

重庆与世界 2015年7期



Plenary Session

主持人: 张晓强

MC: Zhang Xiaoqiang


Permanent Vice Chairman and CEO, CCIEE



● 重庆能代表我们在未来可持续性发展大城市时将要面对的共同挑战。欧洲和东亚都是世界上人口比较密集的地方。

● 重庆能代表中国的飞速发展,能代表中国向内陆发展、向增长和发展寻找新动力、向高科技高质量服务发展的趋势。

● 今天的会议在张高丽副总理的致辞中拉开帷幕。张高丽总理一直积极致力于国际金融和经济合作。欧洲和东亚的产量占全球的三分之一有余,这就是为什么今天的会议具有代表性,我们今天讨论的话题也具有重要意义。





















● 随着移民和外国雇佣劳动力的增加,我们可以从人口学的角度提供解决方案。说得明白一点,如果我们不想未来的世界变成一个新的“奴隶”世界,这将是我们必须面对的问题,需要精心的组织,应该根据联合国国际劳工局制定的规范,在全球范围内组织劳动力。

● 也可以从政治上提供解决方案。应该从国家的层面加强组织、团结一致,应对老龄化、依赖性和医疗费用增长带来的风险。

● 当然也可以从经济和科技的角度提供解决方案,因为在未来的数年里,医疗保健、特殊住房、物联网等领域都将成为与社会老龄化息息相关的主要问题。我们不必对未来心生恐慌,但是我们需未雨绸缪,努力提供解决问题的方案。


● 大力开展技术合作。欧洲公司拥有迄今最前沿的技术,我们可以开展诸多合作,共享经济发展成果。如在工业废水处理领域,法国拥有VEOLIA等诸多顶级的专业公司。

● 积极开展政治合作,破解气候变化难题。法国一直致力于这一领域,已经精心开展一系列工作,拟于明年12月在巴黎举办的“第21届联合国气候变化大会”推出富有诚意的合作计划。我们都知道气候变化是一个事实,我们还知道,我们从现在做起。在过去几个月里,法国政府已经采取积极行动。中国和美国也已经进行双边协商,减少温室气体的排放。让我们共同努力,使合作迈上新的台阶。







● 创新意味着基础设施的技术创新,我们需要加固市场的互通性。



● 创新意味着金融创新,通过规则的磨合和稳定的政策创造新型的非物质性互联互通。


● 最后,创新意味着政治的创新。







Keynote Speech Made by Dominique de Villepin,Former Prime Minister of France

Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests,

It is a great pleasure to be here among you today and to discuss the future of Europe and the future of China, to discuss our common future.

Chongqing is in many ways a symbol of this future.

·It is a symbol of the common challenges of the future to develop huge cities in a sustainable way. Europe and Eastern Asia are among the two most densely populated areas in our world.

·It is a symbol of the fast development of the new China, turned towards inland China towards new sources of development and growth, towards high-technology and highend services.

·Today’s conference, opened by Vice Premier ZHANG Gaoli who has been working actively on international financial and economic cooperation, is a symbol, because Europe and Eastern Asia represent over a third of the world's output. That’s why the subject we are discussing today is anything but a sideline.

1. We are at a crossroads of globalization. A crossroads where you have either chaos or transformation.

The globalization as we have known it in the last thirty years is leading to several dead ends.

There are major “black boxes” of uncertainty that threaten the world economy. The crisis of 2008 has been a major warning. Have all the lessons been taken? No. And this year there could well be a new crisis harming millions of people. The solution to the Precedent crisis---the Quantitative Easing of the Fed and now of the ECB,could well become the source of a new crisis, because it has created new bubbles and has infl ated stock markets assets beyond the real returns, because it has maintained artifi cially low interest rates that fl ood the markets with liquidities. And here in Eastern Asia, we see some worrying signs, with the slowdown of growth under 7%or the decrease by 8%of energy consumption.

There are major bottlenecks in transports and infrastructures that create risks and uncertainty. Look at the Ormuz Strait, look at the Malacca Strait which is the source of almost 80%of China without creating risks of disrupted communications and exchanges. There are bottlenecks also in communications and in the virtual networks of our world,that make us more and more vulnerable to hacking and to cyber terrorism.

There are growing political instabilities. Because the globalization has weakened the nation states, their territorial integrity and sovereignty, because the globalization of images and media has fueled the tensions between identities and created a world of resentment that has a deep potential of violence, we see instabilities shaking up our world. We witness it today with the Islamic State, in Syria and in Iraq,a group which dwells on hate and barbaric cruelty, a group that manages its image like a rock band, through video clipsatrocious provocations. We see the danger growing in Africa,in Sahel as well as in the Great Lakes region, which will be of major concern in the coming years. We see the danger grow also in Central Asia, where Islamist radicalism and terrorism is gaining ground from the Caucasus to the Former Republics of the Soviet Union. These instabilities create massive migrations,within Africa or between Africa and Europe that create yet more risks of instability. Everything leads to the risk of confrontation.

A future of confrontation would be a future of chaos.

In a world depending on energy-communications and trade as ours does, confrontation in one part of the world is a source of chaos for the whole world. Peace has become an immediate common good. Peace has become a necessity for each one of us. Our peace and the peace of others are now one and the same. That’s why we should be cautious when it comes to military interventions abroad, and take the lessons of ten years of Western interventions in the Middle East.

In a political world more and more depending on the media, the spreading of political instabilities has become unavoidable. That’s one of the lessons of the Arab Spring. That’s the lesson of the instabilities in several African countries since more than a year, signaling that the new generation isn’t ready to accept the prolongation of the older generation in power. That’s the case in Burkina Faso. In Burundi but also in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The international community should be aware of trends and threats and act in anticipation rather than in reparation. We need to discuss, think and act now. It’s true also for Central Asia, where the international community seems to be waiting for catastrophes to happen, silently.

But, on the contrary, a future of cooperation will be a guarantee of growth, of employment and of development.

Creating infrastructures creates activity today and activity tomorrow. It is the major privilege of this industry,it has cumulative positive externalities. In countries like in Europe where infrastructures have reached full scale, we need new markets where to propose and build the best possible infrastructures out of the experience and scaleeconomies we have gathered throughout the last decades.

Because confrontation is such a high risk, I think we need an international task force to support nationstates and political transitions, with administrative and judicial capabilities. That’s why we need a reform of UN peacekeeping with a new force and a new mandate, allowing long-term interposition in civil war situations. That’s why we need more world governance, with more diversity, more legitimacy and more efficiency. This means reforming the Security Council and extending its say on financial issues and on environmental issues.

2. Europe and China have to go hand in hand to face the hardships.

Europe and China are today the regions of the world for which stakes are highest.

Europe and Asia are the two key links of the long chain of Eurasian solidarity. They are the two most massive economic zones, the most independent zones, the most densely populated zones of the world. And they are separated by huge tracts of land, by countries in which development of infrastructures remains of insufficient, in which average income per capita remains below 60% of the world average.

More than that, Europe and China are both undergoing important and diffi cult changes.Europe is in crisis, because of debt, because of deflation, because of stagnation of its industrial model. It is necessary to find a new engine of growth. Europe needs new momentums for its borders,massive arrivals of refugees, important populist temptations in the elections.

China is facing a slowdown of its economy that creates questions and uncertainties. It is necessary to stabilize the economies in a phase of natural transition between an export oriented manufacturing country and a domestic consumption oriented service economy. All emerging countries in the past have experienced it. The dragons of the 70es and 80es,Japan, Taiwan and Korea have experienced it. Some have known a long term crisis like Japan, others have recovered through reform and restructuration like Korea.

There are many sectors in which Europe’s and China’s cooperation are vital for both of them.

In the fi eld of starups and Internet innovation, the United States have been taking the lead in recent decades. They have created a massive comparative advantage, which is the power of the Silicon Valley. The GAFA, Google-Amazon-Facebook and Apple dominate the market. China is rising. Europe has incredible talents, but once up by bigger fi shes from the U.S.. I believe the partnership between the EU,Russia and China on new technologies could allow the world innovation system to have checks and balances it lacks today. But today we have to be more ambitious than to cooperate better and more. We have to aim at transformation, at meeting a new age.

We have to face together the aging of societies, which is an unheard of challenge. The quick aging of the Chinese society creates economic as well as political questions when in the generation coming of age, there will be one worker for two elder people, against one for one or even two for one in the previous generation.

● There are demographic solutions with immigration and hired foreign workforce. Let’s be clear, it will be a major fact in the coming world and it needs to be organized if we don’t want to create a new world of slavery. We need to organize labor on the worldwide level, with regulations developed by the International Bureau of Labor under the United Nations.

● There are political solutions, because we need to organize the solidarity on the national level to compensate the risks of aging and of dependency, the rising costs of medical support.

● There are also economic and technological solutions,because the medical sector, the specialized housing sector,the Internet of things will become the main issues concerning aging societies in the coming years. We have not to be afraid of the future, but we have anticipate it and to work towards it.

China and Europe also forces the consequences of long and fast growth in the environment sphere. Much has been done since the 12th plan of the Beijing government, but there too major decisions lie ahead and the cooperation with Europe will be crucial.

● Technological cooperation because European companies have the state of the art technologies today and there are many partnerships that would allow shared economic development. In the fi eld of treatment of Industrial wastewater for example, France boasts fantastic companies and successes like those of VEOLIA.

● But we need also political cooperation in order to tackle climate change. France has been committed to promote an ambitious agenda for a sincere agreement during the COP 21 conference on Climate Change in next December in Paris. We all know that climate change is a reality. We all know that we need to act now. But we also know that there is a long way to go. Our governments have taken initiatives in the last months that are very positive. China and the U.S. have also engaged in a bilateral negotiation on their reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Let’s bring this all together to the next level.

To reach better connectivity, we need to enhance our tools of cooperation.

I believe we need new multilateral tools to fi nance and imagine projects, in this

Regard the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has been a major success under leadership of JIN Liqun. It has allowed almost 60 countries to become founding members of the institutions and to begin to work together on concrete,coherent and comprehensive development projects.

We need also new agreements on taxes, on trade barriers, on technological standards and on regulations in order to create a common market of Eurasia, in which networks will become fully interoperable. This is all the more important as we are entering a new age of networks,an age of smart grids allowing flows of energy around the world. It is important to take into account the general interest and the big picture when discussing the differentbilateral trade agreements. And maybe today, rather than renewing the 1985 China-EU trade agreement, which is being discussed since2007, we should have more ambition and use the leverage of such a negotiation to go forward on a common market, integrating to the discussions Russia and the countries of the Eurasian Union. We need not only agreements but also rules and mutual respect, in particular in a world where cyber-espionage and economic intelligence have become crucial.

3. Transformation is a leap in innovation, it is a change of economic model at the world level.

Look at the fi rst globalization, it was the result of three main factors: the first was technical, with the invention of containers in 1956 and the generalization of their use after the 1970s, which led to thriving maritime transports, to major cut of transport costs in particular in the transshipment of goods. The second is political factor, the modernization of China and the creation of Special Economic Zones in China under leadership of Deng Xiaoping after 1978. The third factor, the internationalization of fi nance with the reduction of national exchange controls and the standardization of practices in international banking, for example with clearings or SWIFT procedures in the 1970s. Simultaneous innovations in technology, in politics and in fi nance are the keys of an economic revolution.

Today, again we need an economic revolution, we need innovation in these three key areas.

● Innovation means technological innovation in infrastructures to enhance the physical connectivity of the markets.

Today, we are at the eve of technological revolutions in transports. Let me take a few examples. There are today possibilities to transport containers on land at hypersonic speed with fi xed capital expenses that would be comparable to trains. This is not only a change in degree of our infrastructures, it is a change of nature of our economies,because it would mean drastic reduction of logistics’costs for stocks for industrial companies. It would be the new age of tight on time economy. It would also create a huge advantage for the places nearest to the hubs of this transportation mode, because the last kilometer of transport will cost more time than the thousand kilometers before. Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin or Dalian will be nearer to Paris,Frankfurt or Milan than Munich or Brussels or Warsaw.

Today we have to let our imagination free. We have to be able to imagine a transport revolution as important as the Railroad in the 19th century. We have to imagine a 10,000 kilometer line of steel or carbon fi ber tubes stretching through the steps form Rotterdam to Dalian, with container carrying pods pushed through magnetic suspension in quasivoid to a 1,000 kilometer per hour speed.

● Innovation means fi nancial innovation to create a new form of immaterial connectivity between the markets through harmonization of regulations, through implementation of stabilizing effects.

The credit rating system is one of the keys of a better common market for goods, services and investments. Today this system is unfair. It is dominated by the Big Three, U.S.-based agencies. This means the debtor countries of this world have the say on where the money flows from the creditor countries. The 2008 crisis has shown that these ratings lacked accuracy and that they had a procyclical effect that worsened instabilities. I believe the emergence of Asia and the internationalization of the Chinese economy is changing the world. Premier Li Keqiang has initiated a reform of the Asian Credit System that aims at a fairer, more stable and more efficient credit allocation. That’s why we need ambitious initiatives. I am supporting the first Asia-based global credit rating agency named Universal Credit Rating Group, which has been created by the Chinese agency Dagong and the Russian rating agency RusRating. I don’t support it only because it creates fair and new competition,but because it is an alliance of local credit rating agencies,able to jprovide a dual rating, taking into account at the same time the specifi cities of each economy of each culture and also the global standards of cross-border Investments.

● Innovation, last of all means political innovation.

The key to the common future is a project based cooperation. The example of the world is the New Silk Road Project and much will depend on Europe, Russia’s and China’s ability to seize the momentum of this partnership. I have been advocating for this Silk Roads project for many months now, in Europe, in Russia, in China. Because we need to think about it thoroughly to make the most of it.

We have to make it an open project. We need the implication of the EU, of Russia, of China of all the 30 countries along this road and belt. We need a strong dialogue with the United States because they are one of the powers of this world and no one needs a confrontation course between powers in this new globalization.

We have to make the New Silk Road a multi-dimensional project. It has to be about economy and infrastructure projects of course, and there are many projects on the way,pipelines between Russia and China and a mega-contract of 400 billion dollars, signed in 2014 between President Putin and Xi Jinping. There are also projects for a 5000-kilometer highway in Kazakhstan, for a corridor between Pakistan and Western China; projects in the Red Sea with Saudi Arabia.

We have to make the Silk Road an innovative project,open to all ideas. And I know very well all the work that has been done in that sense by Mr. ZENG Peiyan and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

We are about to enter into a new age, and the New Silk Road will be the highway to lead us to this future. The Silk Road is the new thread that will bind together Europe and China and that will bring us to choose cooperation over confrontation. The way to avoid confrontations in Central Asia between superpowers. The way to avoid confrontations between Europe and Asia over trade disputes that could arise with the slowdown of economies. The way to avoid confrontation in the Asia Pacifi c by creating alternatives of development. The Silk Road is the symbol of two open hands reaching out to each other over half of this world.

