

重庆与世界 2015年11期

□ 文/本刊记者 曾睿


□ 文/本刊记者 曾睿








观音桥商圈 摄影/杨德祥

重庆发展迅猛 可争取更多韩国中小企业


不过,亲身经历过韩国依靠飞速发展外向型经济创造出“汉江奇迹”的姜敏雄觉得,因为“汉江奇迹”的缘故,韩国既诞生了三星、现代等大型世界知名企业,同时也培育出大量的中小企业,正是千千万万的中小企业支撑起了大型企业、超级工厂的生产能力,而且其中也不乏在某一领域有自己独特优势、特点鲜明者。姜敏雄建议,重庆在保持和韩国大型企业密切关系的同时,不妨也可以将视野放到韩国中小企业这个层面,对双方中小企业的良性发展、对重庆“大众创业 万众创新”的开展都应该能够起到很好的作用。




Since the start of this year, a beautifully printed full-Korean business publication named Expatriate World has ghosted up in quite a few consumer places in Chongqing, particularly in those cafes and restaurants frequented by some Koreans in Liangjiang New District. Very soon, this magazine has received recognition from the expatriate Koreans in Chongqing. Recently, our reporter had an interview with Mr. Kang, the founder of the magazine, about his general impression and close observation of Chongqing during his stay.

“China Hand” who can speak several Chinese dialects

Mr. Kang was born into a Korean intellectual family. His father was a leading scholar in the field of Russian language teaching and research. Nurtured in this intellectual family background, he developed a keen interest in Chinese history and culture from childhood. In 1994, he was selected and sent to study ancient Chinese phonetics at Beijing University on Hankuk University of Foreign Studies sponsorship. After obtaining his Master's Degree/Upon graduation, he gave up the opportunity to teach at some higher education institutions in Korea and made a decision to carve out a successful career in China because of his deep love for this country.

Under the influence of his family, he has gained such great linguistic attainments that he is proficient in six foreign languages including English, German, Japanese, Russian and Chinese. Yet, what he prides himself on most is that he is able to directly communicate with local people in their own dialects such as Cantonese and Chiuchow. This ability is uncommon among the expats in China. Apart from that, he has gone native and known about Chinese customs and cultures. In 2003, when he purchased an automobile in China, he specially selected a second-hand BMW with three 8s on its license plate rather than a brand new Hyundai. That is because the number 8 would enable him to make smoother contact with Chinese people. This all led some HK media to get the fi rst impression that he was a Hong Konger when it reported him. He told me this episode with a smile, “This was the biggest praise I've ever heard about my profi ciency in Chinese.” In order to provide a window on China for the Korean expatriates in Guangdong, he started Expatriate World, the full-Korean advertising magazine,in Shenzhen in July, 2001. Because of this, he was received and praised by the then Korean consul-general in Guangzhou.

Following “Hyundai Motors” to Chongqing

Although he has run businesses for many years in China, this is the first time for him to visit the “Mountain City” Chongqing. He said, “In recent years, Chongqing has literally become a buzz word among the expatriate Koreans in China. Especially since the Sino-Korea Industrial Park was established in Liangjiang New District by the governments of both countries, the number of Korean people who work in Chongqing has rocketed up every year. That is why Expatriate World, as the media serving the Korean people in China, pays great attention to Chongqing. Whenever he heard about Korean Conglomerates such as SK Group and Hankook Tire going into production in Chongqing, he was thinking about starting a business in Chongqing immediately. Yet, it was the continuallyreported plan of Beijing Hyundai to build its 5th plant in Chongqing since 2014 that caused him to make his fi nal decision. His business acumen told him, “No more wait-and-see. It's time to take action.”

His analyzes that the establishment of new plants of Beijing Hyundai Motors would bring the peak of “Korean Wave” to the city. The 5th plant of Beijing Hyundai Motors built in Liang Jiang New District, Chongqing in June 13, 2015, should be no exception. He estimates that there will be over 2000 expatriate Koreans in Chongqing in the long term. Accordingly, it is conceivable that such a Korean population could create demands for commercial and cultural exchanges.

Chongqing can attract more SME

Mr. Kang said, “The development of Chongqing goes beyond the imagination of the Korean people who have never set foot in Chongqing.” He indicated that he, as a foreigner and a media practitioner, has specially done plenty of research on Chongqing,which is located in inland China before he came to the city. With his excellent command of Chinese,he often watched Chongqing News Broadcast by Chongqing Satellite TV at home to achieve a correct and comprehensive understanding of various aspects of Chongqing. Through this window, he got to know that in recent years, Chongqing has been leading the way in the growth of GDP in China;Chongqing is the only city in China to boast national integrated transport hub and simultaneously first class harbors, airports and railways; Chongqing has three tariff-free zones and matchlessly functional river ports in mainland China. He also knows well that Chongqing municipal government places much emphasis on providing quality services for domestic and foreign investors, and also welcomes more Korean investments to deepen the cooperation between business circles of both Korea and Chongqing.

However, Mr. Kang, who witnessed the“Miracle on Han River” created by Korea's exportoriented economy in person, believes that the“Han River Miracle” gave birth to world-famous enterprises such as Samsung and Hyundai, as well as numerous small and medium-sized businesses that support the Korean conglomerates with super production capacity. Some of them are quite distinct and have their own competitive edges in certain fi elds. He suggested that Chongqing might as well pay attention to Korean small and medium-sized businesses while maintaining close ties with big Korean enterprises. After all, benign development of both small and medium-sized businesses plays an active role in promoting the implementation of “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation” in Chongqing.

A very attractive city to Koreans

Mr. Kang also told me that his favorite program of Chongqing Satellite TV is A Bird's Eye View of the New Chongqing. Holding his thumb up, he said,“It's really fantastic to see the Three Gorges of Yangtze River and TianKeng & Difeng from the air. It shows the wonder of Mother Nature. When the plane fl ies over Jiefangbei, it shows the greatness of Chongqing and wonderfulness of Chongqing people!” He also said, “My biggest dream is to travel around the beautiful sites that appeared on the program A Bird's Eye View of the New Chongqing.”He believes that any Korean who is lucky enough to live in Chongqing even for a certain period of time would share the same idea.

Having spent the whole summer in Chongqing,he has already had a relatively deep understanding of this scorching city and is also very optimistic about the future of Korean people and Korean enterprises in Chongqing. He thinks that the rapid development of China has attracted worldwide attention since China's reform and opening up. Now, in particular, is the best time for Sino-Korean relationship since the establishment of diplomatic relations. Both these countries develop interactively and interlinked, share increasing common interests and strengthen strategic cooperation comprehensively. Geographically adjacent, culturally close and literarily linked, Korea and Chongqing also have a very long and intimate relationship. “I like upright Chongqing people and its mountains, waters and green space. It has very convenient transportation and a number of housing options. But above all, many large Korean enterprises and Korean people have already chosen Chongqing and there will be, I believe, more and more Koreans coming in because Chongqing is a very attractive city to Koreans.

Kang Min-Woong:Chongqing is a very attractive city to Koreans

□ Written by Zeng Rui

