11 096例体检者幽门螺杆菌感染现状分析


天津医药 2016年1期


11 096例体检者幽门螺杆菌感染现状分析


摘要:目的了解天津地区体检人群中幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染的现状及其分布特征。方法选取2014全年间在我院行Hp检测的11 096例体检者为研究对象,应用快速尿素酶法检测其Hp的感染情况;以体检者的性别、年龄、职业为依据进行分组分析。结果11 096例体检者Hp总感染率为30.52%(3 386/11 096),其中男性为34.77% (1 784/5 131),女性为26.86%(1 602/5 965),男性高于女性(P < 0.05);将体检者按照年龄分为19~29岁、30~39岁、40~49岁、50~59岁、60~69岁和70~92岁组,其Hp感染率分别为19.50%(379/1 944)、25.82%(650/2 517)、31.59%(908/2 874)、37.48%(915/2 441)、41.09%(353/859)和39.18%(181/462),其中50~59岁、60~69岁和70~92岁组>40~49岁组>30~39岁组>19~29岁组(P < 0.003);根据体检者职业不同进行分组研究,在医务工作者、工人、教师、工程师、职员、公务员、其他等7个组中Hp感染率分别为25.42%(586/2 305)、29.35%(1 062/3 618)、30.61%(360/1 176)、32.49%(116/357)、33.44%(205/613)、34.52%(455/1 318)和35.23%(602/1 709),医务工作者Hp感染阳性率25.42(586/2 305)低于工人、教师、职员、公务员和其他人员各组(P<0.002)。结论应加强中老年尤其是男性的Hp诊疗管理,普及Hp感染预防相关医学知识,从而更有效地预防Hp感染相关疾病的发生。



1 对象与方法

1.1研究对象选取2014年1月—12月在我院行Hp感染检测的体检者11 096例,年龄19~92岁,中位年龄44岁。

1.2方法和试剂采用北京康美天鸿生物科技有限公司生产的幽门螺杆菌尿素酶抗体检测试剂盒(胶体金法)的体外诊断试剂盒进行检测。严格按照无菌操作原则抽取静脉血2mL,将全血加入无抗凝剂的无菌试管中,经1 000 r/min离心5min后取血清室温备用。待试剂盒平衡至室温后,在测试板样品孔中加入100 μL样本血清,20min内观察结果,此过程2h内完成。比较不同性别、年龄组及职业人群Hp感染的阳性率。


1.4统计学方法采用SPSS 18.0软件进行统计分析。计数资料采用χ2检验,以P<0.05或P<(0.05/n)为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1Hp感染与性别的关系11 096例体检者的Hp总感染率为30.52%(3 386/11 096),其中男性为34.77%(1 784/5 131),女性为26.86%(1 602/5 965),男性高于女性(χ2=81.443,P<0.001)。

2.2Hp感染与年龄的关系将11 096例体检者分为19~29岁、30~39岁、40~49岁、50~59岁、60~69岁和70~92岁6个组,上述6个年龄组的Hp感染率分别为19.50%(379/1 944)、25.82%(650/2 517)、31.59%(908/2 874)、37.48%(915/2 441)、41.09%(353/859)和39.18%(181/462);其中50~59岁、60~69岁和70~92岁组>40~49岁组>30~ 39岁组>19~29岁组(P < 0.003),而50~59岁、60~69岁和70~92岁3组间差异无统计学意义,见图1。

Fig.1 H.pylori infection distribution in different age groups图1 Hp在不同年龄组健康体检者中感染情况分析

2.3Hp感染在不同职业人群中的分布根据体检者职业不同进行分组研究,将其分为医务工作者、工人、教师、工程师、公司职员、公务员、其他等7个组,其Hp感染阳性率分别为25.42%(586/2 305)、29.35%(1062/3 618)、30.61%(360/1 176)、32.49% (116/357)、33.44%(205/613)、34.52%(455/1 318)和35.23%(602/1 709),其他、公务员、公司职员、教师和工人>医务工作者,其他和公务员>工人,其他、公务员>工人>医务工作者(P < 0.002),而其余各组间差异无统计学意义,见图2。

Fig.2 H.pylori infection distribution in different occupational groups图2 Hp不同职业健康体检者中感染情况分析

3 讨论



Hp具有极高的感染率,我国居民一半以上感染Hp,但各地区之间感染情况却不尽相同,可能与年龄、地区、饮食习惯等多种因素相关[15]。目前检测Hp的方法很多,包括培养法、免疫组织化学染色、快速尿素酶试验、尿抗体检测以及最新的便Hp抗原一步法等[16-17]。快速尿素酶法便于操作,更适合大规模人群筛查。本研究应用快速尿素酶法对11 096例体检者中进行Hp感染现状分析,结果显示Hp总感染率为30.52%,男性和女性感染率分别为34.77%和26.86%,男性明显高于女性,且Hp感染率基本随年龄增加呈增加趋势,与现有研究结果一致[15]。但50岁以上各年龄组间Hp感染分布无明显差异,Hp感染率基本在40%左右,趋于稳定水平。以上结果提示,天津地区居民Hp感染率明显低于全国平均水平[1],性别与年龄可能是影响Hp感染的2个重要因素,且50岁以上居民是Hp感染相关疾病预防的重点人群。




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Pylori infection distribution in 11 096 individuals

LImenghui, ZHANG Chi, LIANG Xiaofeng, LI Shixia, LIU Juntian△
Cancer Prevent Department Center of Tianjinmedical University Cancer Institute andhospital, National Clinical Research Center for Cancer, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Therapy, Tianjin 300060,China
△Corresponding Author

Abstract:Objective To investigate the distribution ofhelicobacter pylori (Hp) infections among general population in Tianjin.MethodsIndividuals (n=11 096) who visited ourhospital formedical examination andh.Pylori infection screen were included in the research objects.Rapid ureasemethod was utilized to rapidly detecth.pylori infection among the popultion.Individuals were grouped based on their gender, age and occupations, and then were analyzed.Resultsh.pylori-positive rate was 30.52% (3 386/11 096) in 11 096 individuals, in which there were 34.77% (1 784/5 131)male and 26.86% (1 602/5 965) female respectively.Individuals were divided into 5 groups according to their ages: 19 to 29 years old group, 30 to 39 years old group, 40 to 49 years old group, 50 to 59 years old group, 60 to 69 years old group and 70 to 92 years old group.The positive rates ofh.pylori increased with age: 19.50% ( 379/1 944 ) in 19-29 years old group, 25.82% (650/2 517 ) in 30-39 years old group, 31.59% ( 908/2 874 ) in 40-49 years old group, 37.48% (915/2 441 ) in 50-59 years old group, 41.09% ( 353/859 ) in 60-69 years old group and 39.18% (181/462) in 70-92 years old group.The differences in positive rates between different age groups were all of statistically significant (P < 0.05).Individuals were also divided into seven groups according to their occupations:medical worker group, worker group, teacher group, engineer group, clerk group, civil worker group and other career group.The positive rates ofh.pylori infection were 25.42%(586/2 305), 29.35% (1 062/3 618), 30.61%(360/1 176), 32.49%(116/357), 33.44%(205/613), 34.52%(455/1 318)and 35.23%(602/1 709)respectively.The positive rate was 25.42% (586/2 305)medical workers, which was lower than that of other occupation groups with significant difference (P < 0.002).ConclusionGoodmanagement ofh.pylori diagnosis and treatment inmid⁃dle age and elderly together with popularizing knowledge ofh.pylori prevention can effectively reduceh.pylori incidence.

Key words:helicobacter pylori;infection;distribution characteristics;Tianjin







