黄伟亮 刘辉
关键词: 范德蒙行列式;n次本原单位根;算法
中图分类号:TP301 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2015)05-0078-02
Comparison and Analysis of Several Algorithm for a Class of Vandermonde Determinant
HUANG Wei-liang, LIU Hui
(Department of Information Engineering, Henan Mechanical and Electrical Vocational College, Zhenzhou 451191, China)
Abstract: The row or column expansion method, Vandermonde formula method, and a simplified algorithm are applied to calculate the value of a special class of Vandermonde determinant respectively. Firstly, the paper analyzes the basic idea of the previous two methods, and gives another simple calculation method. Secondly, the ways to realize their encoding are listed. Both the theoretical analyses and experimental results indicate that the simplified algorithm listed here is the most effective method to calculate the value of this class of Vandermonde determinant.
Key words: Vandermonde determinant; nth primitive root of unity; algorithm;