

重庆与世界 2015年11期

□ 文/本刊记者 曾睿


□ 文/本刊记者 曾睿


2020 的重庆8 小时经济圈——“重庆—太平洋”







“一江两翼三洋” 陆上大通道雏形初显





Starting from Chongqing, how far can we get within 8 hours of high-speed traveling on land? —This is not a question strange to many Chongqing people. The great changes and development in Chongqing's transportation system have witnessed the expansion of its economic circle since it became a municipality directly under the Central Government. Naturally, such topics are touted from time to time by the media sensitive to changes, making the increasingly open pattern understandable for people in Chongqing. But, what this report tries to share with you is that yesterday the answer was Chengdu, Guiyang, Qianjiang, Wanzhou, Kaixian, today it may be Wuhan, Xi'an, Kunming, Nanning, Beihai while in the future around 2020 it will be Beijing, Tianjin, Bangkok even Singapore,Malacca and the Pacifi c.

The 8 hours economic circle in 2020——“ Chongqing to the Pacifi c”

Recently, a piece of news from the Chongqing Development and Reform Commission (CDRC) amplified by the media has aroused wide concern from all walks of the community. It was said that the CDRC announced that the Chongqing-Kunming high-speed rail project, with all efforts,would be started in 2016. And it will be open for traffic if completed in 2020. By then the hours spent on the trip from Chongqing to Kunming will be shortened from 18——if one takes the fastest train——to just about 2.

More recently, the news that the Zhengzhou-Chongqing High-speed Railway (a passenger-dedicated railway line)approved by the state will be completed in 2019 has aroused a heated discussion on the large-scale development of Chongqing high-speed rail. According to the news report,Zhengzhou-Chongqing railway (Zhengzhou- Chongqing passenger-dedicated railway line), also known as Zhengzhou-Chongqing High-speed Railway (ZCHR), with a designed speed of 350Km/h, is a crucial passenger dedicated railway line in the long-term for China's railway network development, a vital section of Beijing-Kunming railway, a main rapid passenger transport channel that connect regions in central China and southwest China as well as a foundation for Beijing's 8 hours circle of transportation. ZCHR is of great signifi cance to promote economic development of Zhengzhou,Chongqing and other cities along the railroad: once completed,the 1028-kilometer ZCHR will make it possible for people in Chongqing to arrive in Zhengzhou within 4 hours at a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour.

Theoretically, it will only take 6.5 hours from Chongqing to Beijing if one transits at Zhengzhou through various highspeed railway lines to Beijing. Some businessmen joked that regardless of flight delays and other factors, 6.5 hours is probably the time spent on a flight to Beijing with the land traffi c period to the airport included. More importantly, when it opens for traffi c, it will only take 2 hours from Wanzhou port,the biggest port in Three Gorges on the Yangtze River golden waterway, to the downtown area of Chongqing. By then the time spent on the way from Wanzhou to Zhengzhou and Beijing will be cut down to 2.5 hours and 4.5 hours respectively and there will emerge on the Yangtze River Economic Belt of middle and upper Yangtze River an express channel that connects North China, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and even ports on the Bohai Bay.

The good news about China's railway development is not over yet. On Sep. 30th, the related departments in both China and Laos made a joint announcement that the China-Laos railway will soon be constructed in November this year. With a total length of 417likomenters, the railway starts from Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province, via the famous tourist resort Luang Prabang to the capital of Laos—Vientiane. In late October, the latest news about the China-Thailand railway project fi nally came out. After many rounds of negotiation, both parties will sign “The China-Thailand Railway Cooperation Frame Agreement” on the 8th session of China-Thailand Joint Cooperative Committee from October 28th to 29th.According to Ning Fukui, Chinese ambassador to Thailand,both sides will strive to start the construction within this year. Zhu Xijun, general manager of the China Railway Construction Corporation in Southeast Asia, said that the cooperation between two countries will bring about more benefits for Thai economic and social development. By the time when he railway is operation, the round-trip fee from Kunming to Bangkok will be about 3600 Thai Baht( approximately ¥700 ),only 1/2 or 1/3 of that of the air ticket, and the rail freight charge will be only 1/9 of that of the air freight. Each year, it will transfer an increased number of about 2 million Chinese tourists to Thailand and provide further convenience for the export of Thai agricultural products, making Thailand a transportation hub in ASEAN.

According to the message disclosed before, the shortest ime from Kunming to Bangkok in the future will be only 5 hours and 24 minutes. And by analogy, it will take about just 8 hours rom Chongqing, a China's inland city located on the bank of he Yangtze River, to the coastal city Bangkok.

The reporter found that whether under construction or not, Zhengzhou-Chongqing high-speed railway, Chongqing-Kunming high-speed railway, China-Laos railroad and China-Thailand railroad will be completed around 2020 according to he published construction schedule. That is to say, around the year of 2020, the trains running from Chongqing for freight or passenger transportation can reach as far as the Bohai Sea coast or Bangkok, a port of the Pacifi c within 8 hours.

“One River, two wings and three oceans” pattern——a great channel on land begins to take its shape

The so-called “one River, two wings and three oceans”pattern refers to international transport routes that link China with the Pacifi c via the Yangtze River, with the Atlantic via the Alashankou port in Xinjiang, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, and the Port of Rotterdam, and with the Indian Ocean via Chongqing-Guizhou Railway, Guiyang,Kunming, Dali, Ruili and Mandalay, a city in central Burma. After the implementation of a series of projects on international railway cooperative construction and domestic railway construction, the transport routes have taken its primary shape based on the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe Railway, and the Yangtze River Waterway in Chongqing.

Reportedly, the Chongqing-Kunming Railway line is part of the “Belt and Road” Initiative (Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road). According to the vision, we should make good use of the geographic advantage of Yunnan Province, advance the construction of an international transport corridor connecting China with neighboring countries, develop a new highlight of economic cooperation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, and make the region a pivot of China's opening-up to South and Southeast Asia. Mu Wenchun, deputy director of the Regional Economic Research Institute, Yunan Academy of Social Science, said in an interview that after the completion of the railway running from Chongqing to Kunming as well as that from Xining to Chengdu, there will emerge a channel linking the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. By then, all the regions in the north, south and east part of China will have their connection with Yunan Province, and further south with the Indian Ocean. And the two lines will hopefully be parts of the new national channel of the “Belt and Road”.

As the only municipality under the central government,Chongqing has always been pursuing the dream of becoming an open highland in China's inland. According to the “Suggestions on Implementation”, Chongqing will focus on its international logistics channel strategy, reaching the“three oceans” through “one river and two wings”. “One river”means to reach the Pacific via the Yangtze River. And the“northeast wing” indicates that Chongqing will link the Pacifi c via Chongqing-Lanzhou Raiway, the Alashankou port in Xinjiang, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, and the Port of Rotterdam. The “southwest wing” means Chongqing will connect with the Indian Ocean via Chongqing-Guizhou Railway, Guiyang, Kunming, Dali, Ruili and Mandalay, a city in central Burma and Sittwe Port to the Middle East. In fact,although there is no latest big news about the construction of Yunnan-Burma Railway, many projects are being well carried out. The already opened Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe Railway is now one of the well-operated China-Europe land channels and “One River, two wings and three oceans” transport routes pattern has already taken primary shape.

Some experts even pointed out that Chongqing is on the rise to become the most important “Chinese hub” on the Eurasian Continental Bridge.

The 8-hour economic circle been constantly refreshed in the strategy of railway development Is Chongqing on the Rise to be the Most Important “Chinese Hub” on the Eurasian Continental Bridge

□ Written by Zeng Rui


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