Application of Class Activities in English Teaching


校园英语·上旬 2015年4期


【Abstract】Beginning with the analysis of present English teaching,the article puts forward some questions occurring in English classes.Then it talks about the necessity of implementing class activities.Finally it further elaborates how to carry out class activities through three specific examples.

【Key words】class activities; communication; language teaching

Classroom teaching is a main channel for students to acquire knowledge,exercise to improve various abilities and form a certain ideas.English class teaching is a process in which a variety of abilities are comprehensively used.In order to get a good effect,the English teachers are required to adopt interesting teaching methods and enliven classroom atmosphere.Absolutely,the application of class activities is one of the most effective ways.As Benjamin Franklin says,“Tell me and I forget,teach me and I remember,involve me and I learn.” In a word,classroom teaching is a dynamic way.

Ⅰ Analysis of Present English Teaching

In China,foreign language teaching is in deep water for a long time.The main troubles lie in the following points.First,the large scale classes.In general,the classes with over 50 students are big ones,which are very common in non-English major teaching.Second,the contradiction between teaching and exam.For a long time,China has advocated the quality-oriented education.But in fact,the exam-oriented education still predominates.Last,too high proportion in reading.Though it can obtain a lot of knowledge and information for us,reading is not good for the cultivation of oral English ability and English learning interests.

Ⅱ The Necessity of Implementation of Class Activities

For the majority of Chinese students,classroom is almost the only place for foreign language learning.So,teachers must take advantage of some positive factors within the limited time to create more suitable teaching method for students language development.

2.1 To Improve Students Interests in English Learning.Nowadays,if teachers still employ the traditional “duck-stuffing” teaching method,it must hardly arouse students learning desire.So it is necessary to organize students to take part in various activities.In this way,they can fully embody the learning spirit of ownership and strengthen their confidence of learning English,then regard it as their interests.

2.2 To Enliven the Classroom Atmosphere.The traditional teaching is a teacher-centered class,which forms the “teacher talk only” teaching mode.In this atmosphere,the students will become suffocating,numb,slavish and formalistic.So,teachers must change the depressing atmosphere through designing class activities.

2.3 To Promote the Communication and Foster the Relationship between Teachers and Students.In “teacher talk only” class,the majority of students have no chance to communicate with teachers with their learned knowledge.While the class activities can make all of the students join in the teaching.In this process teachers can find out students insufficiency in learning.Whats more,it can also close the distance between teachers and students.

Ⅲ The Implementation of Class Activities

3.1 Proverb Translation.Proverb is a reflection of an ethnic or national culture.So,the cultural factors must be taken into account during translation.This game aims to consciously improve the sensitivity of cultural differences.

1.Divide students into groups of 4 or 5.Show them some proverbs.

2.Ask students to write down their translations and discuss within their own group.

4.Every group takes turns to present their best version of the translation.

5.The whole class vote for the best version and award the group.

In this process,the teacher should walk around and give students some help when they are discussing.Besides,the given proverbs must be significant.Such as,The early bird catches the worm.Look before you leap.Practice makes perfect.

3.2 Vocabulary Games.Remembering words is a headache for many students.Teachers can organize the following game,which can check students study of vocabulary and help them study each other in a competitive environment.

1.The teacher selects some important words from the textbook.

2.Split the class down the middle into two groups,the left and the right.

3.The teacher explains the words in English.

4.The both groups are expected to guess the corresponding words and spell them correctly.

5.Award the group which answers more and quicker.

This activity is very useful for students to enrich their vocabulary.So,it is feasible.

There are a variety of class activities.Although this paper only analyses two practical class activities,teachers can design more activities that are beneficial to teaching according to the actual conditions.Last but not least,the designed activities should be matched to students ability lever.If they are beyond the ability lever,the activities will be very difficult to be carried out.Our teaching will not achieve its due purpose — communication as well.


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