摘 要:吉林省作为旅游资源大省,境内景点既有青山绿水的自然风光,又有汉、满、朝等多民族的民俗风情,还包含了古代建筑和历史典故。本文研究的重点就在于以吉林省内旅游文本翻译为研究实例,在功能翻译理论指导下得出对旅游文本进行翻译时在方法选择上普遍适用的准则。
这座欧式砖瓦结构的二层建筑,就是溥仪的办公楼—勤民楼。它建于1914年,占地面积1206平方米,是溥仪处理政务, 召见日伪高官、接见外国使节和重要来宾及举行典礼的场所。时值青春鼎盛的溥仪雄心勃勃,依照祖训“敬天法祖.勤政爱民”为此楼命名。
Qinmin Building is a 2-story brick-tile building. It was built in the year of 1914, covering an area of 1,206 square meters. In the building, Puyi dealt with the important affairs, summoned the superior officials and officers, received diplomatic envoy and held ceremonies. The young and ambitious emperor named the building according to the ancestors instruction: respect the heaven and enforce the law made by ancestors, diligently administ for the people.
在这个例子中,伪满皇宫博物院的勤民楼直接被音译为“Qinmin Building”,同时后文还有进一步的解释,“The young and ambitious emperor named the building according to the ancestors instruction: respect the heaven and enforce the law made by ancestors, diligently administ for the people.”
The Black Draught Gap is a cliff opening half way up the major peak of the Changbai Mountain. It is located on the roadside of the way to the peak. Its the best place to overlook the Erdao White River Valley and the Changbai Waterfall running down the narrow north gap of the lake. Standing on the open cliff, we can see it is facing the Erdao White River Valley and the Changbai Waterfall. Its 500 meters high from the cliff to the valley bottom. On a windless day, we could overview the cliffs facing each other with the waterfall running through them, and watch the warm spring vapouring and bellowing. What a spectacular scene! However, soon winds rise and clouds scud over the sky and sands fly about and stones hurtle through the air darkening the sky, obscuring everything. This will place you in danger and you have to find a shelter.
在这个例子中,黑风口(The Black Draught Gap)采用了意译法,黑风口因携带飞沙走石,一刮起来就天昏地暗的大风而得名,把文本包含的视觉信息更为直接地传递给游客,使游客对景点有了更为感性的认知。
Above the Belt of Conifers, we come to the Belt of Birch. It is 1,700-2,000 meters above sea level. The mountain is steep and it is severely cold in winter, rainy and windy in summer. The severe weather ruins the beauty and grace of the birch, and it becomes twisted. Particularly on the slope facing wind, the birch is tossed and tilted and almost crawls on the ground. There are beasts such as mountain mice and hares and birds such as mountain tit, willow warbler. And the amphibian is the Chinese frog.