周文娟, 黎 斌
(1.广东工业大学艺术设计学院,广东 广州, 510090;2.暨南大学新闻与传播学院,广东 广州, 510632)
周文娟1, 黎 斌2
(1.广东工业大学艺术设计学院,广东 广州, 510090;2.暨南大学新闻与传播学院,广东 广州, 510632)
Cad—广告认知 Aad—广告态度 Cb—品牌认知 Ab—品牌态度 PI—购买意愿
图1 广告态度的双重中介模型(MacKenzie & Lutz 1986)
研究选取了广东高校的30名本科生作为访谈对象。中国互联网络信息中心发布的《2013年中国网民网络视频应用研究报告》显示,与整体网民相比,网络视频用户中,年龄结构偏年轻化,其中大学本科以上学历者高出整体网民 2.6 个百分点。使用大学生作为访谈对象,在样本上具有一定的代表意义。同时,质性研究注重研究对象提供的相关材料的丰富性,而不是强调样本量数量的大小。Holstein建议,线性主题的深度访谈样本数在28~40为宜,能保证研究的集中度和有效性。[22]
Cad—广告认知 Aad—广告态度 Cb—品牌认知 Ab—品牌态度 PI—购买意愿
图2 网络视频贴片广告影响因素模型图
此外,在视频网站上投放广告时,广告主一般直接将电视媒体上发布的TVC拿来使用。他们仅仅将网络作为一个投放平台,忽略了网络媒体特性。Web2.0时代, UGC(用户生成内容)广泛流行,个性化分享成为网络媒体的重要特征。广告公司需要制作和投放值得分享的广告,让消费者在观看到广告时愿意与广告互动,并能便利地通过社交工具分享给好友。好友间的分享能使广告在网络上完成二次传播。
五、结 语
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(文字编辑:贾俊兰 责任校对:邹红)
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学校现有全日制在校生47 000余人;设有19个学院和4个公共课教学部(中心),75个本科专业。具有广东省重点建设的3个攀峰学科和12个优势、特色学科。有机械工程、管理科学与工程、材料科学与工程、控制科学与工程、化学工程与技术5个一级学科博士学位授权点,26个二级学科博士学位授权点;17个一级学科硕士学位授权点,74个二级学科硕士学位授权点(含MBA);5个博士后科研流动站。
从2011年起,学校启动高层次人才引进的“百人计划”,根据学科发展方向、平台团队建设需求积极引进海内外高端专家和领军人才。在政府、学校、企业、市场相互驱动下,依靠广东经济强省、制造大省的优势,以广东的发展引导人才,以创新的机制吸引人才,以特殊的政策留住人才,以学校的诚意感动人才。坚持与工业界联合引进这一特色,将人才引向市场,使专家在实现学术价值的同时,创造市场价值。到目前为止,学校已引进“百人计划”特聘教授70余名和2名学院院长。“百人计划”特聘教授中已有11名入选国家“千人计划”,4名入选广东省“领军人才”,已组建并入选3个广东省“创新团队”。2013年学校在“百人计划”实施和初见成效的基础上,启动了引进海内外优秀青年人才的 “青年百人计划”,目前已有40多名青年人才到岗工作。
一、 招聘岗位
1)机电工程学院院长 2)自动化学院院长 3)轻工化工学院院长 4)材料与能源学院院长 5)管理学院院长
1)院士 2)国家杰出青年基金获得者、长江学者 3)国家千人计划专家、广东省引进领军人才、广东省引进创新团队带头人
1)“百人计划”特聘教授 2)“青年百人计划”特聘副教授
二、 应聘条件及相关待遇
3)根据预期工作目标和工作计划,学校安排适当的实验场地,并提供实验室建设与科研启动经费,最高可达到1 000万元。
学校给上述杰出人才专家所配置的科研启动经费视学科而定,最高可达到1 000万元。
邮箱 联系人:曾志英 董 毅 杨蕊银 联系电话:020-39322509 020-39322792 学校网站:
Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT), Guangzhou, China,Invites Applications and Nominations for
“Deans of five different schools” & “Top Talents” chair professors &“High level Talents” professors
In order to realize the aim of leap-forward development, GDUT continue to implement the high-level talents recruitment programs, including Deans of five different schools, the “Top Talents” Chair Professors and the “High level Young Talents” Associate Professors.
I. Faculty Positions
1. The “School Deans” Program
The university plans to invite scholars, experts and entrepreneurs who are competent to build first-class schools to work as deans of the following schools.
(1) School of Electromechanical Engineering; (2) School of Automation; (3) School of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry; (4) School of Materials and Energy; (5) School of Management.
2. Top Talents Recruitment Plan
The university plans to invite top scholars, experts and entrepreneurs who are honored as following titles.
(1) Academician; (2) The National outstanding youth fund gainers, The Yangtze River Scholars; (3) The National Thousand Talents Plan experts, Guangdong Province leading talents, Guangdong Province Innovation team leader; (4)The National Excellent youth fund gainers, The National Thousand Young Talents Plan experts.
3. High-Level Talents Recruitment Plan
(1) The university’s “One-Hundred Talents” Chair Professors; (2) The university’s “One-Hundred Young Talents” Associate Professors.
II. Person Specification, Salary and Benefits (All the payments below are before tax, Unit:RMB)
1. Person Specification for the “School Deans” and the university’s “One-Hundred Talents” Chair Professors
The eligible candidates must have a doctoral degree(s) or have professor titles, and no older than 50 in general. The applicants for The “School Deans” Program shall have good capacity in organization and coordination competence to lead the school for further development. Applications from individuals as The National outstanding youth fund gainer or The Yangtze River Scholar or The National Thousand Talents Plan experts or the key leader from a well-known university or research institute are strongly encouraged.
Salary and benefits:
(1) We offer competitive compensation package and benefits for the qualified candidates. The annual compensation can be up to ¥1 000 000 RMB (USD 160 000); (2) We also provide qualified candidates with housing subsidy (approximately 100 m2temporary apartment), and for those who want to buy an apartment in Guangzhou, the university can offer a housing allowance up to ¥800 000 RMB(USD 130 000); (3) The startup R&D funding can be up to ¥10 000 000 RMB(USD 1 600 000). The laboratory space will be provided according to work objectives and plans; (4) Other benefits can be negotiated during the interview.
2. Top Talents
Person Specification, Salary and Benefits
Positions for Top Talents are available all the time. Apart from the benefits of national and provincial support, our University offers competitive support for the introduced Top Talents as follows:
(1) Academician: The annual salary can be up to¥ 1 300 000 RMB (USD 210 000), and housing allowance can be negotiated during the interview; (2) The National outstanding youth fund gainers, The Yangtze River Scholars. The annual salary can be approximately from¥ 800 000 RMB(USD 130 000) to ¥1 000 000 RMB(USD 160 000), housing allowance can be approximately from ¥800 000 RMB (USD 140 000)to ¥1 000 000 RMB(USD160 000); (3) The National Thousand Talents Plan experts, Guangdong Province leading talents, Guangdong Province Innovation team leader: The annual salary can be approximately from¥600 000 RMB(USD 100 000) to ¥800 000 RMB(USD 130 000), housing allowance can be approximately from ¥700 000 RMB(USD 110 000) to ¥1 000 000 RMB(USD 160 000); (4) The National Excellent youth fund gainers, The National Thousand Young Talents Plan experts:The annual salary for The National Excellent youth fund gainers can be approximately ¥450 000 RMB(USD 75 000) and the annual salary for The National Thousand Young Talents Plan experts can be approximately ¥400 000 RMB(USD 65 000) housing allowance can be up to¥700 000 RMB(USD 115 000).
The startup R & D funding for Top Talents can be up to ¥10 000 000 RMB (USD 1 600 000).
3. Person specification for The University’s “One-Hundred Young Talents” Associate Professors
Age below 35, hold a doctoral degree(s), graduated from a famous overseas university or a National Key University, have working experiences in a well-known overseas laboratories, research institute, national key research platform and achieved satisfactory initial results; gained at least 5 academic achievements as the first author in recent five years, including high level academic papers, patents, host national research project and achieve academic awards, etc.
Salary and benefits:Provide competitive salary packages, the annual salary for the associate professors is over ¥200 000 RMB(USD 35 000); Provide a temporary apartment and housing allowance; Startup R&D funding and laboratory space will also be offered.
Ⅲ. Contact Information
All the documents and inquiries (including CV and work plans etc.) should be addressed to:
Contact person: Ms Zhiying Zeng Mr Yi Dong Ms Ruiyin Yang
Address: Personnel Division ,Guangdong University of Technology, No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, Panyu District, Guangzhou, P.R China. Postcode: 510006; Telephone: 86-20-39322509 86-20-39322702; Fax: 86-20-39322509 Email:
The university will continue to look for qualified candidates until all the openings are filled. More information can be found on the university website:
Recruitment Fields:
The university plans to invite scholars, experts and entrepreneurs of the following disciplines to work as Chair Professors and Associate Professor:
(1) Design, numeric control and error compensation technology of ultra-precision machine tool; ultra-precision manufacturing and inspection technology; vision-based actuating control technology for precision IC packaging equipment; design and control technology for robotics; integration and monitoring technology for intelligent manufacturing workshop;Nano-ceramic and nano-ceramic composites, Ceramic hard coating for high-temperature and wear-resistant applications, Ceramic material for optoelectronic substrates, Ceramic material behavior under the combinations of mechanical impact and high temperature, High-speed, high efficiency machining theory and technology for difficult-to-cut materials, Materials machining theory and simulation, green machining technology.
(2) Research in energy materials such as Li-ion batteries and solar cell; Nonferrous metal; Material forming and mold technology; Material、physical and chemical study on soft matter;Heat and mass transfer engineering; Refrigeration and air conditioning technology and system; Energy materials and their application; Energy storage materials and technology; Integration and optimization of thermodynamic system; Utilization of solar energy.
(3) Complex system theory and Applications, Modeling and Control of Nonlinear Systems, Modern automation equipments and systems, Intelligent systems and robot control;Security of power system operation and control; New energy power generation and control technology; Electrical equipment control and energy saving.
(4) Materials, optical design, drive power and devices related to solid state lighting and information displaying technology; Laser lithography, optical system design, weak optical signal detection and processing; radio frequency technology and Engineering.
(5) Service-Oriented Computing; Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS); Software Design Theory and Method; Integrated Circuit and Embedded systems Design.
(6) Structural Engineering (including building materials), Rock and soil engineering, Bridge and railroad engineering, Disaster prevention and reduction engineering, Urban utilities engineering, building energy conservation, Engineering mechanics.
(7) Research and application technologies of novel catalytic materials; preparation and application of novel functional materials; Synthesis and application of fine chemicals; Fine utilization of biological resources.
(8) Environmental Chemistry; Water Pollution Control; Air Pollution Control,Environmental Pollution, Exposure and human health.
(9) Management systems engineering; Production and operation management; Supply chain and logistics management; Industry engineering; Information systems and information management.
(10) Industrial Design and Innovation Products; Architecture and Environmental Design.
(11) Nonlinear analysis and applications; Partial differential equations and applications; Computational intelligence and applications; Multi-objective optimization theory and applications; Differential dynamical systems; Control theory and applications; Mathematical statistics.
(12) Electronic science and technology; Electronic circuit and system.
Professionalization and Pluralism: Development of For-profit
Social Work in Western Countries and Its Enlightenment
Possible Self and Its Application in Youth Social Work
ZHU Shi-min
(Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
Abstract: Adolescence is an important stage in which adolescents develop their selves and plan for the future. The futures they imagine as possible for themselves will shape their engagement in society as a whole and channel their efforts towards or away from productive action. Possible selves are what individuals envisage for themselves in the future, including the self-concept of what they may become, what they want to become and what they are afraid of becoming. This paper introduces possible selves theory and its application in youth social work, including the concept, function, applicability and application scheme of possible selves. It will act as a reference for social workers in our country in their case work and group work, to promote positive youth development.
Key words: possible selves; self-concept; adolescents; youth social work
A Few Thoughts on Cultivating Social Work Talents of Ethnic Minorities
XU Shi-dong
( Institute of Political Science, Qinghai University for Nationalities, Xining, Qinghai, 810007, China)
Abstract: The training of social work talents of ethnic minorities is one of the major tasks of the development of the ethnic social work, and also the inevitable requirement of the localization of social work in ethnic minority regions in our country. However, as a result of geographical, economic, cultural and many other factors, the cultivation of social work professionals in the ethnic minority areas is relatively slow. All sectors including the government and social organizations, should jointly solve the problem and explore an effective path for the cultivation of social work talents of ethnic minorities.
Key words: social work; ethnic minorities; ethnic minority area
A Probe of Social Workers’ Professional Identity and
Professional Competence Development
LI Yan-li
(School of Politics and Law,Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510090, China)
Abstract: Taking social workers in Guangzhou as research object, this paper finds that the overall level of current social worker’s professional identity is comparatively high, through the analysis of factors like occupational values, feelings and competence. The development of the whole industry, management of agency, professional salaries, team relationships, occupational prestige and social identity, channels for promotion and career prospects are the important factors that affect social worker’s professional identity. But professional salary is not the primary factor that affects social worker’s professional identity. Multiple regression analysis shows that social workers’ professional identity is closely related with the development of their professional competence. Individuals with low professional identity have negative emotions, take cynical attitude towards jobs and show ennui in their profession, affecting the development of their professional competence. Vice versa. Individuals with high professional identity will take positive attitude and continues to learn and improve their professional competence. Lastly, countermeasures to improve the level of social worker’s professional identity are offered from the four aspects of government and society, social work service agencies, schools and individuals, so as to maintain the stability of social worker teams.
Key words: professional identity; professional competence; factors
Pearl River Delta in China: Diversified Innovation in
Volunteer Service Institutionalization
TAN Jian-guang
(Faculty of Social Work, Guangdong Youth Vocational College, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510507, China)
Abstract: As the frontier of reform and opening up, as well as one of the birthplaces of volunteer service, the Pearl River Delta is actively exploring and innovating diversified paths for the institutionalization of volunteer service in the new historical period, forming five models which are the "top-level designs to promote the institutionalization of voluntary service ( Shenzhen), "projects innovation to promote the institutionalization of voluntary service (Guangzhou), "association cooperation to promote the institutionalization of voluntary service (Foshan), "professional support to promote the institutionalization of voluntary service(Zhongshan)" and "civilization cultivation to promote the institutionalization of voluntary service(Huizhou)". All of the above experience is worthy of research and promotion. The construction process of volunteer service institutionalization should be coordinated by the Steering Committee for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization, to meet the demand of various local characteristics and requirements, and build up a system of integrated diversity, so as to speed up social construction, innovate social governance and promote the improvement of people’s livelihood.
Key words: volunteer service; institutionalization; program; cooperation; system
New Generation of Migrant Workers’s Aspiration of City Integration:
Based on the Community Support and Path Selection
YAO Yun-yun
(School of Humanities and Arts,Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang, 163318, China)
Abstract: Currently, the new generation of migrant workers has become an important group of urban society. They have made a significant contribution to promoting the economic and social development of the city. They are working and living for a long-term in the city, and have aspirations to integrate into urban society. But generally speaking, their living conditions in the city are not so optimistic, meaning that they have not really integrated into urban society. The community is the most important carrier for the implementation of social management and promotion of new generation of migrant workers’ integration into the city. It will be an effective path selection to solve the city integration for the new generation of migrant workers by taking the community as a breakthrough point to include them into the urban community service and management system, strengthening their belonging and identification of the city.
Key words: new generation of migrant workers; community; community integration; carrier
Social Coordination: Path Selection of the
Institutional Social Development Strategy
PENG Ling-ling
(Social Work Department, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510006, China)
Abstract: The main measures for the social development include social charity, social work and social policy, which aren’t mutually exclusive but can be blended. Institutional social development, social coordination which can combine all kinds of social development ways and coordinate with social and economic policy, can be implemented. Therefore, we should mobilize efforts of government, market and society to promote the promulgation of economic-related social policies, the positive role of government and policies, the establishment of the base and framework of the social coordination organization, the cultivation of professional talent, the construction of the arena and circumstance for social coordination, and the fusion of social development, economic activity and social development approach, so as to improve the public welfare and finally promote the whole social development.
Key words: social coordination; social development; social welfare; social policy
Social Work Service Evaluation: A Comprehensive Model
LIU Jiang
(Department of Social Work, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China)
Abstract: At present, the evaluation of social work services is carried out according to different models, such as process evaluation, outcome evaluation, cost-efficiency evaluation, cost-benefit evaluation and so on. These evaluation methods divide a complete social program into different parts, and each of them only focuses on one part of the program. Based on the connotation of social work evaluation and the chronological order of social work service, the process evaluation, outcome evaluation and cost-benefit evaluation can be integrated into a comprehensive model, and operated in the form of program theory evaluation, monitoring evaluation, impact evaluation and cost-benefit evaluation.
Key words: social work evaluation; program theory evaluation; monitoring evaluation; impact evaluation; cost-benefit evaluation
A Study on the Compulsory Education of
Migrant Workers’ Children in Zhongshan City
LI Cheng-jie1, CAI Fei-na2, SHE Hang2, XIAO Yong-mei2
(1. The Center for Studies of Hong Kong, Macao and Pearl River Delta, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510275, China;
2. Office of Zhongshan Municipal Government, Zhongshan, Guangdong, 528403, China)
Abstract: To provide migrant worker’s children with proper education is a major task to retain talents and promote education equality. Taking Zhongshan City, which features of a large size of migrant worker’s children, mainly from outside Guangdong province and educated in private-funded schools, as a sample, this paper details the relevant policies provided for migrant workers’ children to receive compulsory education in Zhongshan City, analyzes the challenges that the city faces in aspects like insufficiency of school positions in public-funded schools, education fund, enrollment for students from outside Guangdong and development of private-funded education,and proposes several suggestions to deal with challenges, including the expansion of public school position, the increase of public investment, and the provision of more opportunities to high school for migrant workers’ children, regulating the education enrollment system and supporting the development of private education.
Key words: migrant workers’ children; migrant children; compulsory education
Service Assistance in Urban Poverty Relief
HE Ming-jie
(School of Public Administration, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610064, China)
Abstract: Service assistance is an overall extension of the urban poverty relief system in terms of concept, content and form in this new era. It carries out social assistance in the form of providing the poor with services and is an essential part of Urban Poverty Relief System. Cooperating well with three existing urban assistances-basic living assistance, special assistance and emergent assistance, it could efficiently solve the conflicts between institutional rigidity and the variety of needs in the anti-poverty practices. This paper also offers policy suggestions for service assistance from the point of framework design, mechanism setting, techniques, supervision and evaluation, fund guarantee.
Key words: Service Assistance; Urban Poverty; Social Assistance
Research on the Practice of Community Old-age Household
Care Service of Gulou District in Fuzhou City
LAI Cui-feng
(School of Public Administration, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350007, China)
Abstract: Taking Gulou community old-age household care service in Fuzhou City as the research object, this paper analyzes the practice of old-age household care service. Community old-age household care service station is founded to provide free services, low-cost services and paid services according to the elderly’ different needs and its service contents are diversified and personalized. Because old-age household care service isn’t mature, some problems appear inevitably in the process of the exploring practice, such as less participation of service providers, incomprehensiveness of hardware and software facilities, uneven development of service projects. Therefore, in order to promote old-age household care service, Gulou government should take the following measures: intensify the publicity to change ideas; strengthen the government leadership and make a clear division of labor; implement the standard management and improve efficiency; integrate social resources and ensure the quality. With these measures, it would better meet the needs of the elderly to build a harmonious community.
Key words: community; old-age household care service; Gulou district
Study on the Employment and Cultivating Mode of
Graduates in Business Administration and Countermeasures
——Comparison and Analysis of Employment Data of GDUT and
Other Universities in Guangzhou HEMC
ZHANG Yu-gang1, LIN Wei-ying1, FANG Hui2, YANG Liu3
(1.School of Management, 2. Admissions Office, 3. School of Economics and
Commerce, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510520, China)
Abstract: Based on a survey of graduates of Business Administration in the universities of Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, and combined with an analysis of the employment situation of graduates from Guangdong University of Technology in the last five years, this article makes a comparison and analysis of the present employment of Business Administration graduates, and points out that their employment has an utilitarian tendency, with a small number of students seeking graduate studies and a very low rate of both self-employment and employment. The reasons underlying the employment trouble is analyzed from the aspects of teaching, social practice, graduate identity and career planning. In addition, the author puts forwards some countermeasures and suggestions.
Key words: Business Administration; employment; cultivating mode
An Exploring Study on the Effectiveness of Online TV Advertising
ZHOU Wen-juan1, LI Bin2
(1.School of Art and Design, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510090, China;
2. School of Journalism and communication, Jinan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510632, China)
Abstract: A recently developed online television-advertising formats display a banner ad whenever a viewer watches a streaming-video program. This study interviewed 30 users from the perspective of consumers’ brand attitude and find out the impact of brand recognition, location and content of advertisement, advertisement attitude and brand attitude on the effectiveness of this type of advertisements. The results demonstrate that the length and frequency of advertising exposure should be controlled; the characteristics of online media should be taken into consideration in the process of producing online TV advertising, so as to form a synergistic effect between online and offline media.
Key words: online television-advertising; the advertising attitudes; advertising effectiveness
FANG Wei1, SHAN Jia-li2
(1. College of Political Science and Public Administration, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, Zhejiang,
310023, China; 2. School of Social Development, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200241, China)
Traditional social work depends on governmental and non-governmental departments while modern social work evolves in for-profit division hand in hand with those traditional ones, and has become the fastest developing area in the social work of western countries. On the basis of discussing the professionalization of social work occupations in the Western countries and welfare pluralism, this paper analyzes the development of professional social work in private practice and for-profit organizations in western countries, and proposes the consistent adherence to the development of welfare diversity, improvement of professionalization and regulation of professional ethics for the development of social work in China, in order to promote the growth of professional social work in for-profit organizations in our country.
professionalization of occupation, welfare diversity; for-profit social work; enlightenment
2014- 10- 06
■ 基金课题:广东省哲学社会科学“十二五”规划青年项目“新媒介环境下古法造纸工艺的传承与传播研究”(GD14YYS04);国家社会科学基金艺术学项目“隐晦与新生——中国民间手工纸的艺术应用研究”(14CG133)。
周文娟, 黎斌.网络视频贴片广告效果影响因素探索[J].社会工作与管理,2015,15(3):82—86.
1671- 623X(2015)03- 0082- 05