

世界建筑 2015年8期

建筑设计:MUKA建筑师事务所Architects: MUKA Arquitectura


Architects: MUKA Arquitectura

1 全景/Panoramic view

2 门头细部/Detail of gate canopy











经过这些设计的巧思,新的骨灰龛满足了墓园的扩建需求,更在环境中建构起一座与众不同的新地标。□(陈茜 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

主持建筑师/Principle Architect: Moisés Royo Márquez

客户/Client: 罗勃雷戈尔多市政厅/Robregordo Townhall合作者/Collaborator: Patricia Bouzas

预算/Budget: 30,004.70 EUR

建成时间/Completion: 2012.01

摄影/Photos: Ricardo Santonja

3 入口/Entrance

Located in a mountain range north of Madrid,the project is located at Robregordo cemetery and satisfies the need for a new extension.

The access to the cemetery, before this current intervention, did not provide any covered areas to wait for the arrival of neither the coffin nor the funerary urns. The preexisting access consisted of three main elements: the entrance gate, a perimeter wall composed of irregular granite blocks delineating outside from inside, and two cypresses placed symmetrically at the entrance to the cemetery.

Working on a strict budget, the intent of this project was not only to enlarge the cemetery, but to erect twenty-one new columbaria and to also to offer a covered entrance for mourners, giving them refuge against the inclement weather.

The project is defined by a volume of white concrete form, worked with wood boards, and placed over the old granite stone wall. This volume acts as both a pergola and contains the first row of seven columbaria. A beam system supports this pergola, creating a light and shadow play over the old wall during the day. The concrete volume is separated from the wall, allowing a horizontal separation that provides illumination at night.

One of the cypresses remains on the other side of the gate, symbolizing mourning. The verticality of this cypress against the horizontal character of the pergola enhances the tension between these two elements on both sides of the entrance.

This new concrete volume not only emphasizes the main entry but also establishes a dialogue with the traditional entry on the other side of the cemetery, through its roof composition and the tension between the supports of both gate elements,new and old, offering a new interpretation of the original entrance.

From this volume, there also hangs a cortensteel box containing the next two rows of seven columbaria. It is separated not only from the old stone wall but also from the concrete slab,enhancing the tension between the elements made of different materials.

The three rows of columbaria have the same geometry, despite the different material used for each one. The surface that encloses each columbarium is set back from its façade, allowing a ledge with enough space to place offerings such as flower bouquets and small plants.

The width of the concrete beams and the corten steel box is taken advantage of to provide lockers that allow the storage of cleaning utensils and a supply of water for the flowers and plants placed in the columbaria. The lockers have a mailbox-shaped lock for its safety.

The last intervention on the site consists of two benches placed on both sides of the wall, allowing mourners to rest while gazing at the surrounding landscape.

The new columbarium establishes a new landmark in its surroundings, and it also satisfies the need to enlarge the cemetery. □

4 置于花岗岩石墙上的门头/Canopy lying on the granite wall

5 入口剖面/Section of entrance

6 门头细部/Detail of gate canopy




7 骨灰龛剖面/Section of columbarium

8 骨灰龛/Columbarium

9 入口立面/Front view, entrance


JIN Qiuye: Its building materials include both rubble walls and concrete. Flat cantilevers and fine steel columns create a strong visual impression. Despite this, the building is not a solemn memorial, but it is rather full of "design fun". This is expressed through deliberate juxtaposition, including three rows of columbaria with the same form yet made of totally different materials, materials that intersperse and interweave to make a single composition, the contrast of horizontal volumes and vertical trunks, horizontal lighting embedded in fissures, as well as planting boxes that inset into the columbaria. These techniques offset solemnity, which is the inherent characteristic of this type of building.

LIU Chen: One day I climbed up a deserted mountain and came upon a stone wall, its gate tightly shut. Intrigued, I tried to push open the gate to get a glance of the world inside. Just at that moment a strange voice from above stopped me: "no entry to the home of the departed!" I raised my head and saw a hoary man clad in rags sitting on the fringe of a deeply overhung alcove, his legs dangling cozily in the air. "What on earth are you doing there?" I asked. "Playing a tug-of-war game with the dead," He replied, "coffins hung on the other side of the wall are getting heavier and heavier, I must sit here constantly so as not to be pried over." What a lunatic! I thought. Many years later, Archimedes still sits there, almost buried in the overgrown alcove. Time must have served as his powerful lever. Even though, I doubt that the battle between life and death is as simple as the law of the lever. After all, "there is no such fulcrum."

Access and Columbarium in Robregordo Cemetery, Madrid, Spain, 2012

