really flies, therefore we should seize the moment and make progress every day.[5](P54)
试译: Get up earlier in the morning and go to bed later than your parents do. One gets old quickly, so be sure to save every minute for something meaningful.[3](P27)
通常,英语中的词语组合现象简称为搭配,但是语言中的搭配绝非简单、任意地组合。格莱德希尔(Gledhill)[11]认为词语搭配至少有三种情形:(i) 共现,以统计学角度来看搭配现象,搭配是指词汇在某个文本节点和它的搭配词再现; (ii) 组建,将搭配现象视为词位和词汇-语法结构的相互关系或基础词和搭配词之间的关系;(iii) 表达,以实用的观点将搭配视为一种传统的表达单位,不受形式的约束。
例8.弟子规,圣人训。[3] (P14)(《弟子规·总序》)
美译: These standards for students are guidelines, handed down to us by Ancient Sages.[4](P11)
覃译:Di Zi Gui or Pupil’s Code is a book that was taught by the Chinese saint and sage Confucius.[5](P26)
试译: Formulated from the teachings of the ancient Chinese saints and sages, the principles for youngsters are as follows.[3](P23)
例9.宽为限,紧用功;功夫到,滞塞通。[3] (P22)(《弟子规·余力学文》)
美译: Budget your time for one project, and then work as hard as you can. When your effort come up to the mark, quite naturally you’ll understand.[4](P31)
覃译: Make a loose study plan and study hard. As long as you work hard enough, you are sure to come to an understanding all of a sudden.[5](P109)
以上例句中的划线部分搭配组合不太自然,而且以上两种译文的句子结构选用得不协调,影响了原文语言形式的美感。比如,覃译中使用的句式“As long as...you are sure to...”使教义显得轻率、浅薄。
试译: Set yourselves a long-term, attainable goal and devote sufficient effort to surmount the difficulties in achieving it.[3](P34)
美译: Teachings that don’t come from Sages are words that we don’t need to read. These books cover over our wisdom, and undermine our resolve.[4](P32)
覃译: Books containing ideas that depart from the teachings of saints and sages should be discarded and should not be even given a look. Such books will block your intelligence and wisdom, hence undermine your aspirations and integrity.[5](P114)
试译: Avoid corrupting books that will block your intelligence, sap your will and check your resolution.[3] (P35)
例11.首孝悌,次谨信。[3] (P14)(《弟子规·总序》)
美译: First, obey and care for your parents, and then practice true brotherhood. Learn to be careful and honest.[4](P11)
覃译: The book first teaches us how to be dutiful to out parents, and how to be respectful and loving to our siblings. It then teaches us how to speak and act with caution in our daily life, how to be a trustworthy person, and how to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages.[5](P26)
试译:First honor your parents and treat your siblings kindly and then be cautious and honest in your words and deeds.[3](P23)
例12. 泛爱众, 而亲仁; 有余力, 则学文。[3](P14)(《弟子规·总序》)
美译: Learn to be careful and honest, and cherish all living beings. Draw near to goodhearted people, and study whenever you can.[4](P12)
覃译: Furthermore, it teaches us to love all equally and to be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion. If we have accomplished all the above and still have the will and energy to improve, then we can study further and learn literature and arts to improve the quality of our cultural and spiritual lives.[5](P26)
试译: Cherish all living creatures and learn from benevolent people. Only when you have accomplished these deeds can you begin to learn the other arts.[3](P23)
例13. 父母呼, 应勿缓; 父母命, 行勿懒;父母教, 须敬听; 父母责, 须顺承。[3](P14)(《弟子规:入则孝》)
美译: When mother and father are calling,answer them right away. When they give you instructions, obey them without hesitation. When your parents need to instruct you, respectfully do as you are told. Whenever your parents must scold you, acknowledge your errors and faults.[4](P13)
覃译: When your parents call you, answer them right away;when they ask you to do something, do it without delay. You should not make up excuses for your laziness. What your parents teach you about ways of life is for your own good, so you should listen attentively;when your parents scold you for your doing something wrong, you should be ready to accept their criticism and correct your mistakes without trying to gloss over them. It is absolutely wrong to talk back and make them sad. Even if you are done wrong, you should adopt the attitude of “correcting mistakes if having committed them and guarding against them if not.”[5](P28-29)
试译: Come on time when your parents call for you, and meet their demands in timely fashion. Listen to your parents with patience and respect when they teach you; recognize your mistakes and accept the punishment when they scold you.[3](P24)
例14. 勿自暴,勿自弃;圣与贤,可驯致。[3] (P22)(《弟子规·余力学文》)
美译: Don’t let your instincts control you, or waste time in idle pursuits. Work hard and become worthy Sages. We all can harvest these fruits.[4](P33)
覃译: Neither give up and fall back to earlier low stage. To become a person of virtue and wisdom is something we can all hope to attain in time.[5](P115)
试译: Never be harsh on yourself nor give up on yourself, because you can be a sage or a person of virtue by making sustained efforts.[3](P35)
例15. 凡是人,皆须爱;天同覆,地同载。[3] (P19)(《弟子规·泛爱众》)
美译: For all creatures throughout the world, we should cherish a kindred regard. The sky covers all of us equally. The earth supports all humankind.[4](P27)
覃译: Human beings, regardless of nationality, race, and religion, should be loved equally. We should learn from heaven and earth, which selflessly provide shelter and food for us, but ask for no returns.[5](P86)
试译: Love everyone equally, since all are sheltered by the same sky and supported by the same earth.[3](P31)
例16.能亲仁,无限好;德日进,过日少。[3] (P21)(《弟子规·亲仁》)
美译: To draw near to such wholesome people will bring on immeasurable good. Our virtues increase day by day, our faults bit by bit disappear.[4](P29)
覃译: We can benefit immensely by approaching virtuous people, because they will help us improve our morals day by day. As a result, our virtues will grow and our wrongdoings will lessen.[5](P104)
试译:You benefit greatly by learning from the selfless, for your morality is strengthened, and errors are probably avoided every day.[3](P33)
例17. 财物轻,怨何生;言语忍,忿自泯。[3] (P15)(《弟子规·出则弟》)
美译:If wealth is not viewed as essential, how could resentment arise? When words are both gentle and patient, bad feeling will soon disappear.[4](P17)
覃译:Value filial ties more than property and belongings, no grudge will come between you and your siblings; Be careful with your words and hold back hurtful comments, then unnecessary resentment will gradually die out.[5](P43)
试译: Property is a source of resentment,which won’t build up so long as you think little of it. Words are a source of indignation, which won’t be occasioned if you speak patiently with each other when disagreements do arise.[3](P26)
例18. 事虽小,勿擅为;苟擅为,子道亏。[3](P14)(《弟子规·入则孝》)
美译: A matter might be trivial, but if it is wrong to do it or unfair to another person, I must not do it thinking it will bear little or no consequence. If I do, I am not being a dutiful child because my parents would not want to see me doing things that are irrational or illegal.[4] (P13)
覃译: If something is irrational or improper, avoid doing it even though it is very trivial. If you do whatever you like without restraint, you will spoil your moral integrity. That is against filial obligation and therefore we should be ashamed of doing that.[5](P32)
试译: Don’t do as you please anything irrational or illegal, no matter how trivial it is;otherwise, you are not dutiful children.[3](P24)
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Comparative Study on Strategies for Translating Di Zi Gui from Chinese into English
HE Ya-qin BIAN Jian-hua
( Department of Foreign Languages, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China;School of Foreign Languages, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China )
The original text of the Confucian classics Di Zi Gui ( The Principles for Youngsters ) is featured by its brief and regular forms, symmetrical and paralleled sentences, as well as its close and implicit grammatical relationships. For such a text, Chinese-English translation strategies are exemplifi ed by a comparative study of the English versions of the text from the perspective of Relevance Theory and Convergence Principle. It is proposed that in the process of understanding the original text, the translator is supposed to work out the deep meaning through the surface meaning; and that in the process of expressing,the translator is advised to be careful not only in selecting words, phrases and collocations, but also in keeping the balance and symmetry of the sentences so as to reproduce the linguistic style and forms of the original.
Di Zi Gui ( The Principles for Youngsters );English versions;translation strategies