马克思关于个人利益与集体 利益关系的文本解读*
刘 芳
[山东师范大学,济南 250358]
马克思关于个人利益与集体 利益关系的文本解读*
刘 芳
[山东师范大学,济南 250358]
Nonidentity for individual freedom: A study of Adorno’s theory of a negative Utopia ZHAO Chang-wei
TheoderWiesengrundAdorno holds that human freedom is the ability for pure devotion to nature. True freedom is the transcendence of the self-identity of the subject and the reconciliation between nature and nonself. He reconstructs the theory of a negative Utopia for redeeming the subject. He aims to clear the road of the subject’s nonidentity without sacrifice which gets lost in the different systematic philosophies.The vitality of negative dialectics lies in the fact that it can reveal the non-instrumental relations between man and nature in the context of the contemporary ecological deterioration as well as social and personal alienation. It also helps us have further reflections on the confrontation between identity and nonidentity in the era of globalization so as to catch a glimpse of the future of individual freedom and social freedom.
Time as a rational construction of divine-human relationship in ethical religions: Theinternallogic of the concept of time in Augustine’sConfessionsXU Long-fei
Time is one of the most crucial concepts in Augustine’s rational construction of divine-human relationship. On the basis of Soul, God and Memory and in the tension of theo-philosophy and a hyper-temporal goal, he interpreted and analyzed the concept of time as the core of ethical religions and the behaviors of Person; although Augustine started his argument from the Biblein°Confessions, it was in the general sense of ethical religions that he proposed his consideration of time. This paperbrings up some questions at the level of metaphysics, discusses the starting point of the internal logic, the logical procession and conclusion of the Augustinian conception of time.
Muthos is a false discourse: On Plato’s thought of mythology LI Xue-mei
Plato defined muthosas a false discourse. If logos was a process in which people approached to a certain theme and in which the definitions and concepts promoted the soul’s cognition of the object, then, to a certain extent,muthos also imitated the process of human inquiry,in which the irrational part of the soul adapted itself to it and approached to truth. It seemed that the way of thinking and action of the soul had a sort of deeper origin. Through the guidance of a theme, the rational part and irrational part of the soul were combined with each other.
Ibn Sīnā’s theory of universals intheMetaphysicsofal-Shifā’: In what sense do universals exist in the reality? ZHANG Tian-yi
It is generally believed that the theory of universals proposed by Ibn Sīnā is a form of Aristotelian realism: universals exist in real things, but not prior to them. However, his theory is clearly not as straightforward as indicated by this conclusion, since he never thinks that universals in all senses exist in the reality, but only universals in some less strict sense —‘nature inasmuch as it is nature’— exist. Around the key question “In what sense do universals exist in the reality?”, this papertraces back to the original Arabic text intheMetaphysicsofal-Shifā’ and tries to reconstruct and reinterpret his theory of universals more accurately. In the last part, itaims to reveal the epistemological premise of his theory.
A philosophical interpretation of Thomas Aquinas’s psychology of the soul LIU Su-min
Thomas Aquinas holds that the soul is the manifestation and the principle of life. Man is a rational life, and has the elements of the life of the soul and the intelligent mode of life with the following five forces, growth, feeling, desire, motion and rationality. As a bodily realization of life potential, the soul has the physiological and conceptual functions. “Reason” and “will” are the special senses of the soul. Thomas Aquinas’s psychology is a unique theory for interpreting human life on the basis of the soul and its functions, and its ultimate goal is oriented to the God of the supreme good, thus forming the core of his epistemology, metaphysics and ethics.
An interpretation ofAStudyofSevenPersonsofVirtueandSevenWellknownMonksWANG Song
This paper is a study of the fragment ofAStudyofSevenPersonsofVirtueandSevenWellknownMonksby Sun Zhuo, and tries to reveal the relationships between monks and scholar-officials in the Wei-Jin dynasties. It gives a comparison of their life stories and Sun Zhuo’s creative intention as well as the historical background of the aforesaid work as well as the differences in the academic orientations between the North School and the South School. It finally discusses the integration of Buddhism and Neo-Taoism in this period, the ideological implications of this work as well as its influence.
Disintegration of Zhou’s unity of man and nature and the nature-related implications of “Yin-Yang Theory” and“Five Elements Theory” WANG Bo
The Zhou dynasty as a feudal regime completely different from the previous ones resorted to the “unity of man and nature” for its political legitimacy. After King Ping’s eastward relocation of his capital, a symbol of the loss of the supreme power, “nature” did not belong only to the kings of the Zhou dynasty, and the people began to have different but more objective understandingsof “nature”. “Yin-Yang Theory” and “Five Elements Theory”were two most typical ones. Why the two theories could later become the core means bridging man and nature was related to their transcendental features. Paradoxically, the very nature of their theoretical premise was related to the disunity of man and nature caused by the disintegration of Zhou’s feudal regime.
Momo: A fabulous fairy-tale rich in implications of the modern concept of time NING Xian
Momois a fairy-tale classic rich in philosophical implications. Its author is Michael Ende and its theme is the exploration of the significance of time. With much concern over human destinies, Michael Ende describes the distorted concept of time caused by modern industrial civilization and holds that modern men have become indifferent,apathetic and spiritually barren because they have a misconception that they lack time, which results in a lack of vitality in their life. To demonstrateMomo’ssignificance as a work of realistic criticism, this paper adoptsMarx’stheories of economics and philosophy as well as the theory of phenomenology, and interpretsthe modern concept of time inMomofrom three perspectives, that is, the monetization of time in modern society, the distortion of time caused byalienated labor, and the affirmation of time in the subjective dimension.
On the similarities and differences betweenTheLute-girl’sLamentandTheLamentofQushiandherLuteSHI Cun-xun
TheLute-girl’sLamentbyBai Juyidescribes the miserable life of a homeless girl in Chang’an of China who was an excellent lute player, and expresses the sad feelings of Bai’s frustrated official career and unrecognized talent.More than 1,000 years laterin Korea, Shin Wi, one of the representative literary figures of the late Chos?n dynasty, wrote the poem “TheLamentofQushiandherLute” with quite similar feelings. The two poems are quite similar in terms of theme, artistry and sources, but differences remain obvious due to their different historical periods and environments.
The Taiping Rebellion in the perspective of millenarianism CHEN Wei
Millenarianism refers to a radical mass movement which reflects a particular mode of thinking and action with a sense of redemption. The Taiping Rebellion is considered as a millenarian movementdue to its “Taiping” ideal, the coming of the savior, the mass-based appeal and a crusade against evils. However, the millenarianism exemplified in the Taiping Rebellion should not be regarded as a pure Western Christian millenarianism. Instead it should be viewed as a particular kind of theology derived from Hong Xiuquan’s combination of traditional Chinese culture and the innovation of Christianity. A comparative study engaging worldwide millenarian movements of the 19th century reveals that the Taiping Rebellion actually represents the Chinese people’s particular response to the coming of modernity.
Relevance of the development of interest-bearing capital and the background of the French Revolution YANG Jia-xiang
The emergence and development of the French interest-bearing capital not only promoted the theformation of France as a unified nation-state, consolidated the feudal autocratic monarchy, but also cast the medieval France with its special socio-cultural traditions different from other European countries. Historically, it did not spawn the capitalist mode of production in France, nor promoted the development of the productive forces of capitalism in France. On the contrary, the highly centralized interest-bearing capital led to the stagnation in the development of the productive forces, and resulted inthe social, political and economic collapse, which found expression in the poor living conditions of the people, and the irreconcilableclass contradictions which led to the French Revolution.This paper gives an analysis of the emergence, development, nature and historical influence of the French interest-bearing capital, and some new interpretations of the nature, causes, processes, implications, lessons, and consequences of the French Revolution as well as the appeals of different classes.
Interpretation of Marx’s text on the relationship between individual interests and collective interests LIU Fang
Marx believed that needs and individual interests were the ultimate power and intrinsic basis of all human activities, while collective interests were also essential to personal development. Under the condition of private ownership, the virtual collective claimed to stand for public interests, but actually it maintained the special interests of the rulers rather than those of the public. The communist society is a united body of free men, representing the true collective for the citizens’ interests, and a harmonious integration of individual interests and collective interests.
* 本文为山东省社会科学规划研究项目“中国特色社会主义发展的历史逻辑研究”(项目号:12CKSJ06)、山东省高校人文社科研究基地山东师范大学马克思主义理论学科规划研究项目“1949-1956年马克思主义在中国的理解和运用考察”(项目号:MJDXK0102)、国家社科基金项目“价值哲学视阈下中国特色社会主义理论体系的人民性研究”(项目号:11BKS023)的阶段性研究成果。