

智慧健康 2016年11期


上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心(简称“儿中心”)是由上海市人民政府与世界健康基金会(Project HOPE)合作共建的一所集医、教、研于一体的三级甲等儿童专科医院。1998年6月1日医院正式开张,前国家主席江泽民同志为医院题写院名,美国前总统夫人希拉里·克林顿女士为医院开张剪彩,2011年,美国新任驻华大使骆家辉先生到访医院,将儿中心誉为“中美医学成功合作典范”。




Shanghai Children's Medical Center (SCMC) affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine is a tertiary pediatric hospital integrated with medical service, teaching and scientific research, which was built jointly by Shanghai Municipal Government and Project HOPE. On Jun 1st, 1998, the hospital officially opened to public when former Chinese President JIANG Zemin calligraphed the name of SCMC, and Madame Hilary Clinton, former first lady of US, cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. In 2011, US Ambassador Gary Locke paid a visit to SCMC and hailed the hospital as an example of successful China-US cooperative partnership in medical field.

The hospital covers an area of 66,667 square meters and with a total floor space of about 84,000 square meters, accommodates a capacity of 604 medical beds which will be expanded to 1,000 in three years. The intensive care beds account for 1/5 of the total number beds in the hospital. Currently it receives a total number of about 1.4 million outpatient and emergency visits, discharges more than 22,000 inpatients and performs 13,000 operations and 7,000 day surgery or outpatient surgery per year. In 2010 SCMC became China's first JCI (Joint Commission International) Accredited Pediatric Hospital, the first pediatric hospital. In 2012, SCMC was issued certificate of national GCP accreditation and 8 specialties were listed on it. Besides all above, SCMC boasts several preponderant and distinctive disciplines which wield important influence both at home and abroad. The Heart Center is the first diagnosis and treatment center for pediatric congenital heart disease in China, and the largest in the world among similar centers. More than 3500 cases of heart surgeries are performed a year, and among which over 55% are intensive and complicated diseases. The successful rate of surgery is over 97%. The youngest patient is 6 hours after birth, and the lowest weight patient is 800 grams. Also, 1400 cases of interventional catheterization are performed every year. SCMC takes the lead in carrying out new techniques such as switch operation, trachea reconstruction combined with primarycongenital heart defects repair, double switch operation, permanent implantation of pacemaker for children, echocardiography and MRI for fetus, and promotes the technology to the whole nation. Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Center has become the largest center for the diagnosis and treatment center. The number of new cancer patients received each year surpasses 450 cases, and total more nearly 500 cases of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for a variety of difficult and severe hematological diseases. The 5-year disease-free survival rate for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia is over 75%, and success rate of transplantation for aplastic anemia is 91%, which has reached the advanced level in developed countries. SCMC is where developmental-behavioral pediatrics originated in China. In recent years, the intervention model integrated by medical service and school education is applied to diseases such as ADHD and autism, first in China. At the same time, the team successfully realized the translation from scientific research to public health policies in programs of lead poisoning, newborn hearing screening and sleep medicine. SCMC was awarded second prize for National Science and Technology Progress three times separately, as well as earning important recognition by international experts.

As Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine's teaching hospital, the specialty of pediatrics has become a national key discipline and key discipline of Project 211, Project 985, and Project 085 and the relevant pediatric subspecialties have gained access to national clinical key specialty by Ministry of Health, key medical specialty of Shanghai and key specialty in public health in Shanghai. At present, the hospital has such research institutions as China's first Institute for Pediatric Translational Medicine, key lab of the Ministry of health, training bases for continuing teaching for the diagnosis and interventional treatment of pediatric congenital heart disease of Ministry of Health, clinical medical center in Shanghai, Shanghai Congenital Heart Disease Research Institute and clinical diagnosis and treatment centers including pediatric hearing, hematology and oncology, ADHD, respiratory and circulatory critical disease, liver diseases, epilepsy and sleep disorders and so forth. Over the past 15 years, the hospital has won 5 times the second prize of the National Scientific and Technological Progress Awards, also the first prize of Shanghai Science Progress Awards, and other major scientific research awards such as the Chinese Medical Association's Science and Technology Progress Awards, the Ministry of Education's Science and Technology Progress Awards, Song Qingling Pediatric Medical Awards. In recent years, SCMC has also introduced and trained a large number of discipline backbones staff and they were supported by programs such as Central Government Recruitment Program of Global Experts, Shanghai Recruitment Program of Global Experts, the National Excellent Youth, the Oriental Scholars and Leading Talent Plan of Shanghai Health System. The hospital boasts a first rate pediatric teaching faculty and has postdoctoral research stations, doctorial and master programs in pediatrics. Also it is one of the Shanghai's main bases for the standardized training of pediatric residents

SCMC has successively established friendly relationship in cooperation and academic exchanges with medical institutions in more than 30 countries and regions, including 23 of world's most influential children's hospitals. In addition, being committed to the concept of “Train the Trainer”, SCMC has for ten consecutive years carried out the “RURAL TRAINING PROGRAM”, providing free training for 273 pediatric talents from 18 provinces and 53 cities of the remote rural areas in western and northeastern parts of China. What is more, the hospital has taken the lead in establishing Medical Social Work Department in China, which has financially supported and treated nearly 10 thousand patients in total since its founding.


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