

天津医药 2016年1期




摘要:目的探讨MRI对乳腺癌新辅助化疗后腋窝淋巴结(ALN)评估的价值。方法对44例乳腺癌患者进行新辅助化疗(NAC),比较患者NAC前和NAC4周期后MRI测量患侧ALN直径、肿瘤表观扩散系数(ADC)值变化及其间接相关性;比较MRI与病理对患侧腋窝阳性淋巴结的检测结果。结果所有患者均完成了4周期的NAC,有反应(CR+PR)率为72.73%(32/44),无反应(SD+PD)率为27.27%(12/44)。有反应组NAC前后的ALN最大直径由(1.37±1.06)cm缩短为(0.90±0.76)cm,NAC前后的ADC值由(0.91±0.28)×10-3mm2/s增加到(1.01±0.32)×10-3mm2/s (P<0.01);NAC前后的ADC值变化(△ADC)与腋窝淋巴结NAC前后最大直径的变化(△L)不相关(r=0.131,P= 0.413)。NAC后MRI评估ALN的敏感度100%,特异度62.5%,Kappa值0.68。结论MRI功能指标ADC值不能作为早期间接反映NAC后ALN的疗效的独立指标,但MRI仍是评估NAC后ALN状态的敏感指标。


乳腺癌位居女性恶性肿瘤第1位,每年新发病例约21万,其发病率、死亡率呈逐年上升趋势,治疗是以手术为主的综合治疗[1-2]。新辅助化疗(neoadju⁃vant chemotherapy,NAC)是对局部进展期乳腺癌(1ocally advanced breast cancer,LABC)患者术前进行的全身性辅助化疗,以缩小肿瘤,有效清除淋巴结及远处潜在的微转移病灶,使手术切除甚至保乳成为可能[1]。磁共振扩散加权成像(MRI-DWI)的功能参数肿瘤表观扩散系数(ADC)值能早期从分子水平反映肿瘤的新辅助化疗疗效[3]。腋窝淋巴结(axillary lymph node, ALN)疗效是NAC疗效评估不可或缺的一部分,ALN状态的评估是乳腺癌腋窝处理的关键,但NAC后肿瘤ADC值变化能否间接用于ALN化疗疗效的早期评估及MRI对ALN状态的评估与病理的等效性如何是一个值得探讨的临床问题。

1 资料与方法

1.1一般资料收集我院2011年1月—2013年12月收治的44例乳腺癌患者NAC前和NAC4个周期后MRI资料进行分析,所有患者均符合NAC标准并签署相关的检查治疗同意书。纳入标准:(1)经空芯针穿刺活检病理证实为乳腺癌。(2)均有完整病史、临床检查、双侧乳腺超声及MRI-DWI相关检查资料。(3)经肝脏B超、X线胸片和全身骨扫描排除远处转移。(4)MRI检查病灶直径≥2.5 cm且为单一病灶,增强后病灶表现为团块状强化。(5)行NAC前、NAC4个周期后接受2次乳腺MRI检查,每次检查参数不变。排除标准:原发炎性乳腺癌或乳腺出现转移性病灶。所有患者均经穿刺病理组织学确诊为乳腺癌并同意接受NAC,年龄26~62岁,平均年龄(49.3±12.4)岁,参考2010年NCCN指南(V.2.2010)的cTNM分期标准:T2期14例,T3期25例,T4 期5例。


1.3腋窝淋巴结最大直径及ADC值以MRI三维重建图像中最大淋巴结直径代表淋巴结大小。△ADC=NAC 4个周期后肿瘤ADC值(ADC2)-NAC前肿瘤ADC值(ADC1);ALN最大直径变化(△L)=NAC前ALN最大直径(L1)-NAC 4个周期后ALN最大直径(L2)。

1.4效果判定采用影像学评估NAC疗效,根据2009年RECIST标准1.1版[4]:化疗4~6个周期后测量实体肿瘤最大径线。完全缓解(complete response,CR)所有目标病灶消失;部分缓解(partial response,PR):基线病灶长径总和缩小≥30%;疾病进展(progressive disease,PD):基线病灶长径总和增加≥20%或出现新病灶;疾病稳定(stable disease,SD):基线病灶长径总和有缩小但未达PR或有增加但未达PD。按照疗效将患者分为有反应(CR+PR)组和无反应(SD+PD)组。

1.5ALN阳性判定标准应用乳腺专用线圈,并以腋窝淋巴结>1 cm或者形态异常为淋巴结转移标准[5]。

1.6统计学方法采用SPSS 17.0进行统计学分析,计量资料以±s表示,采用配对t检验;计数资料以例(%)表示,用χ2检验;定性资料一致性分析采用Kappa检验。用Pearson相关分析评估NAC前后ALN最大直径变化与MRI功能指标△ADC值的相关性,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果



Tab.1 The longest diameter changes of ALN before and after four cycles of NAC in two groups表1 NAC前和4个周期NAC后ALN最大直径的变化(cm,±s)

Tab.1 The longest diameter changes of ALN before and after four cycles of NAC in two groups表1 NAC前和4个周期NAC后ALN最大直径的变化(cm,±s)


n t组别有反应组无反应组32 12 NAC前1.37±1.06 1.34±0.65 NAC后4个周期0.90±0.76 1.35±1.00 3.575**0.035


Tab.2 The changes of tumor ADC value before NAC and after four cycles of NAC in two groups表2 NAC前和4个周期NAC后肿瘤ADC值的变化(×10-3mm2/s,±s)

Tab.2 The changes of tumor ADC value before NAC and after four cycles of NAC in two groups表2 NAC前和4个周期NAC后肿瘤ADC值的变化(×10-3mm2/s,±s)


n t组别有反应组无反应组32 12 NAC前0.91±0.28 0.94±0.30 NAC后4个周期1.01±0.32 0.80±0.20 4.521**1.919



Tab.3 Consistency analysis of pathology andmRI evaluation for ALN after NAC表3 病理和MRI对NAC后患侧ALN状态评估的一致性分析 (例)

3 讨论



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Evaluation ofmRI for axillary lymph node in breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

LI Fu1, ZENG Jian1△, LI Chunyan2, LUOming1, KONG Zhen1
1 Department of Gastrointestine and Gland Surgery, 2 Department of Radiology, the First Affiliatedhospital, Guangximedical University, Nanning 530021, China△Corresponding Author E-mail:

Abstract:Objective To explore and evaluate the clinical value ofmRI for status of axillary lymph node after neoadju⁃vant chemotherapy (NAC) in patients with breast cancer.Methods Forty-four patients with 1ocally advanced breast cancer (LABC) were underwent NAC for four cycles.The longest diameter of axillary lymph node (ALN)measured bymRI scan.Val⁃ue of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and their correlation were compared before NAC and four cycles after NAC.Re⁃sults ofmRI and pathological data for ALN were compared between two groups of patients.Results All patients finished four cycles of NAC.The total response rate (CR+PR) was 72.7% (32/44), and the total non-response rate (SD+PD) was 27.3% (12/44).The longest diameter of ALN was significantly shortened in response group.The longest diameter was (1.37± 1.06) cm before NAC and (0.90±0.76) cm after NAC (P<0.01).The ADC value of the tumor was significantly increased in re⁃sponse group [(0.91±0.28)×10-3mm2/s before NAC and (1.01±0.32)×10-3mm2/s after NAC, P<0.01)].There was no signifi⁃cant correlation between ADC value change (△ADC) and the longest diameter change of ALN (△L, r=0.131, P=0.413).The sensitivity, specificity and Kappa value of ALN evaluation after NAC were 100%, 62.5% and 0.68measured bymRI.Con⁃clusionThe change of tumor longest diameter reflects the effect of chemotherapy directly.The tumor ADC value ofmRI can not be used as an independent indicator of chemotherapy effect of ALN, eventhouthmRI was the sensitive index for eval⁃uating the status of axillary lymph node after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer.

Key words:breast neoplasms; chemotherapy, adjuvant;magnetic resonance imaging; signal processing, computer-as⁃sisted; lymphaticmetastasis; treatment outcome; neoadjuvant chemotherapy; apparent diffusion coefficient









常按腋窝 强心又健体
捏腋窝 延衰老