中图分类号:TP301 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2015)22-0147-03
Abstract: This paper proposed a idea based on maximizing deviation and minimization from the attribute weight vector method, this method is actually a new method for establishing the multi-attribute group decision making expert weight. First, according to the experts give an objective evaluation of the property matrix, using entropy method to calculate attribute weights. Then, according to the attribute weight vector calculated constitute property vector matrix, to establish expert weighting function, find the corresponding expert weights. Secondly, the system uses maximizing deviation method to calculate the weight of the specialist. Finally, by minimizing the distance with attribute weights , The expert weight of maximizing deviation combined with expert weight of minimizing attribute weights to determine the final expert weight and then give sorting among programs. This method give the maximizing deviation method of objectivity, and the expert weights and attribute weights to establish direct contact, interaction between the two, so that the weight of experts are more objective. Finally, numerical examples illustrate its feasibility and practicality of the method.
Key words: group decision making; maximizing deviation; attribute weighting matrix; minimize the distance; expert weight
在多属性决策的过程中,通常采用多人参与的方法来避免人为的偏向性和失误,记多属性群决策。通过对专家们意见的集结来选择最优方案或排序。 目前对多属性群决策问题的研究已经越来越受到学者的重视。
根据评价信息的方式多属性群决策问题可以分为确定型和不确定型两种。常见的不确定多属性群决策问题有语言型和混合型[2]。在群决策过程中合理确定的专家权重具有重要的理论和现实意义[3]。文献[1]采用凸组合方式主观权重和客观权重进行集结;文献[4]提出离差最大化方法来确定各属性权重,该方法不具有主观随意性。文献[5]通过对偏好关系的调整来获得权重。文献[6]从个体判断矩阵的一致性程度和其列向量之间的偏差程度两方面来确定专家的权重;基于信息熵文献[7]提出了一种聚类赋权方法; 文献[8]通过求个体相对可信度权值和群体相对可信度权值来求专家权重。
1 问题描述
5 结论
[1]宋光兴,邹平.多属性群决策中决策者权重的确定方法[J].系统工程,2001,19 (4) :83-89.
[4]王应明.运用离差最大化方法进行多指标决策与排序[J].系统工程与电子技术,1998, 20(7):24 -26.
[5]YAN H, WEI O L. Determining compromise weights for group decision making[J]. Journal of the Operational Re-search Society, 2002(53): 680 -687.
[7]周漩,张凤鸣,惠晓滨,等. 基于信息熵的专家聚类赋权方法[J].控制与决策,2011,1(26):153-156.