The Application of Contextual Model in the Teaching of Simultaneous Typing


校园英语·上旬 2015年4期

周丽 陈蓓蕾

【Abstract】English listening plays a very important role in the teaching of simultaneous typing,which is not only a focus,but also a difficulty.Many students can not generate the corresponding scenarios in their mind,nor type the material while listening.Researchers found that not understanding English context lead to listening obstacles in the first place.It can be seen that the contextual mode applied in the teaching of simultaneous typing is necessary.And it gives a major push to improve the level of students listening and simultaneous typing.

【Key words】English listening; simultaneous typing; contextual model


English listening plays a very important role in the teaching of simultaneous typing,teachers should pay much attention.Students will encounter sorts of problems during English listening so the teachers should inspire students enthusiasm to study English listening.Context is the survival of language environment,and the environment depends on language communication.As learning the language that the main function is communicating,it is very important to understand the relationship between context and language (Kenneth.C,1976).According to the context to predict the meaning of the chapter is conducive to students more quickly understand the content of the discourse and dialogue in English listening.And listening is the foundation of English simultaneous typing.There are many problems in listening English for students,these problems can not promote students listening ability.So,it is necessary to apply the contextual model to English listening teaching.

2.Factors Affecting Students Listening Abilities in Simultaneous Typing

Many students havent master the accurate pronunciation in the beginning of learning English,some students are afraid of using spoken language at ordinary times.They did not form a good habit of reading English so that they are reading a word by a word and feeling unfamiliar and puff about read,demolition,stress,weak,rhythm,lift and so on in the listening materials(吕艳,2005).In addition to the inflection,syllable is also one of the factors to bother students.Linguists A.Gimson point out that there are a dozen common words need to weak reading in continuity conversation,such as at,of,the,to,as,and,or,a,his,an and so on.The stress in the sentence is often a language means for speaker to express the meaning,but also an important basis for listener to understand the discourse.As in American English,cant read[k?nt]when followed by plosive word such as go,t has lost blasting,at that time,cant sound almost the same as can.The only way to differ I can go and I cant go is that the stress of cant which table is no.Inflection refers to when speaking or reading,voice is not isolated,but continuous.In continuous statement,a sound is changed because of the neighboring sound or the different of their own place,or the speakers speed,height,stress and so on.

A person to a language acquisitions process is the memory of two different symbol systems and systematic process that is language symbol system and written symbol system.When discussing the second language acquisition,people tend to associate it with the mother tongue acquisition,this is because both of them are through the brain thinking activity form language ability to communicating,the two processes must have in common.Language has the same physical characteristics,that is,producing through the mouth,nose,trachea,vocal cords and so on pronunciation organs.But the mother tongue and second language acquisition process has obvious different.The mother tongue acquisition is completed with ears and eyes in the natural environment.They are learning to speak at first (language symbol system),and then learning to write (text symbol system).The acquisition of language symbol system is the key and basis,because even though one doesnt know a word,he also can understand what others said and live in this environment.But the second language acquisition is almost occurred in the unnatural environment,and to the two symbols systematically cognition is often at the same time,even if not at the same time,the sound image of phonetic expression language learning time is limited.For Chinese students learning English,most students learning English is in the environment of the native Chinese speakers,teachers almost come from China.Whether the students language cognition is correct or not fundamentally determines the merits of the listening.Teachers always want to read every word and syllable so clearly and slowly that lose normal rhythm,so,we call it the classroom dialect of English.When students are influenced by it for a long time,they will have a deep impression of it.So,it will have a great difference between native English.On the other hand,students often have a strong desire to translate the listening material into Chinese in their brain when they are in listening training,instead of transforming to corresponding situation in mind directly.It will inevitably make the response time of the brain too long that listeners cant keep up with speakers speed.The brain is not divorced from the last sentence while the next is beginning.It will influence on the access to the information an understanding to the following content.In addition,the Chinese language systems are different.Due to the influence of difference of different dialects,many students often listen to the wrong words when doing listening subject,so that leading to their wrong understanding of the sentence eventually.

3.The application of Contextual Model to Teaching of Simultaneous Typing

Combined with teaching the material content and supplementary material in class,the teachers should explain the meaning of context,function,classification and characteristics.Illustrate the hierarchical context with the practical significance of the impact in the specific situation; deepen students perceptual knowledge in contextual meaning gradually.In the form of extracurricular project in detail the concept of contextual mode and the basic content,to make students grasp the basic theory of contextual knowledge and its patterns.Contextual thinking mode as an approach to studying and understanding words,establishing contact and dynamic contextual ternary thinking framework,which providing an effective and operational thinking tools for listening comprehension that lay the foundation of thinking.

Combination and associated natural existence are the fundamental rules.Human language conforms to this principle which is the product of it.Different combinations form different language structures,different contacts produce different semantic function,left contact means left the context survival environment.In the teaching of simultaneous typing,simple language stimulus input is boring.Only through the way of association to combine their related context,and then establish the thinking views,they can stimulate the learners excitement better.Therefore,learners should extract related knowledge under the excitation of language information,conduct inference and establish a relationship of connection and coherence,so as to be understood.The understanding of the context is the process of establishing,and context of the option is in accordance with the principles related to whether the verbal communication.People have the same feeling between people and between man and nature,between man and social,so also have the same feel in building context level.But all context levels are included in the context of the logical context,psychological context and context of the background of the ternary framework.Context model provides a simple and effective way of thinking for words researching and accelerated the thinking process of listening(王子勤,2013).After the students master the basic techniques of contextual mode,teachers will lead them establish basic components and correlation thinking of context model gradually.By establishing correlation thinking,to make students learn to situation recognition of discourse and context,improve thinking ability of grasping key information.Ability to grasp key information needs good psychological quality.In order to eliminate the tension among students in English listening and break through their own psychological obstacles,teachers should start with strengthen the psychological quality education and simulation training in class,introducing a large number of students familiar life scenes,reducing students fear of strange communication in listening class,then introducing complex listening practice gradually,making it from simple to difficult,eliminating nervous psychology of students.In listening class,the teacher may first teach students relax their mood,focus and keep up with the content of the listening,joining the context of the listening,then mastering the main point or main idea.Then there is a systematically training aimed at listening problems that students have met step by step,the student will have some difficult problems deliberate from the main point.Finally they can summarize their learning methods from the result they find.Teachers will need to answer students questions one by one and analyze the causes of making mistakes.When students have developments,teachers should give the students progress to full of praise and encouragement,so that stimulate the excitement of English listening in students.Students will improve the ability in the learning process and enhance the confidence.So,psychological quality will improve naturally.


[1]Leech, G.Principles of Pragmatics[M].New York:Longman. 1983.

[2]Kenneth, C.Developing Second Language Skill:Theory to Practice[M].Houghton: Mifflin Company, 1976.





周丽(1982- ),女,汉族,湖北武汉人,硕士研究生,武昌工学院外国语学院讲师,主要从事英语教育和英美文学研究。

陈蓓蕾(1981- ),女,汉族,湖北武汉人,硕士,武昌工学院外国语学院讲师,研究方向为应用语言学和英语教学。


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