

世界建筑 2015年8期










1860年代,尚在青年的勃拉姆斯在谱写《德意志安魂曲》(Ein Deutsches Requiem)时,将自己珍视多年的为其交响曲行板乐章准备的素材写成了第二乐章《灵肉如草木》(Denn alles Fleisch,es ist wie Gras)。在这一借助德语新约的诗篇中,人的肉体存在的稍纵即逝与精神存在的长久令人惊叹地融为一体。而在建成的空间中,这种无尽的光荣又何尝不是一种永恒。


One law that is consistent throughout human civilisation is,everyone will face death as the end. The ticking clock of life never stops urging us to this final moment. The only way of human resistance to it is the construction of the stories of afterlives. Actually, it is this capability of construction that differentiates humans from other creatures.

Death might be a forbidden topic. Yet the attitude towards death forms the principal distinction among civilisations. One representation of this distinction is the built space related to death. It is here that narratives about life and death presents themselves. It is here that human dignity manifests in all kinds of interpretations.

Let's paint it with a broad brush here. Attitudes towards death may well be categorised as the following: fear, disinterest and denial.

Without doubt, feat is the prime attitude towards death from prehistoric times. Needless to mention the totem of venomous reptiles in tribal believes-which represents the most instant deathwe just need to look at the monumentality of tombs across Eastern and Western civilisation. From the mystic sculptures in Song Tombs to Boullee's Newton Cenotagh, the super-natural, grand narrative of death is something that goes beyond beings. In this narrative,the alive pays an unmistakable tribute to the deceased, in a fashion not unfamiliar to the "I'm being watched by those passed away" mentality. Even in the 21st century, the anxiety of the unknown word of death still prevails in funeral buildings. Meticulously choreographed spatial sequence, deliberated prescribed feelings in the built space strictly constraints the behaviours of the alive. Either in the symmetry of Medici Chapel or in the three-kilometre axis of Qing Eastern Tombs, the fear and respect of the deceased is accurately conveyed.

The deliberate disinterest to death is another commonality in all modern history. That there is no difference between here and hereafter, that the transition between life and death is nothing more than a self-mocking cycle is everywhere. The secularisation of the gods turns the termination of lives into cheerful beginnings. The markets, streets and domestic lives of the afterlives creates an intimate sense of death to everyone. It is almost a soothing argument of modern life. In the built spaces of the 20th and 21st century, we constantly witness the optimism of death from the colours, scales and day-lightings.

Perhaps different from the two situations aforementioned, the denial of death is a relative contemporary thing. In his master piece,The Denial of Death, twentieth century cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker states a simple argument that is hard to attack-it is the denial of death that makes art and philosophy of mankindyet it is almost ironic that Becker himself passed away two months before his work was acknowledged by the Pulitzer Prize. Becker may feel reassured that from visual art to architecture, his argument has been proven time and again. As one obvious example, Carlo Scarpa's Brion Cemetery push the Eastern-Western spiritual belief to its extreme, well beyond the imagination of the mortals. Death is just one stop in the ever-evolving cycles of life. This point is frequently repeated in architecture of the 20th and the 21st century.

In the 1860s, the still young Johannes Brahms composed A German Requiem, in which he turns his much cherished material for a symphonic andante to the 2nd movement Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras. In this movement built upon the German Gospel, the temporality of human flesh and the eternity of human spirit merged into a seamless whole. In the recent built spaces, this seamless whole carries on.

For human dignity, let's pay some attention to the spaces related to death. That is the glorious topic of this edition of World Architecture.□

On Space, On Death




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