A Simple Analysis on the Conflict of Human Natural Attributes and Social Attributes in The Red Badge of Courage


校园英语·中旬 2015年7期

Ⅰ.Natural Attributes and Social Attributes of Human Being

Darwin's Origin of Species,which was published in 1859,has brought about a great revolution in the history of philosophy,literature as well as social development.The book laid a scientific foundation for the theory of revolution and boosted the development of modern biology.Such theory of revolution as the origin of life,species differentiation and formation,etc.have been brought to the mind of human being.According Darwin's theory of revolution,living creatures originally came from the non-living,human beings and animals evolve from a common ancestor,in the process of revolution,through mutation,heredity and natural selection,they evolve from lower to higher,from simple to complex,from less to more species.People began to use this theory to explain human nature,behaviors and thoughts in nature and society.Thus theories about mans natural attributes became widely used in philosophy and literature.

In opposition to the theory of human natural attributes is Marxs human social attributes.There are three main propositions of Marx's ideas about human nature:First,labor or practice is the essence of man; second,human nature is the sum of all social relations; third,human need is human nature[4].Marx focused more on social attributes while he admitted humans natural attributes,as he pointed that human nature is gradually generated and formed in social activities and social lives.Marx thought that there are natural attributes in human nature,but human beings natural attributes are socialized and different from animals pure biological and physiological nature.

From the analysis above,we can see that Darwin's theory of revolution let people start to explain human nature and human thoughts and behaviors in naturalistic ways,man are,to some extent,equaled to animals.Mans natural attributes were widely discussed in philosophy and literature.However,Marx viewed human nature in a more socialized way,to him,human nature is the sum of all social relations and gradually generated and formed in social activities and social lives,human beings natural attributes are socialized and different from animals pure biological and physiological nature.Latter researchers preferred to discuss human nature in both naturalistic and socialized ways.Both natural attributes and social attributes are a part of human nature,but the natural attributes are the more important part of human nature.

II.The Conflict of Human Natural Attributes and Social Attributes in The Red Badge of Courage

Naturalism is an important western literary trend first emerged in France in the last decades of 19th century,then spread to other parts of Europe and America and the world.Naturalism generated under the influence of Darwin's theory of revolution.Hippolyte Taine,an advocate of naturalism,first expounded the meaning of naturalism:in literature,naturalism is the writers realistic depiction of life according to the observation of reality and the application of scientific methods[5].Therefore,as a literary creative method,naturalism,on the one hand,rejects romantic imagination,exaggeration,lyrical and other subjective factors,on the other hand,attempts to explain man and human society according to natural laws.

Stephen Cranes The Red Badge of Courage is a great representative of naturalism at the end of 19th century in the history of American as well as world literature.The novel is set in the background of American Civil war.As many critics have pointed out,The Red Badge of Courage is a non-traditional and anti-romantic war novel,war scenes,natural environment and mans reaction toward war are depicted in naturalistic ways.In the novel,naturalistic elements can be seen everywhere,war is no longer a symbol of heroism,courage and glory; there is no fraternity and dignity in the battle; peoples purpose of enlisting is no longer for the noble and righteous course of human freedom,national independence; human rights,etc.but for the purpose of glory and vanity; the ignorance of nature is vividly depicted; mans impotence in facing the force of nature and fate and human beast are described in details.

In Cranes The Red Badge of Courage,naturalism also shows itself in the depiction of human nature,both human beings natural attributes and social attributes are vividly depicted in the novel,especially impressing is the frequent conflict of natural attributes and social attributes in the hero Henry Fleming,the whole novel is a process of psychological struggle of Flemings social attributes and social attributes.Henry Fleming,the youth in the novel,is a humble nobody from a small village.He enlists the army for the purpose of glory and heroism,he wants to be respected as an outstanding war hero,he wants to achieve fame,he doesnt to be just a little feller amongst a hull lot of others.He has not participated or witnessed a war in person before,but he has read the marches,sieges and conflicts in war novels,and seen much glory in them,he longs to see it all.He has a romantic imagination of war and regards war as an opportunity to achieve fame,dignity and glory.So he ignores his mothers beg and prevent and enlists in a regiment.The excitement and expectancy inside him almost defeat the glow of regret for his mother,which indicates his strong desire for glory.

Natural attributes always come in the first place,high level needs are the products of the satisfaction of low level needs,people need love and respect once safety and physiological needs satisfied.After runs away from the battle he slips into a throng of injured soldiers,he is safe for the time being.The fact that he bears no wound makes him feels ashamed,he regards wound as a red badge of courage and longs for a wound.During the process of fleeing he is accidentally injured by his fleeing fellow soldier by the head.He is strongly injured but his ailments force him to seek the place of food and rest at whatever cost,which shows his strong desire for life.His regiment show him warm welcome and respect for they think he was injured in fighting.In the battle,he fights hard and bravely without any sense of ration,fires madly when all those near him have ceased.Under the control of this primitive impulse,people behave like a senseless wild beast.Science the war has come to the end,he starts to realize whats happened and whats he done,even he himself can not understand what he had done.


The Red Badge of Courage has been praised as one of the most outstanding masterpieces of naturalism,the novel truthfully depicted the inner activities of the hero Henry Fleming in war,successfully expressed the theme of human nature in a naturalistic way.As a natural being,man has the basic and instinct physiological desires for food,safety,sex,etc; as a social being,man needs love,respect,morality,glory.Natural attributes consist of the more important part of human nature,high level needs are the products of the satisfaction of low level need.Crane vividly and successfully discussed the natural attributes and social attributes in human nature and their conflicts in the special circumstance of war.As a social being,Henry needs respect and glory,he is young and doesnt want to spend all his life on the farm as a humble feller in a small village,he needs to be admitted and respected by the society; as a natural being,he place self-preservation first senselessly and entirely out of instinct.When facing the danger of death in war,he runs away,his natural attributes defeated social attributes.In The Red Badge of Courage,Crane disclosed the influence of environment and heredity on man,profoundly discussed the theme of human nature.









Échange humain sous le contexte de la mondialisation