

武夷科学 2015年0期

林坚贞, 张艳璇, 陈 霞, 孙 莉, 斋藤裕, 马立名

(1.福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 福建 福州 350013;

2.中国鼠疫布氏菌病预防控制基地, 吉林 白城 137000)


林坚贞1, 张艳璇1, 陈霞1, 孙莉1, 斋藤裕1, 马立名2

(1.福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 福建 福州 350013;

2.中国鼠疫布氏菌病预防控制基地, 吉林 白城 137000)

摘要:对牙买加手绥螨Cheiroseius jamaicensis Evans et Hyatt, 1960, 尼泊尔手绥螨Cheiroseius nepalensis Evans et Hyatt, 1960和帕尔巴特手绥螨Cheiroseius parbatensis Evans et Hyatt, 1960作了再描述,并对形态特征进行了鉴别。

关键词:蜱螨亚纲; 中气门目; 镰螨科; 手绥螨属; 鉴别

Distinction ofCheiroseiusjamaicensisEvansetHyatt,Cheiroseiusnepalensis

EvansetHyatt andCheiroseiusparbatensisEvansetHyatt

Lindquist & Moraza (2010)将镰螨科分镰螨亚科(Blattisociinae Garman, 1948)和扁绥螨亚科(Platyseiinae Evans, 1957),共12个属。扁绥螨亚科含3个属:小手绥螨属(CheiroseiulusEvans & Baker, 1991),扁绥螨属(PlatyseiusBerlese, 1916)和手绥螨属(CheiroseiusBerlese, 1916)。Zhang & Fan(2010)报道我国该属13种,其中中国大陆分布有9个种,台湾分布有4个种。牙买加手绥螨CheiroseiusjamaicensisEvansetHyatt, 1960, 尼泊尔手绥螨CheiroseiusnepalensisEvansetHyatt, 1960, 和帕尔巴特手绥螨CheiroseiusparbatensisEvansetHyatt, 1960形态特征相似,为便于鉴定,现根据中国大陆标本重新描述,并指出鉴别特征。文中测量单位为μm,括号内为测量均值。标本保存于福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所。

1牙买加手绥螨CheiroseiusjamaicensisEvansetHyatt, 1960

雌螨(图1)。体黄色,卵圆形,长505,宽323。背板长484,宽290,布满网纹,具刚毛36对,末端达不到(少数毛达到)下位毛基部,F2较短,S8微小。胸板后缘凹,前部有1对弧形线纹,具胸毛3对,隙孔2对。胸后板小而圆,具胸后毛和第3对隙孔。生殖板具毛1对。腹肛板近圆形,长118,宽124,具肛前毛3对和围肛毛3根,第1对肛前毛和Ad较长。Ad位于肛孔后缘水平之后,长于肛孔,PA短,约等于肛孔长。气门沟宽于邻近纵带。足后板小,椭圆形。生殖板与腹肛板之间有杆状小骨片3对和刚毛2对,头盖具3细突,顶端分叉。螯钳动趾1齿,定趾有几个小齿。足I胫节长113,跗节长108,二者比为1: 0.9,胫节与跗节约等长。


研究标本:1 ♀,采自苔藓,湖北省宜昌夷陵,2006-06-05。1 ♀,2 ♂♂,采自苔藓,重庆市黑山谷,2013-11-18,均为林坚贞采。

图1 牙买加手绥螨Cheiroseius jamaicensis Evans et Hyatt, 1960 ♀

图2 牙买加手绥螨Cheiroseius jamaicensis Evans et Hyatt, 1960 ♂

2尼泊尔手绥螨CheiroseiusnepalensisEvansetHyatt, 1960

雌螨(图3)。体黄色,卵圆形,长419,宽323。背板长398,宽301,布满网纹,具刚毛36对,末端不达到下位毛基部,F2较短,S8微小。胸板后缘凹,前部有1对弧形线纹,具胸毛3对,隙孔2对。胸后板小而圆,具胸后毛和第3对隙孔。生殖板具毛1对。腹肛板近圆形,长118,宽108,具肛前毛3对和围肛毛3根,第1对肛前毛和Ad较长。Ad位于肛孔后缘水平之后,长于肛孔,PA短,约等于肛孔长。气门沟宽于邻近纵带。足后板小,椭圆形。生殖板与腹肛板之间有杆状小骨片2对和刚毛2对,头盖具3细突,顶端分叉。螯钳动趾1齿,定趾有几个小齿。足I胫节长183,跗节长140,二者比为1: 0.7,胫节长于跗节。

研究标本:1 ♀,采自树洞,福建省霞浦塔岗山,2006-09-18,林坚贞采。

图3 尼泊尔手绥螨Cheiroseius nepalensis Evans et Hyatt, 1960 ♀

3帕尔巴特手绥螨CheiroseiusparbatensisEvansetHyatt, 1960

雌螨(图4)。体黄色,卵圆形,长462,宽280。背板几乎覆盖整个背面,骨化较强,布满浓重网纹,具刚毛36对,末端不达到(少数毛达到)下位毛基部,F2较短,S8较长,但短于其余背毛。胸板后缘凹,前部无弧形线纹,具胸毛3对,隙孔2对。胸后板小,椭圆形,具胸后毛和第3对隙孔。生殖板具毛1对。腹肛板近五角形,长140,宽194,宽大于长,具肛前毛3对和围肛毛3根,均较短。Ad位于肛孔后缘水平之后,稍长于肛孔,PA短,约等于肛孔长。气门沟宽于邻近纵带。足后板小,椭圆形。生殖板与腹肛板之间有杆状小骨片3对和刚毛2对。螯钳二趾各有1齿。足I胫节长54,跗节长97,二者比为1: 1.8,胫节短于跗节。

研究标本:1 ♀,采自苔藓,贵州省黄果树,2007-07-19,林坚贞采。

图4 帕尔巴特手绥螨Cheiroseius parbatensis Evans et Hyatt, 1960 ♀


1 腹肛板近五角形,宽大于长。足I胫节短于跗节.....帕尔巴特手绥螨Cheiroseiusparbatensis.腹肛板近圆形,长宽略相等。足I胫节略等于或长于跗节......................2

2 足I胫节几乎等于跗节......................牙买加手绥螨Cheiroseiusjamaicensis



Evans GO,Hyatt KH.1960.A revision of the Platyseiinae(Mesostigmata:Aceosejidae)based on material in the collections of the British Museum(Natural History).Bull.Brit.Mus.(Nat.Hist.) Zool.,6(2):26-101.

Lindquist EE,Moraza ML.2010.Revised diagnosis of the family Blattisociidae(Acari:Mesostigmata:Phytoseioidea),with a key to its genera and description of a new fungus-inhabiting genus from Costa Rica.Zootaxa,2479:1-21.

Zhang ZQ,Fan QH.2010.Blattisociidae of China:a review,with a checklist.Zoosymposia,4:280-287.



(Acari: Mesostigmata: Blattisociidae)

Jian-Zhen LIN1, Yan-Xuan ZHANG1, Xia CHEN1, Li SUN1,

Yutaka SAITO1, Li-Ming MA2



Abstract:The present paper reports distigush of Cheiroseius jamaicensis Evans et Hyatt, Cheiroseius nepalensis Evans et Hyatt and Cheiroseius parbatensis Evans et Hyatt.

1CheiroseiusjamaicensisEvansetHyatt, 1960 (Figs.1,2)

Female. Length of idiosoma 505 μm, width 323 μm. Dorsal shield 484 μm long and 290 μm wide, reticulated, with 36 pairs of setae, F2shorter, S8minute. Sternal shield with a pair of arched lines anteriorly, sternal setae 3 pairs, pores 2 pairs. MSt and the 3rdpair of pores situated on metasternal shields. Genital shield with 1 pair of setae.Ventro-anal shield subcircular, with 3 pairs of preanal setae and 3 perianal setae. Ad situated behind level of posterior margin of anus, longer than anus, PA subequal to anus in length. Peritreme broader than adjacent vertical band. Tectum 3 tined.Movable digit of chela unidentate, fixed digit with several small denticles. Tibia of leg I subequal to tarsus in length.

Male. Length of idiosoma 355-366 (av.360) μm, width 237-247 (av.242) μm. Dorsal shield covering entire dorsum, reticulation and setae as in female. Sterno-genital shield with 4 pairs of setae and 3 pairs of pores. Ventro-anal shield with 4 pairs of ventral setae and 3 perianal setae. Tectum as in female. Chela shown in Fig.2B. Tibia and tarsus of leg I equal in length.

Material examined. China: 1 ♀,ex. moss, Hubei, Yichang (30°46' N, 111°20' E), 5 June 2006, Jian-Zhen Lin; 1 ♀ and 2 ♂♂,ex. moss, Chongqing (29°34' N, 106°30' E), 18 Nov. 2013, Jian-Zhen Lin.

2CheiroseiusnepalensisEvansetHyatt, 1960 (Fig.3)

Female. Length of idiosoma 419 μm, width 323 μm. Dorsal shield 398 μm long and 301 μm wide, reticulated, with 36 pairs of setae, F2shorter, S8minute. Sternal shield with a pair of arched lines anteriorly, sternal setae 3 pairs, pores 2 pairs. MSt and the 3rdpair of pores situated on metasternal shields. Genital shield with 1 pair of setae. Ventro-anal shield subcircular, with 3 pairs of preanal setae and 3 perianal setae. Ad situated behind level of posterior margin of anus, longer than anus, PA subequal to anus in length. Peritreme broader than adjacent vertical band. Tectum 3 tined. Movable digit of chela unidentate, fixed digit with several small denticles. Tibia of leg I longer than tarsus.

Material examined. China: 1 ♀,ex. hole of tree, Fujian, Xiapu (26°54'N, 120°00'E), 18 Sep. 2006, Jian-Zhen Lin.

3CheiroseiusparbatensisEvansetHyatt, 1960 (Fig.4)

Female. Length of idiosoma 462 μm, width 280 μm. Dorsal shield covers almost entire dorsum, strongly reticulated, with 36 pairs of setae, F2shorter, S8longer but shorter than remaining dorsal setae. Sternal shield without arched line, sternal setae 3 pairs, pores 2 pairs. MSt and the 3rdpair of pores situated on metasternal shields. Genital shield with 1 pair of setae. Ventro-anal shield pentagonal, broader than long, with 3 pairs of preanal setae and 3 perianal setae all short. Ad situated behind level of posterior margin of anus, slightly longer than anus, PA subequal to anus in length. Peritreme broader than adjacent vertical band. Both digits of chela with 1 denticle respectively. Tibia of leg I shorter than tarsus.

Material examined. China: 1 ♀,ex. moss, Guizhou, Huangguoshu(25°57'N, 105°36'E), 19 July. 2007, Jian-Zhen Lin.

Differences of the 3 species of genusCheiroseiusas follows.

1 Ventro-anal shield pentagonal, broader than long. Tibia of leg I shorter than tarsus


Ventro-anal shield circular, length and width subequal


2 Tibia of leg I subequal in length to tarsus


Tibia of leg I longer than tarsus


Key words:Acari; Mesostigmata; Blattisociidae; Cheiroseius; distinction






收稿日期:2015-07-12; 发表日期:2015-10-31

