CCS Boosts Green Shipping


中国船检 2015年4期

Reporter Zhang Xianghui

Not long ago, the documentary “The Dome”produced by Chai Jing was released, attracting strong repercussions. When the public is paying more attention to the heavy air pollution,pollution by ship emission has also attracted more and more attention. As a major shipping nation, China has large number of civil ships, and the task of promoting ship technology progress and building green shipping is tremendous and long-lasting. As an important technical support for China"s shipping and shipbuilding industry,CCS actively plays a unique advantage and constantly makes breakthroughs, providing strong technical support for shipping energy conservation and emission reduction.

The OTA system developed by CCS is widely used in shipping enterprises including Taiwan Wanhai lines Co.Ltd., Hebei Ocean, Ningbo Ocean, and has achieved obvious economic and social benefits. After using OTA system, the actual year-round operation energy saving for ships can reach 5%~8%, the year-round fuel cost for a single ship can be reduced by 3.2 million yuan.

Meanwhile, CCS has also worked with several large shipping companies to study intelligent management of energy efficiency during ship operation process, and has developed “online intelligent management system of ship energy ef fi ciency”. This system is the fi rst online intelligent system for ships in CCS, and is equipped with energy consumption equipment parameters and real-time monitoring of navigation equipment, energy efficiency management, energy management, SEEMP, vessel navigation status information analysis and statistical statement and other functions. This system can conduct shore-based real-time monitoring of the working condition of ship equipment energy consumption, ship energy ef fi ciency and ship sailing dynamic, provide data support for analyzing the influence factors of energy efficiency,guide the company and ship in deciding comprehensive energy management plan, improve the overall ef fi ciency,and reduce the operating cost of ships.

Establish ship energy ef fi ciency database, and constantly improve and expand its functions, formulate “ship energy efficiency database management approach”. Increase EEOI average statistics, voyage energy ef fi ciency analysis and expand ship subdivision types, complete the list of global ports.

Carry out ship energy consumption distribution analysis and assessment services. CCS provided energy ef fi ciency analysis and assessment services from the two aspects of whole ship and main propulsion system for three ship types of Hebei COSCO group to select the appropriate energy conservation and emissions reduction modi fi cation schemes for speci fi c ship types and to tap on the energy saving potential according to evaluation conclusion.

Environmental protection is endless and emission reduction has non-stop. CCS experts call for the parties involved to take urgent action to tackle key problems of green ship technology under the government"s organization and coordination, stimulate the creativity of enterprises and take concrete actions to embrace this heated green revolution.