Chhuon Dara, State Secretary of Cambodian Ministry of Commerce
Today our meeting is held in Chongqing, a very beautiful city. I would like to make four proposals at this city. Firstly, in the area of trade and investment, both Asia and Europe should realize an open style development of world economic entity; interconnection of trade and investment should be strengthened to realize a powerful economic development and connectivity. Secondly, in fi nance area, I suggest to pay close attention to new currency policy and the fl uctuation of goods,and standardize cross-border capital fl ow in the worldwide. Thirdly, I suggest to further study how to promote bilateral trade and investment, and financial cooperation between Asia and Europe.Fourthly, we should share more information on the mechanism of investment.
Anja Villefrance, Consul General, Royal Danish Consulate General in Chongqing
Denmark is among the very fi rst Western countries to recognize modern China. On the bilateral relationship, we have had tremendous progress in relations over last 5 years. Denmark is one of the 2-3 largest exporters to China per capita as well as investor to China per capita among the European countries. This combination makes Denmark the most China- oriented economy in Europe. Despite the differences, we share common goals. We are looking to increase co-operation within a ray of industries, this is also the focus of our work in Chongqing. To sum up, we focused on further advancing closer co-operation between our countries through government-to-government, companyto-company, and people-to-people relationships. There is still much more we can learn from each other. I hope Copenhagen and Denmark will grow to be a hub for Chinese investments to Northern Europe, especially in areas like energy, green tech, life science and agriculture, were we have world leading competencies.
ARDRAS Vértes, Chairman of GKI Economic Research Co.
Currently, both Asia and Europe are facing different challenges, but similarly, they are both in need of a new growth power. Open trade, investment and financing market will be a gradual developmental process. In this process, Asia and Europe should overcome their difficulties and problems, amplify their advantages, and engage in more innovative cooperation. Countries in Asia and Europe should also put effort into building an open trade and investment and fi nancing market.However, as each country has its own standpoint and interest, it would be a progressive and longterm process. We must overcome problems and diff i culties in this aspect.
Henning Vöpel, Director of Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI)
Interconnection and interworking need sincerity between us and the transparency of economy.Many countries in Asia and Europe are now facing lower dynamics, so they need to find a new source of economic growth to achieve sustainable development. To realize this, we need to change the economic impetus and enhance investment opportunities. As many economies will advance from labor-intensive to knowledge-intensive production, comparative advantages will shift, thus radically changing the pattern of world economy.
Guo Lian, Standing Deputy Director of the Institute for China Development Bank
Financial management and financial regulation are important support for Asia-Europe connectivity. Countries in Asia and Europe should further deepen cooperation in this area. Measures are reflected in promoting the construction of currency system, investment and financing system and credit system. Countries should also strengthen cooperation in fi nancial regulation, propel the signing of memorandum of understanding on bilateral or multilateral cooperation on regulation, set up an efficient regulation and coordination mechanism in the area, build a regional financial risk early warning system, form a communication and cooperation mechanism to cope with cross-border risk and crisis management, and strengthen the communication and cooperation between credit investigation management department, credit investigation agencies and credit rating.
Stéphane Karolczuk, Head of Hong Kong Representative Off i ce of Arendt &Medernach Law Firm
We all acknowledge that during the past decades China has significantly increased its commercial, political and diplomatic engagement with other Asian nations, Europe and the rest of the world. In expanding its commercial interests in Europe, China has been surprisingly supported by a small country: Luxembourg. Luxembourg is a very dynamic and business focused country which facilitates the connection between Europe and China. Indeed, Luxembourg is not only a market in Europe; most importantly it is a gateway for countries to do business with the entire European market. Luxembourg can help build bridges between companies and banks and their customers,between lenders and borrowers, between fund managers and their investors. We have contributed to this process for a number of Chinese multi-national companies, including the six largest Chinese banks, the largest Chinese asset managers and numerous issuers of RMB debt instruments.
Luxembourg can act as a portal to resources in Europe, whether those may be customers,technology and know-how, or brands and distribution networks. As a founding member of the EU, Luxembourg has a proven legal and regulatory framework for the establishment of European corporate headquarters, and for the banking, asset management and insurance sectors.Luxembourg, with its decades of experience as a full-f l edged fi nancial centre, is host to the largest Chinese fi nancial institutions, is one of the largest offshore RMB centers, is a RQFII centre and is a founding member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. It is therefore certainly one of the most suitable places for facilitating connectivity between Europe and Asia, and China in particular.
Katia Panichi, Partner of Elvinger, Hoss&Prussen Law Firm
In the toolbox of Luxemburg, the fi rst one is multinational enterprises. Luxemburg is a center for bank industry. Many banks have set up subsidiaries or branches in Luxembourg and some have also established their European headquarters in Luxembourg. Among them, 6 of them are Chinese banks. One of them is Bank of China that was set up in the 1970s, and the other one the world’s largest bank - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; others include China Merchants Bank, Bank of Communications, the Agricultural Bank of China and so on.
Zhou Qiangwu, Deputy Director of Asia-Pacif i c Finance and Development Center in Ministry of Finance
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)will focus on infrastructure investment, and railway,road, airport and communication will be its core. AIIB will concentrate on promoting Asian countries,especially those who have poor technologies, to improve their infrastructure. It will emphasize on investing regional projects and trans-regional projects to inject new impetus to the Asia’s sustainable development. AIIB is a multilateral organization with the largest initial capital in the history; it is a multilateral development bank with the shortest preparation time and highest eff i ciency. It completed the first group of members within a year and the negotiation went very well. Third, although it is a regional bank with Asia being its center, it has a global feature. Member countries come from five continents: Asia, Europe, Australasia, Africa, America. It also includes both developed and developing economic entity. Fourthly, China will be a good host with the greatest inclusiveness and professionalism. It will work practically and endeavor with all the members and promote AIIB to become an example of multilateral development organization.
Daniel Gros, Director of Center for European Policy Studies
If you want to ensure further stability of the fi nancial system, you need to make good investment,set up an early warning system and tighten up fi nancial regulation. A key part in any early warning system must be a monitor for trans-boundary financing flow, which have a tendency to be very unstable. But one has to keep in mind that the trans-boundary system could not be stable unless the domestic fi nancial system is stable. The core is to ensure that banks have greater capability to recognize risk and ability of coping with risks. The key problem in cross border capital fl ows is debt because debt is not loss absorbing. If the borrower cannot repay on time, insolvency is inevitable and this leads to high costs for both sides. Equity, by contrast, is loss absorbing and increases the ability to coping with risks. Even if equity is wiped out, you could still support yourself and operate healthily. We should increase the use of equity through regulation and recognize the danger of credit cycles. The boom phase is particularly danger: GDP is increasing, economy is developing,investment is boosting, all the things are looking good, and statistics are positive. But we have to prepare for a rainy day and see the potential risks behind the fl ourishing situation. This is what we regulators should be alert under a beautiful picture.
Tang Daning (Daniel Taras), Director of Emerging Markets Sustainability Dialogues at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Economic and fi nancial integration are progressing in and between Europe and Asia, providing a strong impetus for continued growth and prosperity in both regions. However, with financial integration and liberalization on the rise, the risks our respective economic systems are facing are also increasing, and might potentially lead to yet another global fi nancial crisis. Adequate fi nancial regulation and supervision are important ingredients to prevent any future potential crises. However,fi nancial regulation and fi nancial liberalization need to be balanced carefully to ensure opportunities can be realized while risks are mitigated. To improve policy-making in both Asia and Europe, there is still much potential to enhance cooperation and dialogue on experiences made and lessons learned,including also with other emerging economies. Real progress requires focused discussions and collaborative projects between relevant stakeholders from the government, central banks, regulators,the fi nancial and banking industry, think tanks etc. that support, but go beyond, top-level dialogues.
Zhao Jinping, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Development Research Center of the State Council
Guidance and promoting, policy support, service guarantee are three functions that government should provide in propelling Asia-Europe interconnection and regional cooperation. First,guidance and promoting are important content in intergovernmental cooperation. Regional trade and investment cooperation should be jointly propelled through communication and negotiation.Secondly, we should strengthen cooperation in currency fi nance. Thirdly, government could offer concessional loan, loan guarantee, credit insurance, provide necessary support for enterprises on trade and investment. Fourthly, we should encourage equity investments, credit fi nancing, and promote the development of the area’s credit market and equity market. In the aspect of public service and security assurance, government should firstly strengthen cooperation with relevant industrial parks, and then allow full play of intermediary organizations and service agencies. Thirdly,we should intensify personnel training. Fourthly, we should reinforce early-risk warning and security assurance, and set up corresponding emergency measures.
政府在经济发展过程中发挥着至关重要的作用,尤其是在经济金融危机来临时,政府必须采取相应的措施来推动发展和支持各领域的经济活动。其次,政府应当调整制定符合私营经济发展需求的大纲。随着中国与欧盟的互联互通更加深入,由政府投资的联合经营模式和投资基金将成为主导(例如,卢克斯货运和A Capital 已经成为中国河南省和卢森堡在空中物流领域互联互通和投资中国带动欧洲经济发展的代表企业)。同时,卢森堡政府也积极鼓励和支持创新型企业勇于开拓亚洲市场。最后,我们中国“一带一路”倡议与欧盟容克计划的对接将加深两个地区间的互联互通。
Shi Taimei (Paul Steinmetz), Luxembourg’s Ambassador to China
The role of government is crucial to our economies. In times of crisis it must intervene in the market to promote growth, and bolster economic activity. At all other times, government must create the framework in which the private sector can develop. In the case of increasing Sino-European connectivity, this can take the form of government-invested joint ventures (e.g. Cargolux, a cargoairline which has Henan and Luxembourg investment), involvement in investment funds (e.g. A Capital, which invests Chinese capital in promising European companies), and the encouragement and support of innovative start-ups specif i cally aimed at Asia. Finally, large-scale projects such as the Juncker-Plan, or One Belt One Road initiative, will increase the connectivity between our two regions.